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Tuesday, June 6, 2000
At last night's guildmeeting, those present unanimously voted to join Shangra's new guild, Militia. Beginning today, we will be moving our primary and some secondary characters into our new guild. I will leave this site up and running for the sake of posterity and in the event we wish to return someday =)

Here is a link to the Militia guild message board!



Member Stories


Skill Guides


EQ Links

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Email Millennium


Tuesday, April 4, 2000
Congratulations to our beloved Shadow Knight, Redrick Gape, on helping to slay Innoruk in the wee hours of this morning/last night and receiving from the loot a Bloodmoon!

Also, welcome Skylyn, Zaya, and Wocoom!... and Welcome Back, Nystrom!

Sunday, March 26, 2000
Minor updates to the member page.  Hayzeus's surname added until it gets taken away again ;-)  Also, I've decided to return to my original primary caracter, Chitsuko Washite, so this change is reflected on the page as well.

Thursday, March 23, 2000
Today, I've added a few skill guides: Brewing, Tailoring, and Fletching.

Also, welcome Jandor and Elandrea!

Thursday, March 16, 2000
Today, we welcomed three new members into the fold.  All are honorable veterans on the E'ci server, known across all Norrath.  May they bring pride to our collective and may we serve them well. Welcome to the fray, Delorn (Cleric), Tantha (Bard), and Bikel (Enchanter)!

In other news, members of Millennium helped to bring down Nagafen today as part of a public raid planned for the repop after today's server downtime.

Coming Soon: an update (creation) of the Photos pages! Stay Tuned =)

Thursday, March 9, 2000
Chitsuko here =)... I have tinkered with the site a little. Gonna be developing the format and interface over time. Currently, I've retooled existing pages, and I've created a title banner for our guildname. I'll create a smaller one for other sites to link to us probably tomorrow, and I'll continue to retool pages and try to fix up some dead image links. Cheers!

Wednesday, March 8, 2000
Well I have the new website up. Hopefully this address will work a bit better for ppl. I also made a new forum page using EZboards. We can do alot more fun things using this forum, like a little picture hehe. Once again, please go sign up for the mailing list at, ecimillennium. Today, I'll work on the Links and Member pages. If you have any nice screenshots to include in the Photos section, put them on the ecimillennium onelist files section. Spellbounder and Gilly have done that so far. It's a fun way to see what everyone's up to :). Remember, Slayna has us involved in an efreeti raid on Thursday night, send her a tell or email if you want to participate. Friday night at 6 pm cst, we are invited to bring one group on a Nagafen Raid. So far I have Python, Slayna and myself ....we need tanks..Lenur? Tanrea? Bubbleg? Redrick? Spellbounder? (not tank but we need to get you that mask :)).