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The Story

In the very beginning of time, three glowing goddesses sprang forth from chaos. They were Din, Nayru, and Farore.

Din, with her strong, flaming arms, gathered rocks, and formed the earth. Nayru spread justice and rule to the world, and Farore made the ground fertile, and made the plants and animals thrive in the land. And so Hyrule was created.

Their marvelous creation complete, the goddesses ascended into the heavens. They left a token of their greatness behind to the mortals--three gleaming golden triangles, the Triforce. Each triangle represents a goddess and a virtue. One triangle, the Triforce of Power, is a gift from Din, another, from Farore, is the Triforce of Courage, and, finally, the Triforce of Wisdom, from Nayru. He or she who possesses the full Triforce has the power to rule the world.

If the Triforce falls into the hand of one of a pure, kind heart, the world will flourish with goodness and justice, however, if he or she is wicked and cruel, the earth will be enveloped in evil and hatrid.

Nestled near the plains of Hyrule, in the southeastern part of the land, an enchanted woods sprang forth, with trees of every kind. It was called Kokiri Forest. A group of elfin people lived in this forest, the Kokiri. The Kokiri children were very unlike other children, for they never grew up. They stayed youthful forever.

The Guardian Spirit of the Kokiri, the one who gave them life, was the Great Deku Tree. He forever watched them through his wise eyes, and guarded them faithfully, for if any child left the forest, he or she would die. To make sure they remained safe, the Deku Tree gave every Kokiri a guardian fairy of his own. However, there was one boy who did not have a fairy.

The child was named Link. Most of his fellow Kokiri respected him, but the bullyish boss, grumpy Mido, disliked Link because of his difference. He ridiculed him, insulted him, pushed him around, and wouldn't accept him as a Kokiri.

Day after day rolled by, and Link was bullied endlessly by Mido. But nights were even worse. Every time the sun sank behind the trees, and the moon ascended into the sky, Link had the same dream.

In the dream, Link would see a drawbridge of a castle being lowered on a dark and stormy night. A white horse would come galloping over the bridge. Upon the horse, he could make out the figure of a pale, frightened face.

The snow-white horse would gallop into the far distance, and then, the most frightening part of the dream--the black stallion. It was not so much the stallion that troubled Link--It was the rider. The man wore dark armor, his large body was erect and packed with muscle, and his eyes were like portals into pure evil.

"Hello, Link."

It was morning once again, and Link heard an unfamiliar voice. He tossed and turned, and the owner of the voice dragged him out of his sleep.

When Link was fully awake, he saw a figure floating above him. He knew by her soft, high-pitched voice that she was a fairy. The fairy said her name was Navi, and told Link that the Great Deku Tree had summoned him.

Link set out to visit his guardian right away. But, just before he could get into the Deku Tree's meadow, he was stopped by Mido, who told him he could not go see the Deku Tree without proper weapons. So, Link searched the forest, and found a Deku Shield and the Kokiri Sword.

Mido, quite astonished when Link returned with his sword and shield, finally stepped aside and let him through. Link made his way to the presence of the Great Deku Tree.

The Great Deku Tree, while very pleased to see Navi the fairy and Link, was greatly troubled, and told them that he had been put under an evil spell, and asked Link to help him break the curse. Link accepted his request, and the Deku Tree opened his mouth and let the two of them slip within his bark.

Link, after breaking the spell, walked out from inside the Deku Tree, very proud of what he had just done. But, unfortunately, his effort had been in vain. The curse was lifted, but so was the Deku Tree. Before he passed on, he told Link of the evil man of the desert who was the cause of this terrible deed. And, with his last breath, the Deku Tree gave to Link a precious treasure--the Kokiri's Emerald.

Link now had to do away with the evil desert man before he destroyed the world, and Navi was to accompany the boy. They would have to venture to the world beyond Kokiri Forest. One of the things the Deku Tree had requested was to visit with a Princess.

Link had a long, exciting quest laid before him. He would be faced with firy dragons, active volcanoes, evil spirits, stormy deserts, and several other obstacles to overcome. He would also meet with lots of people, some good and helpful: A ranch girl, fishlike people, a lovely Princess, a gravekeeper--but there were also those who were cruel--a sinister desert man, an evil phantom, nasty witches, and several others.

With courage, determination, and the help of his guardian fairy--perhaps the young lad could save the land of Hyrule from its horrible fate.

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