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Animations -50-

My E-Fed finisher,the Ice-Driver-MUCH SMOOTHER VERSION!

My E-Fed finisher,the Ice-Driver

Powerbomb off a ladder onto a flaming table

A flip reversed into a powerbomb onto a flaming table

A tombstone off a ladder through a glass table

Kidman kicks Goldberg off of a ladder onto the outside and gives him his finisher,the Shooting Star Press

My Ice-Driver off of a balcony onto a Pop-Machine

A tombstone off of a Pop-Machine through a table

Sabu's flip is reversed by Rob Van Dam's finisher,the VanDaminator

Stone Cold giving the stunner to Santa

A suplex into a piledriver onto a Barb-Wired Board

A piledriver off a balcony through 7 tables

X-Pac gives Juvi a Suplex-to-Facebuster and then Rey Jr. gives Juvi a Moonsault

Kane gives X-Pac a modified version of the Tombstone

Road Dogg giving Val Venis the Shake,Rattle and Roll punches

My guy,Tomahawk,giving the PowerDriver to Edge

HHH giving Juvi a Suplex-to-DDT move

Rey Jr's moonsault is reversed into D-Lo's K-Driller

My 2nd Stunner ever,a LOT better than my first

Mankind giving Undertaker some sort of move,just check it out

Al Snow giving The Rock a Lyger Bomb off the Top-Rope onto a Barbed-Wire Board

HHH giving Dude Love a Reverse Powerbomb and then X-Pac sets up the X-Factor

HHH giving Dude Love a Reverse Powerbomb and then X-Pac sets up the X-Factor-FIXED VERSION!

New Jack jumping on Sabu off a Basketball Hoop through a table

Sabu gives Rob Van Dam a Shooting Star Press off a balcony through a board supported by 2 ladders

Sabu gives Rob Van Dam a modified Leg Drop through a table off the top rope

Tajiri gives Raven a Suplex-DDT kinda move off a "HomeBoy Cola" Pop-Machine onto a chair

Raven giving Justin Credible the Evenflow DDT onto a chair

Tommy Dreamer giving Sabu a sweet DDT move off the top-rope to the outside onto a Barbed-Wire Board

My first-ever Outsiders Edge

Edge giving X-Pac a Emerald Frosion

Jericho giving X-Pac the Double Powerbomb-To-Pin move

Mike Awesome giving some guy a Powerbomb off the Top-Rope through a table

My guy Flame Boy giving a guy a very cool move

My guy Tornado giving Val Venis a cool Powerbomb-Piledriver move

My guy doing the Choke-Bomb off the balcony through a table

My guy giving the Hell-Driver through 2 tables

Cactus Jack piledriving a guy onto an exploding Barb-Wire board

Cactus Jack elbow-dropping Terry Funk off a ladder onto an exploding Barb-Wire board

Terry Funk throwing Cactus Jack into an exploding Barb-Wire rope

This is a different kind of DDT by some guy

This is a move I call the "HomeBoyBomb." Its on a Barb-Wire board

This a Double-Underhook Piledriver,but this version hurts more

A powerbomb through my scaffold and then through a table

This is like a Super-Shoulder Buster or something

A moonsault off a ladder on the cage turned into a hurricarana-type move off the cage through a flaming table

Green Machine going for a powerbomb on Sabu but HomeBoy dropkicks Sabu before Green Machine can finish the powerbomb

HomeBoy tries to kick Stone Cold but Stone Cold reverses it into a stunner

Sabu does a Triple Jump Moonsault DDT

An edited Evenflow DDT

HomeBoyDriver through a table on a Playstation

Legdrop off a balcony then turns it into a reverse hurricarana

Praying Sitdown Powerbomb off the apron through a table

A skateboarder tries to skateboard for his first time

A powerbomb onto a chair and a table,his ass hits the chair and his head hits the table

The Dudley Boyz' 3D