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Chapter 5 – Journey to the Kingdom of the Anemos

Chapter 5 – Journey to the Kingdom of the Anemos

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #1

Forlorn sat up, his head filled with cloudy images similar to the dream he had just experienced. A sharp pain ran through his chest.

"How are you feeling, Forlorn?" The apothecary asked,with a worried look on her face.

"My...chest hurts..."

"Well! I should hope so! You broke four ribs fighting that guy out there. It's a wonder you're awake this early at all!"

"How long have I been out?"

"3 days. honestly, even Erik didn't sleep for that long."

"Bonix? You scoundrel! Where the hell have you been?"

"Evacuation. We thought the army would have done more damage, so we evacuated the city to be safe."

"And what of Avaryan?"

"He's out somewhere, probably in a meeting, discussing the aftermath of this catastrophe, and what to do next."

"Where...Is Marianna? I would have thought she would be here..."

"You mean the young girl?" The apothecary chimed in, "She went to her room, she looked rather perturbed, maybe you should go talk to her. But you shouldn't be up for at least another week, I--"

"No time for recovery...This has to be stopped."

"I insist that you stay in bed, Forlorn. You don't want to break any more bones."

"...Fine...Bonix, go fetch Marianna for me, will you?"

"Sure. Be right back."

The apothecary grabbed a roll of bandages, and proceeded to wrap Forlorn in them around his chest. She hummed a song whilst doing this, and said, "This should stop the swelling, you may be stiff for a while, but, it's to be expected." She continues the tune, and Forlorn remembered something about it that he heard long ago...

" did you...learn that...?"

"Oh? A childhood friend taught it to me...I haven't seen her in ages..."

"Please, tell me...where was this...friend of yours?"

"Well, it was a long time ago, but the vilage was near Xian, in the far east, resting in the mountains."

"And your friend's name was..."

"Rebecca." They both said in unison.

"You...knew my...mother...?"

"What!? Your mother? Wow, how is she doing?"


"Oh...I'm so sorry...I didn't know..."

"It's...okay...just...hum that one more time...?"

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #2

The apothecary finished the song.

"...Thank you. At least you, understand what has happened...nobody even seems to care anymore..."

"There is no problem, child...I'm deeply sorry for the grief I caused. Please forgive me?"

" aren't at was i who brought it up it the first place. Perhaps later you can tell me more of my mother...I would like that al--"

Bonix burst through the door.

"F-Forlorn! It's Marianna! She's gone!!!"

"What!? ...Dammit!"

Forlorn and Bonix rushed out and to the barracks, where their rooms were.

All that was left was a note, written in scrawled symbols, and what looked to be feathers tied by a strand of hair.

"Dammit to hell! What does this say?!"

"I can't even recognize these symbols...We need Avaryan."

Avaryan came from the entrance.

"What happened? Where is Marianna?"

"I don't know...but this letter has something to do with it."

"Can you read this, Avaryan?"


"Well!? Can you!?"


"What do you mean, no!? What's the difference from your native language and this?"

"I've no time to explain the complexities of--"

"We've no time to listen either! We need this translated, and quick!"

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #3

"Well, the court mages are working on the letter as we speak. If all goes well, they may have it translated by dinner." Avaryan concluded.

"Dinner?! Ah well...It's not that far away...tell them to hurry...I'll be outside, getting ready." Forlorn replied.

"Ready? For what?"

"What else?" Forlorn cracked his knuckles. "I'll kill every last one of them."

"WHAT?! Y-you can't just...kill them! They might be super intelligent beings, all knowing in the history of Weyard! If you kill them, we may never get another chance!"

"Ah...well, I was never good with history anyway."

"You care about her don't you?"

"Me? Pheh. I think she can take care of herself, I'm just going 'cause I've nothing better to do."

"WHAT?!?! Are you serious?! You'll slaughter an entire race because you've nothing better to do?!"

"That's the plan."



(enter Analyst1 and 2)

"Sir, we've analysed every language we know of! Not one matches the writing at all!"

"Urg...Oh well." He threw the paper to the ground, and walked off. The remaining one tilted his head at the paper for a second, before realizing what it was.


"Sir! Sir! I've figured it out! Look!"

"It still looks like gibberish to me."

"Flip it around."

He flipped the paper upside down and saw that it was plain English.

"Oh! Okay! We must get this to Avaryan quickly!"

"Highlord! We've figured it out! Pretty sneaky giving us an upside down paper to decipher. We were fooled for about thirty minutes!" "Uhh...Yeah...just give it here."

Greetings, We thank you for taking care of the girl for so long, please accept ur heartfelt gratitude for keeping her safe from danger. If you would like to see her, please come to the Grand Hall right away. Just pray to the feathers, and they will show you the path.

Dragoon Taryn, RP #4

Taryn tapped her foot impatiently. "Okay Erik, I KNOW you said you could find your way to Avaryan's palace on your own, but we've been walking for two bloody hours!"

Erik laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "But I really do know I can find it! I just have to trust my Mercury intuitions and..."

He was suddenly cut off when Taryn put her hand against Erik's back and dug her nails into his flesh. Stange waves of Dark energy entered his body, and he was slightly stunned when Taryn pulled her hand away.

When he regained his senses, Taryn smiled sweetly at him. "Okay, I think we should go the way I say, don't you?"

Erik nodded, confused at what had just happened. I feel like something odd just happened, but I have no idea what it was, he thought, Maybe Taryn...

He shook the thought out of his head immediately. Taryn would never do anything to hurt him, or make him sick, or anything like that.

Taryn waved her hand in front of Erik's face. "Hey space, I found the palace."

"Really? Where was it?"

Taryn pointed her finger at the very large eyesore of a palace that looked VERY hard to miss. "I've noticed it the whole time, it's sad that YOU didn't."

Erik sighed. "Okay okay, so I didn't see it. Now that we know where it is, let's go."

~Crystal Magician~, RP #5

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Forlorn, "Let's get the the Grand Hall and find her."

"Alright," replied Avaryan, "The Grand Hall is this way...."

Two of Avaryan's soldiers burst in.

"Sir," said the taller of the two soldiers, "Our spies have detected two unknowns making there way towards the palace. Based on how they are dressed they must be foreiners."

"Thank you," replied Avaryan, "You're dismissed."

"Yes Sir!" said both the soldiers

"I will see to our new guests personally," said Avaryan.

"Vadin," commanded Avaryan to his servant, "Take Forlorn and the others to the Grand Hall...also see to it that all breakables are removed before I return."

"As you command my Lord," replied Vadin

"Forlorn, go with Vadin to the Grand Hall....and take this," said Avaryan as he handed him his sword

Immediatly Avaryan turned and made his way to the palace gates.

~~~~A few minutes later, outside the gates~~~~

"So how do we get in?" asked a confused Erik, "It looks like it's locked and that's atleast 30 feet, too high to climb."

"Well...I suppose we have no choice," said Taryn, "We will just have to knock it down."

"Or you could just knock!" said a voice from above the gates.

As the two looked up, they were surprised to see Avaryan staring down at them.

"Magic...I mean, Avaryan," said Erik, "It's good to see you, now can you let us in?"

After a moment of silence, Avaryan finally responded.

"I'm afraid I can't let strangers walk so freely into my city," replied Avaryan with a serious expression on his face.

"What do you mean strangers?" asked Erik, "You've known me for years now!"

As Erik spoke, Avaryan leaped from the gate and brandished his sword, An-Sh'Endor.

"An-Sh'Endor! Sword of the Sun does not lie!" said Avaryan as he lifted his sword and pointed it towards......Taryn?, "Who are you?"

Taryn stood there, saying nothing; while Erik, stood there confused and speechless.

After a moment of silence went by, the voice of Vadin could be heard from the wall, yelling towards Avaryan in their strange tongue.

"Well then," said Avaryan to Erik and Taryn as he sheathed his sword, "All is ready for you...follow the Grand Hall."

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #6

"So...I guess we're almost there?"

"Err...Yes. The Grand Hall is a ruin, if you could say that, that semmed to be here since the founding of Cairbara, yet it hasn't taken any damage over all that time. it seems to be an artifact from a great civilization, forgotten by the people through time. Our sources indicate that it may be the last standing land building of the Anemos."

"The....Anemos!? But then why would the kidnappers want to meet here, of all places? Unless....Marianna has a connection to the Anemos?"

"It may be. The Contigans are the descendants of the Anemos, yet the true Anemosian city has yet to be found, so, there could be some Anemians alive."

"So, you're telling me that Marianna is Anemian?"


"What about the Grand Hall?"

"Well, none of our court mages could seem to unlock the mystery of the door. We've never been able to open it."

"How much farther until we get there?"

"Not too"

"HEY! GUYS! WAIT....UP!!!"

"Bonix? Late as always..."

"You guys left without me! How am I supposed to stay alone!? I have abondonment issues!"

"Riiiiight. So, I guess you are coming with us then?"

"Seems like it."

DjinnBread, RP #7

"Look, there's the Grand Hall," said Avaryan and pointed at a big, old looking structure in the middle of the snow plains, surrounded by dead trees and a black humoungus mountain.

Forlorn: Woah! That is HUGE! ANd I can't even see the top of that mountain!

Avaryan: Impressive, eh? It's always impressive when you see it for the first time.

Bonix: Are you kidding with me? Even the building is taller than Air's Rock!

Avaryan took his right hand out of the pocket with an orb in his cold palm. The orb seemed to be in a very old state, and its structure looked very unique. Bonix and Forlorn looked curiously at the orb.

Bonix: Hey, what's that orb for?

Avaryan: Well, since this area probably has hidden treasures and mysteries, I have devoloped a trap system, just in case some crazy evil guy wants to take over the Grand Hall. This orb is used to disarm the traps.

Forlorn: What kind of traps?

Avaryan let out an little evil grin and began rubbing the orb.

Forlorn: I don't like that look... -.-

The earth suddenly started trembling. Few seconds passed as they feel trees falling down from the rumbling. A large oak fell, right in front of Forlorn's group.

Avaryan: Hey, this time I didn't get hit!

Bonix: WHAT?! That's your trap?! You almost got us killed!

Forlorn: You really need to adjust the traps in the future...

Avaryan: Well, it was supposed to do other stuff as well, but...

Guy who so obviously pwns you(Forlorn): What do you mean 'other stuff'?

Avaryan took his left hand and rubbed the behind of his head. "Well... eh.. let's get going."

Avaryan: Well, here we are, and you can just ignore those skeletons.

Forlorn: So, shall we try to get in by force?

Bonix: Yeah, lets.

Avaryan looked at Bonix (-.-), with his right hand covered his right eye.

Avaryan: Don't you think we've already tried?

Bonix: Oh...

Forlorn: I'm sure you have, yet your army is small, your demolitionists are incompetent, and I'm the best there is.()

Avaryan: ...destroy that huge door, which is tall as thousand men?

Forlorn: You're damned right!

Bonix: Oh...time to leave...

Avaryan quickly changed his face expression and ran as fast as he could, passing Taryn and Erik as he fled.

Erik: Hey! Avaryan!? Where ya going?

Avaryan: Forlorn...explosion...notimegottagoseeyabye!

Taryn: It would be wise to take cover, and by that, I mean you have been promoted to human shield, Erik.

Erik:! Why do I have to be a human sheild?

Forlorn: Fire as pure as Sol, power as deep as the sea, I call for your power....come to me! Bolganone!

Bonix: Wait...up...!

Bonix looked behind him to see chain reaction explosions.

Avaryan: Well, seems he found the traps....

Five minutes later....

Forlorn: Did anyone catch the number of that Bomb?

Forlorn falls over, twitching on the ground, while Avaryan rests his head in his palm.

Erik: Hah! idiot!

An elm tree creaks, and crumbles down, falling on Erik, and pounding him into the ground.

Taryn and Bonix heartily laugh, and it echoes throughout the canyons.

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #8

A quiet night, the cold beached the tents out group set up in front of the Grand Hall. Avaryan, in the largest tent, with Taryn and Erik in a slightly smaller one, Bonix in the smallest one, with Forlorn sleeping under the stars.

He leaned against the large building, staring into space, wondering about how Marianna was, and if anything had happened to her.

Slowly, he started to feel drowzy, and fell asleep.

"Again...with the darkness..."

Forlorn was again, in a large black area, which we shall dub 'Oblivion.'

"Why am I always ending up here? What is with this place...?"

His voice echoed through the emptiness, as if something else was there.

His question was answered by a breach in the darkness, a flutter of whitre cloth, and the appearance of a large dragon.

At the same time, opposite of this dragon, a dark figure with a single black wing on his left shoulder appeared, staring the dragon down with heartfelt contempt.

They slowly got closer and closer to eachother, and as they did, they reverted to different forms.

The dragon, shrank and molded into a beautiful woman, wearing a white kimono, adorned with red and green flowers.

The demon, slowly turned to a man, about a foot taller than Forlorn, yet the two never lost their eyes' connection.

The yapproached eachother, and turned silently to Forlorn, standing at the middle of their path, and in unison, both whispered a single word... 'õéüs'
(greek language, important!!! Translate this, it's IMPORTANT)

Forlorn woke up, still in the middle of the night, to strange smacking sound coming from the tents. He decided he'd better not even think about it, and went back to sleep.

"So, King of the Anemos, how should we deal with you?"

"D..Do...what you want with me, but leave my daughter alone!"

"Now, now, we can't have any of that, can we? Guard, bring the wench out!"

A solitary guard pushed a young girl out nto the light.

"Marianna! Are you safe?!"

"Who...who are you? I demand you release me at once!! If you don't, people will come for you!!"

"Like who, my dear? Your precious freinds? Those idiots would never get here, the kingdom's finest guard the entryway to the castle, and not even I could stand against the rest of the army who reside in it! Accept your fate, abide by my demands or I'll show you the true meaning of pain!"

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #9

Forlorn woke up, it was still quite dark out, and he guessed it to be about three in the morning. He went to his travel bag, and pulled out the feathers he had received earlier, along with the note.

"Pray to the feathers, eh?"

No sooner had he said this, that the feathers started to glow, lighting up the clearing he was in. In a bright flash of light, a path was shown, ascending to the heavens. He grabbed his bag, and started the long climb up.


"Daughter of the King, we have finally retreived you, and, with you in our possession, we shall ascend to the throne that is rightfully ours!"

"W-What are you talking about? My home is down there!"

" must fully regain your memory before we can use you...the ceremony shall begin soon...just you wait."

"No, just you wait! My friends will save me! Forlorn will tear you to ribbon!"

"You sorely underestimate me, Princess, no human can defeat me...not you, not your father, and definetly not your friends. They will never make it here."

"You'll see! Y-hmhm!!!"

The figure gagged her, and turned to leave.

"Quiet, my dear, all will be clear soon...hahahha!!!"

*several hours later*

"Hey, where'd Forlorn go? Avaryan asked. I made breakfast and he's the only one who isn't here."

"Oh, well, more for me!"

Erik lunged for the food in the pan over the fire, and burned himself on it.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"HeeHee...Erik you are such a dork!"

"Yeah, and you should save some of that food for me!" Bonix interrupted.

"Oh, quiet you three. I don't know where he is, but I'm sure he's alright...Hey? What's this?"

A letter was protruding from Avaryan's tent.

You may be wondering where I am, well, don't. I'm going after Marianna alone, You'd better not follow me...if you value your life. I met the mercenary, and payed for him with coins out of the castle vault, don't worry, I'll pay you back...


"What's wrong?!"

"He stole my coins, and took the mercenary leader, Takeda!"

"Oh...that sucks.."

*Meanwhile(yes, again)*

"So...what am I here for?"

"A distraction."

"What?! You got me to meet you here for that?!"

"Would you rather I make use of your true identity? Hm, Takeru?"

"H-How do you know that name!?"

"It's on your shirt..."

The mercenary ripped the patch off his shirt.

"So...Why change your name?"

"Debt...lots of debt...took me forever to get away from them..."

"Riiiight, and i expect to get the coins I gave you back, right?"

"What?! Never!"

"Well, I happen to know some people who know some people who are looking for a mercenary leader to pay back some...debt...and I'm sure they would be quite happy to see you..."

"You wouldn't!"

"Would I?"

"Grr....Fine! Here! But NOT A WORD!"

They both arrived at the top of the path, and in front of them, was a great city unlike one you've ever seen, with streets paved with Orihalcon, and machines running up and down the streets, making loud noises as they flew down the roads.

"Welcome, the Anemian Royal City..."

~Crystal Magician~, RP #10

Meanwhile, Avaryan with the others, gathered together and wondered what to do next.

“We’ll simply go after them,” said Erik, “What else can we do?”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple,” replied Avaryan clearly flustered for some reason, “Forlorn, clearly warned us not to follow. Rushing blindly after him would be foolish.”

“No Avaryan,“ said Taryn from behind them, “That letter was addressed to you! It warned YOU not to follow….but why?”

“Because Forlorn knows something that you do not,” said Avaryan with a deep and almost sad tone in his voice.

After a moment of silence and thought, Taryn was the first to speak.

“Hmm, what do you mean by that Avaryan?” commented Taryn.

“If you must know,” started Avaryan regrettably, “The gift of foresight is a rare and complicated ability. Its powers are not for the common person to wield. This ability is one treasured above all throughout the Royal families of this world.”

“Huh?” shrugged a confused Erik, “Are you saying Forlorn is roy…..”

“Royalty,” interrupted Avaryan, “Yes Erik, that’s exactly what I’m saying. However, I doubt that Forlorn even knows this.”

“Ok,” said Taryn, “I can deal with that, but what does this have to do with what was in that note?”

“That’s not important now,” said Avaryan, “At least not for you. We’re going after them…now!”

“But what about Forlorn’s warning?” asked Erik, “Don’t you think….

“Are you forgetting that you travel with more than one person of royal birth? Do not underestimate me or my abilities. They far exceed what they were years ago when we first traveled together….now let’s go!”

So the party, lead by Avaryan, set a blazing course in the direction of the Anemian Royal City.

Several hours later the party, panting for air, came to a sudden halt.

“Why are we stopping here?” asked Erik, “There’s nothing anywhere in sight…just a lot of clouds!”

Without replying to Erik’s words, Avaryan reached into his robes, pulled out a small amulet of crystal, and then closed his eyes. Moments later the wind blew and the clouds began to move. As the light shown down between the clouds a pathway was revealed.

“This is our destination,” replied Avaryan, “Let us continue upward.”

The group said nothing as they made their way up the shining stairs. Instead, they kept their eyes on Avaryan, watching his every move. He seemed very distant, very cold. They all knew what he refused to say, something was going to happen…something bad.

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #11

"And just who are you?"

"I should be asking the same question, stranger. You, who have simply waltzed into our fine city without notice or provocation."

"I've come to retrieve something of mine. What that is, is none of your business."

"Okay, just don't cause any trouble. Oh, and stay away from the palace, there is a very special ceremony about to occur, and we would appreciate it greatly if you didn't...interfere."

"Fine, but may I ask a favor?"

"Go ahead, shoot."

"Close this passageway to all who follow. I'm sorta....being pursued."

"How so? We of the Anemos don't take kindly to lawbreakers, here or on main land."

"No, nothing like that, I just wish no harm to come to them..."

"Fine, be off then, and enjoy your stay."

"Good Day."

In the midst of the conversation, Takeru did as planned, and slipped off to 'borrow' some outfits. He came back with a few very expensive garments, meant for stealth, of both physical and mental kinds.

"This here seems to bind natural mental power, keeping the energy these powers eminate, so that it can't be sensed. comes in a nice black, too, perfect for our job."

"Our job? Sorry, but like I said, you are a distraction, you are to go through the front door, raise an uproar, and leave as fast as possible. Don't make any mistakes, I won't bail you out if you do."

"Tsk. You paid me all that money for that?"

"Oh, ye of little faith..."

Forlorn tried using his psynergy, but all he could muster was a small spark.

"The suit seems to work...Hm? What is this lined with?"

"Orihalcon, it's supposed to negate the effects of magic and the like, but I don't know about it at all."

"Riiight...well, let's go, we've got a prison break to attend..."

~Crystal Magician~, RP #12

“We’re almost there!” yelled Avaryan to a group that was quickly falling behind, “I’d say another minute until we reach the top!”

“Slow down!” cried out on the members.

“Wait up!” yelled another.

“Just a little further,” said Avaryan as he slowed to a walk, “And we’re here!”

As the group neared the top they noticed a rather larger than normal assembly of guards. When the group arrived at the summit they were immediately surrounded.

“Forlorn!” said Avaryan to himself, “Such low-level pranks won’t work on me!”

“What business do you have here?” asked one of the guards who observed their weary state, “And what’s the hurry?”

“I have no time for parlor tricks! Stand aside!” commanded Avaryan as he forced his way through the guards to the leader.

As Avaryan neared the leader he pulled some object from his robes and held it before the guard.

“As you can see,” Avaryan stated slowly, “You have no power of me. You shall let…us …pass!”

“Lord Avaryan!” cried out the guard in fear, “I did not know; however, I…I…cannot let you …pass…please forgive me.”

“Pray not for forgiveness,” said Avaryan with anger in his voice, “But for MERCY!”

With that being said Avaryan grabbed the officer viciously and threw him into the crowd of guards, knocking many of them over.

“You’ve wasted my time long enough!” yelled Avaryan as we walked towards the guards, “Start praying!”

As Avaryan reached the crowd of guards and before they could react, he quickly placed his hands together and cried out something in his own foreign tongue.

A piercing blue flash of energy pulsed from Avaryan’s body and when the light faded his party was surprised to find the guards standing unharmed…yet unmoving!

“Ahhh…what just happened?” asked a confused Erik, “What power was that?”

“I’ve told you once today that I’m not the same as I was years ago,” replied an annoyed Avaryan, “Now, let’s go! We’ve wasted enough time already!”

And without saying another word, Avaryan quickly lead the adepts down the same path Forlorn had just traveled no more than a half-hour ago.

“Curse you Forlorn!” scolded Avaryan to himself, “My mind is made up and my path is clear! My life is in my own hands and nothing you can do will stop me! This I swear between the blood that we share.”

White Rose, RP #13

"I've got the kid in my sights." An ominous voice whispered, as it peered out from within a group of bushes--silently stalking the young trio of Amon, Tristan, and the wolf girl named Seyra. A hand reached over, tapping a shoulder. "Wait Maro...." Said the voice in which the hand belonged too. Karr, a short skinny man of about 6'2", weighing 175lbs with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and simple farming clothes worn by both time, and the sun, spoke; finishing his sentence. "That girl has friends with her...." He said.

Maro, a tall burly man of 6'5", 210 pounds, short shaggy brown hair, hazel colored eyes, tanned hairy skin, and dirty farmer clothing—was sitting on one knee, hunched over a contraption of some kind. He shrugged off the distraction, as he was preparing the device, which lay rested on the ground next to him. The object was some sort of makeshift crossbow made from some kind of common metal. It had shoulder mount made of tanned leather on one end, and a net resting on the other end of it. The sturdy net was bundled together with thin rope made from horsehair, and had three or four small sharp points around it—used to connect the net to the earth on contact with it’s quarry.

Finally acknowledging his friend, Maro spoke up, a bit irritated with him, and his whining. "I can see that Karr." He whispered, while still looking at his device. When the weapon was ready a few minutes later, Maro placed it upon his shoulder, and looked through the bulls-eye circle located on top of the device. He made a shooting motion with his body as he pretended to shoot it off, and then put it back down on the ground again after that. "I won't hurt any of ‘em. Don't worry." He said again, with a nod. He adjusted something on the weapon, and glanced up for a moment to see the whereabouts of the unsuspecting trio. Karr glanced out as well, then back at him. "You know what will happen if we do this Maro.... The Garohian people will have our heads for this...." Karr whispered with a shaky voice. Maro looked at his nervous friend. "We've got no choice Karr....” Maro said. “The mayor ordered this…." He swallowed a lump in his throat, obviously as nervous as Karr was at the moment, but too big to show it. "The wolves are hunting OUR livestock!" He sighed. "What in hell are we suppose to do!? Let them continue, while we starve to death, because they need to eat?!" He said all at once, with a raised tone of voice. All got quiet as they looked around, hoping they weren't heard. Karr sighed with relief, as he continued to watch the young trio nearby. "This isn't the way.... You know that." Karr let his head drop. "We're a poor farming village who were always at peace with the wolf people...." He sighed. "I can't believe the mayor has resorted to taking hostages.... This is obsurd! They’re just children!” He shakes his head in guilt. “We might as well be called a village of dogs...."

Maro stared at his friend, not knowing what to say at the moment. He paused as he took a deep breath. "Look, I know you don't like this. It's not like I'm gonna enjoy it either.... but the wolf people won't even talk to us! We have to...." Karr looked through the bushes once more to spot the trio. "It's not like it’s their fault that they have to feed off of our animals Maro.” Maro looked at Karr, and tilted his head. “What do you mean?” Maro questioned, in his deep voice. Karr looked towards the sky, and paused for a moment as he took a breath. “You’ve heard of the recent tension building in these lands, haven’t you?” Maro nodded, not sure where Karr was going with this. “Yeah, of course I have. But….” Karr looked at him. “After the heroes of legend fought the mighty battle against the evils that threatened our land nearly a quarter of a century ago, we all thought that it would be the end of the war….” Maro nodded again, still unsure of Karr. “Okay…. Where are you going with this anyway?” Karr sighed and looked up at the sky once again. “Problems continue to plague this land, just as they have been….” Maro tilted his head again. “Well, yeah…. The food has gotten a bit scarce in recent years….” Karr glanced at him. “Not only that, my friend. The fish in the sea have all but disappeared, strange weather has impacted us recently, and now, towns are all at strife with one another!” Maro sighed with realization, and at his own ignorance. “But still Karr…. What are we suppose to do?” Karr’s eyes become filled with anger. “I don’t know…. But word is that the Mercury Adept known to all as Alex, is still alive….” Maro looked at Karr with surprise. “What?” Karr nods. “And because of this rumor, everyone is scared out of their minds….” Karr stares down at the ground for a moment, as he finishes his thoughts. “I’ve heard of this strife affecting lands as far north as Prox and Imil. Lands as far west as Hesperia…. Even as far east as the Apojii Islands…” Maro glances at him with worry. “Even Leumaria? The ancient city; hidden within the mists of the Sea of Time?” Karr nods. “Aiye, even there—or so I’ve heard….” The two glance at one another, and Karr observes a mixed look upon Maro’s face. He shakes his head at his friend. “I can’t believe it…. You still intend to carry this out? Even after all that?” Maro looks out at the trio once more. “I never said you had to come, Karr. Leave if you don’t want to see this.” Karr shakes his head. “I don’t want any part of this, but I don’t want to see you hurt either.” He sighs. “Just promise me that we’ll return the girl later, okay?” Maro nods again, and looks him. “We’re a small farming village, not a militia. If everything goes accordingly, I’m sure the wolves will give us no trouble…” He looks at the trio once again, this time, just feet in front of them. “I can’t wait any longer. We strike now!” Maro says, with anticipation as he mounts the weapon on his shoulder again.

Tristan runs over to a spot of leaves after catching the light of something sparkling in the sun, as Amon and Seyra continue looking behind him. He shuffles through the leaves for a moment, and his eyes widen with joy. “I found it!!” He shouts as he removes the toy Kendama from its place in the dirt and waves it around in the air. Seyra almost trips after hearing that, and runs over with haste, to Tristan. Tristan hands her the Kendama, and Seyra takes it from him with an overjoyed smile, and tears welding up in her eyes. “Thank you Tristan! Thank you Amon!” She says with excitement as she holds the toy close to her chest; hugging it tightly. Amon pats her on the shoulder. “We were happy to help.” She says with a smile, and closed, happy eyes. Seyra smiles back at them both. “Let’s get back home now. I don’t want to get you guys in trouble or anything….” Amon shakes her head. “Don’t worry about it. Maha will understand.” Seyra nods, and Amon ushers for Tristan. “Let’s go Tris.” She says as she walks in front of him with Seyra, starting their course back to Garoh. He nods and follows them close behind….

About 5 minutes into the hike, some rustling of leaves is heard, and Seyra stops in her tracks, growling with a low hum. Amon looks at her worried. “Hey, what’s up?” Seyra stops them. “Hold on guys, something isn’t right….” Seyra looks around…. “We’re being followed….” Amon gasps, and brings out a short dagger—clutching it firmly in her hand. “Not on my watch.” Tristan looks around nervously. “Sis…” Amon places her free hand on Tristan’s shoulder. “Stay close, alright?”

Shoukanjuu-Forlorn, RP #14

"Damn, I've lost him!" Avaryan exclamed, losing Forlorn's trail.

"I can't sense him either, Avaryan, what do you think happened?"

"Well, he couldn't have gotten far, and I'm sure he isn't dead, because he'd still be giving out a large amount of energy."

"Still, we have to keep looking, we aren't getting anywhere just talking about what happened."

Across the street, Forlorn wacthed silently from the shadows between two buildings, observing Avaryan's movements, concluding that killing him now would be a waste, not to mention a hazard to society.

He shook his head, and sped off toward the palace, where Takeru was wating impatiently.

"How long can wacthng something take?! I've been here for an hour!"

"No, you've been here for five minutes, shut up and go do your job."


"What was that?"

"Nothing, I'm going."

Takeru rammed into the front gate, knocking two guards on the inside over, and scaring the rest.

"W-What do you want? Whay have you come here!?" Takeru picked up the guard, and flung him across the room, into another guard, who has nocked an arrow in order for retaliation.

In the midst of this conflict, Forlorn slipped into the castle unnoticed, blending in with the shadows of the corridors, and headed straight for the dungeons.

Avaryan made it to the castle, and, with one moment unawares, had Takeru fall on him, after being thrown out of the castle gates.

"Takeda, get off of me. NOW."

"Uhh...Errr... sorry."

"What are you doing here?"

"That's between me and my employer. Not for you three to know."

"Oh really? You know, I know man people who would have you head as a trophy, Takeru."

"H-how do you know my name?!"

"It's on your headband."

"Grr...Fine! I'm here to assault the castle, my employer snuck in already. He's retrieving something that was stolen from him, he said."

"And who is that?"

"I can't tell you that."

"You know, I have a nice long list of people who would want to see you dead right here..."

"Forlorn! H-His name is Forlorn. i won't tell you anything else, just leave me alone!"

Takeru ran off, undoubtedly toward the platforms he climbed up in the first place.

Avaryan and company slipped through the damaged door to be met with immediate spears to their necks.

"What is your business here?! Leave at once!"

Avaryan winced, and backed up, out through the door.

"Why don't we just kill them, and be done with it?"

"It would draw far too much attention, and ruin what Forlorn has planned. It would be better if we snuck in as well."

Pristine Sublimity, RP #15

Forlorn crept through the shadows, warily putting torches out as he went along, to emphasize the darkness around him.
He descended deeper and deeper into the dungeon, feeling an...unusual power growing from the depths of the palace.
The power spiked, sending indistiguishable waves of energy flowing past him, Forlorn broke into a run.

Vizier: "Now...Princess...relinquish your power to me!!!"
A purple orb protruded from Marianna, and homed in on the Vizier.
???: "I can't allow that! This has gone far enough!!"
Vizier: "...Hmm...too late, far too late! the ceremony is complete! I have gained infinite power!!"
Marianna: "..F...Forlorn?"
The unknown person glanced to Marianna, winced, and glared back at the Vizier, who promptly grabbed his lance, and rushed at the unknown man.
???: "Not going to happen..."
The Vizier lunged at '???' with all his might, missing due to a side-step, and then used his lance like a vaulting pole to get behind '???,' tripping him, and, with an upward swipe, flipped him into the air, and lunged upward.
Vizier: "Not so brave now, are you, whelp?"
???: "Having fun with that doppelganger, aren't you?"
The Vizier looked at the doll on the ground, furious, and rushed again.
???: "I wouldn't test my patience, even it has it's limits..."
Vizier: "What do you know of patience?!"
The Vizier rapidly stabbed his lance toward '???,' missing every one.
???: "It's time to end this."
'???' unsheathed his sword, and with two steps in quick succession, slashed through the Vizier, stopping behind him.
Vizier: "H-how...?"
???: "Power is nothing if you don't know how to use it..."

Forlorn busted through the door, as the unknown entity was untying Marianna, unconscious from trying to use her power(which, if you were paying attention, was lost.)
Forlorn: "You! What did you do!?"
???: "Helped.."
Forlorn: "Cur!"
Forlorn ripped through the space that seperated the two, and slashed the cloth covering the entity's face. He thought he saw black hair, and a glimmer of red, but...
Forlorn: "No...impossible...I must be mistaken..."
The entity was gone, leaving traces of cloth behind.

Marianna awoke from her slumber, in the arms of Forlorn.
Forlorn: "Marianna...are you okay?"
Marianna: "Y-yes...who was that guy?"
Forlorn: "...I don't know."
Marianna: "Ooh! The King! We must free him! He's in the back room!"
King: "Ahh...thank you, but that isn't neccessary! I was able to free myself from the bonds that my Vizier..."
He looked at the corpse laying afar.
King: "Former Vizier had tied me with. Daughter.. are you okay?"
Marianna: I'm okay, but I'm the only girl here, and...I don't think you are my father."
King: Nonsense! You are the spitting image of your mother! Come, to my throne!"

After quite alot of talking, four guards came in, escorting four youths into the throne room.
Guard1: "My liege! I thought you were dead!"
Guard2: "The Vizier was lying?!"
Guard3: "I guess so..."
Guard4: "We have prisoners! These four were trespassing, we suspect that they were responsible for the...accident that happened near the Descending Path.
Erik: "If only a certain Venus Adept wasn't so hungry..."
Bonix: "Hey! You followed me, too!"
Taryn: "Things never change..."
Avaryan: "Quiet! All of you! Excuse me, your majesty, but...may we have a moment of your time?"

King: "So...all of you broke into this palace in an attempt to rescue my daughter, and in pursuit of the one that saved her? Seems quite unbelievable, if you ask me.
Forlorn: Yes..they are my friends, yet...It wasn't I who saved Marianna.
Marianna: Then who WAS that guy who killed the Vizier?
Forlorn was quiet.
Avaryan: "So, you see, we did nothing wrong! The ones who were caught in the accident were traitors to the throne!"
Erik: "Ooh...nice one."
King: "What was that?"
Erik: "Ehh...nothing."
King: "Then, you are free to go."

Avaryan: "So...Forlorn?'
Forlorn: "Hm?"
Avaryan: "I know who that person was, didn't you?"
Forlorn: "...No. Not anymore...Not anymore..."
Marianna walked beside Forlorn, after Avaryan ran up to talk with the others, and they walked together in silence for a while.
Marianna: "So...Forlorn?"
Forlorn: "Yes, Princess?"
Marianna turned away at the mention of her lineage.
Marianna: "Why did you come and save me?"
Forlorn turned red, and turned to look at the evening sky.
Marianna: "Ooh! You're blushing! Come on! Tell me!"
Forlorn: "I am not! Hey, get off me!"
Marianna: "Not until you tell me why you came for me!"

(If there was a camera, it would focus on the sunset, as, in the background, the two youths argued)

Pristine Sublimity, RP #16

Forlorn: "...Fire."
Short sparks burst forth, barely igniting the pile of kindle he had laid.
A frozen river ran beside the group, and Avaryan had taken it upon himself to catch famous Cairbaran fish, as only he could. At least, that's the way it was explained.
Bonix: "What's taking him so long? I'm starving!"
Erik: "Well, you could've at least stolen some food before we got caught."
Bonix: "You could've, too, ya know!"
Taryn: "...Or, we could've asked for some food from the king...but, somebody was too busy flirting with a certain princess to be bothered with such trifles."
Forlorn: "I was not flirting!"
Erik: "Why else would you rush after her, alone, in the hopes of rescuing her? And...why are you turning red?"
Forlorn: "Shut Up! You'll wake her!"

Marianna:"Y-You shut up! I'm trying to sleep!"
She flung a rock in Forlorn's direction, hitting him squarely in the back of the head. Forlorn: "Oww.."
Some time passed, with no word from Avaryan. He had been gone an awful long time, even if he was fishing.
Forlorn: "Great...Now I'm hungry, too. Where the hell is he?"
A twig snapped, and everyone turned, seeing Avaryan, soaked, but having a large quantity of fish.
Bonix: "Finally! I'm starved! Get those babies on the fire, and cook 'em quick!"
Avaryan: "Easy, easy, all in moderation."
Forlorn: "Well...they are too big to cook them over the fire like I set up, soo.....Immolate!"
A shower of sparks appeared, barely singing the fish.
Forlorn: Ooh...almost forgot... be right back.
Forlorn quickly went to his tent to get changed. He came back, in his normal attire, putting his Bind clothes away, and walked back to the fish.
Forlorn: "Immolate!"
A gigantic stream of fire burst forth, burning the fish to a black crisp.
Forlorn: "Err...gottagoseeyabye!"
He ran off, leaving the others, into the frozen woods.
(If this were animated, there would be an eye twitch animation with Avaryan, Bonix, Taryn, and Erik.)

Forlorn walked through the forest, calmly listening to the chirp of winter bugs. Forlorn: "They are soo..going to kill me."
An arrow came from nowhere, with a piece of paper tied to it.

Search for Katherine...I'll be with her momentarily.

The one from earlier.

Pristine Sublimity, RP #17

"K...Kathwyn? Mommy, where'd Kathwyn go?"

"She went to live with Uncle Bill. She'll visit every so often, don't worry."
"Awww, she didn't even say goodbye! Mommy, make her come back pwease!"
"I'm sorry, son, I can't do that."
In time, the boy slowly forgot about the girl, and, a few years later, the village he lived in was destroyed. The girl arrived afterwards, a year later.
This vilage, nestled in the mountain range northeast of Champa, was said to be burnt down by brigands, yet a few survivors know the truth....

Forlorn opened his eyes. "Katherine...sister..."
He trudged slowly through the swampy forest, dull gray snow covering the ground, as well as the pines that made the forest. It didn't make sense, the person last night...he didn't feel him there, not in the slightest.
Finally arriving at the encampment, he watched warily ahead, observing Erik and Bonix gobbling up food. His stomach rumbled, and Marianna was instantly alerted. She looked around, and seeing nobody in sight, turned back to stringing her bow.
Forlorn stepped again, and broke a twig, causing Marianna to nock and fling an arrow at him, which narrowly missed him, maybe by a centimeter.
"Jeez! Careful where you're pointing that thing, Marianna! You'll shoot your eye out!"
"You shouldn't be sneaking around! I could've killed you!"
"Nah, I don't think you could."
Marianna flung a rock at him, knocking him over.
"Serves you right!"
She stuck her tongue out at him, and walked away.
"Well, look who's back, Erik. Why don't we give him a warm welcome?"
"Sounds like a good idea to me, Bonix."
They both cracked their knuckles in unison.
"Aww, come on guys, I didn't mean to, honest!"

Pristine Sublimity, RP #18

"I know you knew who he was. Please, come to my tent."

Forlorn looked around, and, not seeing anything, stood up. He had fallen asleep leaning to a tree, and was woken up by a voice that sounded like Marianna. It was dark out, everyone had gone to bed, and the only light was coming from Marianna's tent.
Presently, he was next to her tent, whispering her name, still wondering if it was real or not.
Much to his suprise, Marianna pushed the cloth out of the way and beckoned him inside.
Forlorn: "How did you do...that, Marianna?"
Mary: "I don't really know, but it started after I was kidnapped..."
Forlorn: "Hmm.."
Mary: "Forlorn?"
Forlorn: "Yes?"
Mary: "I'm really scared. I feel like something is going to you...I...don't know my father anymore, and I..I don't want to be alone."
Forlorn: "..."
Mary: "I know you act cool sometimes, and you seem like you don't care, but I know you do. I just...want to meet you."(Bonus pnts for anyone who can tell me where THATS from)
Forlorn: "I'm right here."(this included as well)
Mary: "'t show anyone yourself. Almost like you are ashamed of something...or afraid. Please. Just once, I want to actually know about you. Everything. I don't want to feel isolated from you, and I know deep inside you want the same thing with me."
Forlorn: "...Marianna. I'm sorry. Sorry for the ways I've acted, sorry for not being there always. I...think you're right. I am afraid. But....not of anything...other than myself. It pains me see you act the way you are, caring and kind, and not being able to fulfill your wishes. Marianna...I want to show you something.
He reached for a pocket and pulled a jeweled necklace, a gem on it, glowing iridescently in the light of the candle, flickering, and painting a silent dance upon the cloth tent.
Mary: "It's...beautiful..."
Forlorn: "This....was my mother's. A momento...from when it long ago...I'd rather stay away from that subject... Marianna, I would like you to have this. And..."
He untied the leather string keeping his sword's scabbard on, and handed it to Marianna.
Marianna: "W-What?"
Forlorn: "I wish for you to accept this sword as your own, and, with gratitude, return it to me. I...wish to be your knight, your protector. Forever, until the day I die. And...when this is over...please, could you come live with me?"
Marianna: "!!!! just...propose?!"
?: "About time. I was waiting for it all night."
Forlorn: "And who might you be, to come here uninvited?"
?: "I am she for whom you seek. Katherine. I suppose you've already met my brother?"
Forlorn: "Brother...? So that means you..."
Marianna: "What is she talking about, Forlorn? When did you meet her brother?"
???: "How easily you've forgotten me...ah, well, I was hoping maybe we could get to know eachother better, but, looks like my twin got here first."
Forlorn: "I knew it...Marianna, stand back."
Katherine: "Hold it, we aren't here to fight you."
???: "If we were, you'd already've been dead."
Forlorn: "Abandon...You were supposed to be dead."
Abandon: "If it wasn't for Katherine here, I would be. Quite a display of fireworks, though, I commend you on fighting me so far. But, this is different...
Katherine: "Brothers, I think maybe we should do this in the morning, I'm really tired."
Forlorn: "Fine...just don't run off. Katherine?"
Katherine: "Hmm?"
Forlorn: "You've already seen...?"
Katherine: "Yes...we'll discuss it in the morning. Our camp isn't far from here, we'll be back."

The two left, leaving an awkward silence in Marianna's tent.

Marianna: "I...return your sword with my blessing...and I...accept, Forlorn. I'll be your wife."
She turned Forlorn's cheek and kissed him softly.
Forlorn: "Are you sure?"
Marianna: "Yes...yes."
Forlorn returned her kiss, and put the candles in her tent out.

Pristine Sublimity, RP #19

Forlorn's eyes opened. He was a little tired, and struggled to get a hold on where he was right now. There was a strange weight on his right side. He tilted his head to get a better view, and met face to face with Marianna.
Marianna: "Hi..."
Forlorn: "Mornin'"
Marianna: "What a night..."
Forlorn: " was all true..? You accepted my proposal and then...we..."
Marianna sat up and put her hand on Forlorn's chest.
Marianna: "All true. C'mon, everyone is probably waiting on us, and we've got to meet your brother and sister."
Forlorn: "...Right."
They got dressed, and Marianna walked outside. The others were sitting on logs around a campfire(Don't forget they are in the snow...)there was some fish on sticks hanging above the fire.
Bonix: "Mwrhn, Marianna, you want some food?"
Erik: "Mornin', you hear from Forlorn yet?"
Avaryan: "Yeah, he ran off after you guys pummelled him, didn't he? I wonder where he is now..."
Marianna: "...Sure, I'll have some, thanks. for could say I heard from him earlier this morning...quite a few times..."
Bonix: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Forlorn walked out of Marianna's tent, fully dresed.
There was an awkward silence for a moment, accompanied by...
Taryn: "Well, finally, I knew it would happen."
Erik: Woo! Didn't think you had it in you!"
Bonix: "...Did I miss something?"
Forlorn: "Nothing for you to bother with. I'll just grab some of this and get going..."
He grabbed the remaining seven sticks, and started to walk away.
Erik: "H-hey! You can't just eat them all!"
Forlorn: "I do what I please! C'mon Marianna, we've got to go!"
He ran off into the woods again, finishing off his food as he did.
Marianna: "What a jerk!"

Pristine Sublimity, RP #20

Forlorn: "I...can't sense..them..."
Marianna: "Well? Where'd they go?"
Forlorn: "They couldn't have gone far..."
Marianna: "You look pale. Are you worried about what might happen between you two?"
Forlorn: "...... ...... ....Marianna...Stand back."
Marianna: "What's wrong..?"
Forlorn: "'s...back..."
Marianna: "What is? What are you talking about?"
Forlorn was on his knee, clutching his right shoulder, which was trembling.
Marianna: "Forlorn, tell me! What's wrong? What is it?!"
Abandon: "He's...still fighting it..."
Marianna: "Ahh! Y-you scared me! What is he fighting?"
Abandon: "His blood. The same that run through Katherine and I. It's traits are more visible in males, though Katherine has also had problems as of late. Our blood is's afraid, and so are we."
Marianna: "W-what?"

Katherine: "It's simple, we three are spawns of a demon, and a dragon. Out father was a demon, and our mother was part of an ancient race, one that ties with the town of Prox in the south. Demon's blood doesn't mix well with dragon's blood, and the struggle of these two bloodlines are what gives us our power."
Marianna: "EEK! Don't sneak up on me! But, what about Forlorn? What will happen to him?"
Abandon: "The same as us, nothing but a slight power boost, and the hope that the pain will be gone soon. You've been with him for a while, haven't you? You haven't seen this? Katherine...Katherine no longer feels this pain, and, believe it or not, she is more powerful than Forlorn and I, put together. But, it isn't a pretty sight when she gets angry..."
Katherine: "Hey! don't make me hit you!"
Forlorn: "Urrrg...Dammit...Abandon...keep....keep talking..."
Abandon: "When I...I was once pure like he is. Once, a long time ago...we'd all have fun, all three of us...when Katherine left, I was sad, but I thought I'd grow out of it. When the pains started, I fell into despair, and all I could remember was Katherine. That was when it happened...I let the anger control me, the pain became nothing, and I felt...nothing...Inside, I cried as I cut my freinds down, yet I couldn't stop myself, what I'm afraid of.
I met a Light Adept, and, when he sought to control my power, it backfired...and then I met Alex...."
Forlorn: "Y-you...are...weak...Emotions....getting the better of you...? You were always stronger than did you succumb when I haven't?"
Katherine: "Shh, brother...conserve your strength, the pain will spread soon, you'll need everything you've got."
Marianna: "I'm going to go to him..."
Abandon: "No...don't. he may lose it, he'll let you get in the way, escalating the battle further...he won't last like that...To continue, Alex.... He reminded me of Katherine, he seemed to care, indifferently. He saved me from the depths of despair, and I served him for it. Little did I know that, even if I swore he wasn't, he was controlling my every action. Everything. Even back then..."
Katherine: "He's explained this time and time again, buy I don't know how Alex could do such a thing, even if he inherited the power he did."
Abandon: "He played me for a fool...and then I met Forlorn again. I couldn't break free from his grasp, yet, while fighting him, I felt that this is what should've been done...and, as fire closed around me, and Alex's control broke, my life flashing before my eyes..."
Katherine: "I summoned him. Granted, I didn't summon everything...he was kind of...indecent when he got to me. Anyway, Marianna, once it is complete, he will have gained unparalleled power. The ability to transform into a Demon-Dragon, as the bloodlines shall soon be mixed fully..."
Abandon: "It was your own damned should've let me die there...I don't deserve to live."
Forlorn: "It...stopped....*cough* Now...Abandon...we should finish this."
Abandon: "My sentiment exactly. But, If I'm to die, it'll be after Alex is dead, not by his hand, and sure as hell not yours."
Forlorn: "Fine then, prepare yourself..."
Abandon pulled Absolution from his back.
Abandon: "Then come...if you have a death wish."
Marianna: "Stop! Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to fight?!"
Forlorn: "..."
Marianna: "Put your weapons away! We're going to fight Alex, and we all need to survive! We shouldn't be fighting in ANY way!"

Continue to Chapter 6
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