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Game Shark Codes

Ocarina of Time codes:

Version 1.0

8011B9E3 0020 Beta Quest
8111A605 03E7 Unlimited Rupees
8011B9A1 003B Infinite Time To Ride Epona at Lon Lon's
Ranch 8011A64B 0007 Have Fairy Ocarina
8011A64D 000A Have Hookshot
8011A64D 000B Have Longshot
8011A650 000E Have Boomerang
8011A651 000F Have Lens of Truth
8011A652 0010 Have Magic Beans
8011A66A 0009 Infinite Magic Beans
8011A653 0011 Have Megaton Hammer
8011A60E 0001 Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword
8011A671 0001 Have Quiver (Holds 30)
8011A699 0009 Infinite Small Keys
8011A678 0007 Have Big Key, Compass, & Map
8011A64B 0008 Have Ocarina of Time
8011A649 0005 Have Din's Fire (MP6)
8011A64F 000D Have Fairies Wind (MP6)
8011A655 0013 Have Nayru's Love (MP12)
8011A644 0000 Have Deku Stick
8011A65C 0009 Infinite Deku Sticks
8011A645 0001 Have Deku Nut
8011A65D 0009 Infinite Deku Nuts
8011A646 0002 Have Bombs
8011A65E 0009 Infinite Bombs
8011A647 0003 Have Fairy Bow
8011A65F 0009 Infinite Arrows
8011A64A 0006 Have Fairy Slingshot
8011A662 0009 Infinite Slingshot Ammo
8011A64C 0009 Have Bombchu
8011A664 0009 Infinite Bombchu's
8011A648 0004 Have Fire Arrow (MP2)
8011A64E 000C Have Ice Arrow (MP2)
8011A654 0012 Have Light Arrow (MP4)
8111A600 0140 Infinite Energy
8111A5FE 0140 Max Heart
8011A6A1 00FF Skulltulas Killed 8111A66C 7777 All Equipment
8111A7C4 03E7 Have 999 Rupees
8133F1DE 03E7
8111A674 30FF All Quest/Status Items
8111A676 FFFF
D01C84B5 0020 L Button For Moon Jump
811DAA90 40CB
D01C84B5 0030 Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R
811DB2B2 000D
D011A609 0008 Infinite Magic
8011A60A 0001
8011A60C 0001
8011A603 0060
8011A639 0011 C Left to Use Hammer
NOTE: You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a
kid, but you will
not see it.
8011A656 00xx Have Bottle 1 Modifier
8011A657 00xx Have Bottle 2 Modifier
8011A658 00xx Have Bottle 3 Modifier
8011A659 00xx Have Bottle 4 Modifier
Replace xx with:
14 Empty Bottle
15 Red Potion
16 Green Potion
17 Blue Potion
18 Bottled Fairy
19 Fish
1A Lon Lon Milk
1B Letter
1C Blue Fire
1D Bug
1E Big Poe
1F Lon LonMilk (Half)
20 Poe
8011A65A 00xx Item Modifier 1
Replace xx with:
2D Pocket Egg
2E Pocket Cucco
2F Cojiro
30 Odd Mushroom
31 Odd Potion
32 Poacher's Saw
33 Goron's Sword (Broken)
34 Prescription
35 Eyeball Frog
36 Eye Drops
37 Claim Check
8011A65B 00xx Item Modifier 2
Replace xx with:
21 Weird Egg
22 Chicken
23 Zelda's Letter
24 Keaton Mask
25 Skull Mask
26 Spooky Mask
27 Bunny Hood
28 Goron Mask
29 Zora Mask
2A Gerudo Mask
2B Mask of Truth
8011A672 00xx Equipment Modifier 1
Replace xx with:
02 Silver Scale
04 Golden Scale
06 Giant's Knife (Broken)
40 Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
80 Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
C0 Bullet Bag (Holds 50)
8011A673 00xx Equipment Modifier 2
Replace xx with:
08 Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
10 Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
18 Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
20 Goron's Bracelet
28 Silver Gauntlets
30 Silver Scale
8011A640 00xx Equipped Stuff Modifier
Replace xx with:
11 Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots
12 Goron Tunic & Kokiri Boots
13 Zora Tunic & Kokiri Boots
21 Kokiri Tunic & Iron Boots
22 Goron Tunic & Iron Boots
23 Zora Tunic & Iron Boots
31 Kokiri Tunic & Hover Boots
32 Goron Tunic & Hover Boots
33 Zora Tunic & Hover Boots
8111A5DC xxxx Time of Day Modifier
Replace xxxx with:
4000 At Sunrise
5800 Daylight Out
7000 Very Bright Out
C000 At Sunset
D000 Fairly Dark

Version 1.1

8011A80B 0007 Always Have Fairy Ocarina
8011A80D 000A Always Have Hookshot
8011A80D 000B Always Have Longshot
8011A810 000E Always Have Boomerang
8011A811 000F Always Have Lens of Truth
8011A812 0010 Always Have Magic Beans
8011A82A 0009 Infinite Magic Beans
8011A813 0011 Always Have Megaton Hammer
8011A7CE 0001 Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword
8011A831 0001 Have Quiver (Holds 30)
8011A859 0009 Infinite Small Keys
8011A838 0007 Have Big Key, Compass, & Map
8011A80B 0008 Have Ocarina of Time
8011A809 0005 Have Din's Fire (MP6)
8011A80F 000D Have Fairies Wind (MP6)
8011A815 0013 Have Nayru's Love (MP12)
8011A804 0000 Have Deku Stick
8011A81C 0009 Infinite Deku Sticks
8011A805 0001 Have Deku Nut
8011A81D 0009 Infinite Deku Nuts
8011A806 0002 Have Bombs
8011A81E 0009 Infinite Bombs
8011A807 0003 Have Fairy Bow
8011A81F 0009 Infinite Arrows
8011A80A 0006 Have Fairy Slingshot
8011A822 0009 Infinite Slingshot Ammo
8011A80C 0009 Have Bombchu
8011A824 0009 Infinite Bombchu's
8011A808 0004 Have Fire Arrow (MP2)
8011A80E 000C Have Ice Arrow (MP2)
8011A814 0012 Have Light Arrow (MP4)
8111A7C0 0140 Infinite Energy
8111A7BE 0140 Max Heart
8011A861 00FF Skulltulas Killed
8111A82C 7777 All Equipment
D01C8675 0020 L Button For Moon Jump
811DAC50 40CB
D01C8675 0030 Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R
811DB472 000D
D011A7C9 0008 Infinite Magic
8011A7CA 0001
8011A7CC 0001
8011A7C3 0060
8111A834 30FF All Quest/Status Items
8111A836 FFFF
8011A7F9 0011 C Left to Use Hammer
NOTE: You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a
kid, but you
will not see it.
8011A816 00xx Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier
8011A817 00xx Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier
8011A818 00xx Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier
8011A819 00xx Always Have Bottle 4 Modifier
Replace xx with:
14 Empty Bottle
15 Red Potion
16 Green Potion
17 Blue Potion
18 Bottled Fairy
19 Fish
1A Lon Lon Milk
1B Letter
1C Blue Fire
1D Bug
1E Big Poe
1F Lon Lon Milk (Half)
20 Poe
8011A81A 00xx Item Modifier 1
Replace xx with:
2D Pocket Egg
2E Pocket Cucco
2F Cojiro
30 Odd Mushroom
31 Odd Potion
32 Poacher's Saw
33 Goron's Sword (Broken)
34 Prescription
35 Eyeball Frog
36 Eye Drops
37 Claim Check
8011A81B 00xx Item Modifier 2
Replace xx with:
21 Weird Egg
22 Chicken
23 Zelda's Letter
24 Keaton Mask
25 Skull Mask
26 Spooky Mask
27 Bunny Hood
28 Goron Mask
29 Zora Mask
2A Gerudo Mask
2B Mask of Truth
8011A832 00xx Equipment Modifier 1
Replace xx with:
02 Silver Scale
04 Golden Scale
06 Giant's Knife (Broken)
40 Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
80 Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
C0 Bullet Bag (Holds 50)
8011A833 00xx Equipment Modifier 2
Replace xx with:
08 Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
10 Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
18 Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
20 Goron's Bracelet
28 Silver Gauntlets
30 Silver Scale
8011A800 00xx Equipped Stuff Modifier
Replace xx with:
11 Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots
12 Goron Tunic & Kokiri Boots
13 Zora Tunic & Kokiri Boots
21 Kokiri Tunic & Iron Boots
22 Goron Tunic & Iron Boots
23 Zora Tunic & Iron Boots
31 Kokiri Tunic & Hover Boots
32 Goron Tunic & Hover Boots
33 Zora Tunic & Hover Boots
8111A79C xxxx Time of Day Modifier
Replace xxxx with:
4000 At Sunrise
5800 Daylight Out
7000 Very Bright Out
C000 At Sunset
D000 Fairly Dark

Mask of Majora codes:

none yet.