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Chapter 2 – Parties Formed

Chapter 2 – Parties Formed

RP #1: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

"So, Forlorn? Where are we going?"

"I don't know.." Forlorn replied to Marianna.

"What do you mean you don't know? Why would you go anywhere if you didn't know where you were going?"

"I'll answer that with a question, If you were an explorer, and you knew what was where you were going, would you go?"


"And why?"

"I don't know.."

"Exactly. You don't know the reason because there is no reason. Knowing what is out there defeats the purpose."

"Oh, okay..."

They were out of Altin when Forlorn noticed that his companion looked a little weighed down....again.

"What did you steal this time, Marianna? More coins? Food? The family pet?

"Uhhh...I didn't steal this stuff, technically... I bought it with the gold I stole from that innkeeper. He'll never know he's missing 5000 coins until it's too late. Also, I bought food, and a few arrows for my bow."

"Well, that's...good I guess. But did you buy a muzzle for that annoying little djinni you have there?"

"No..Hey! what's that supposed to mean!?"

"It ruined my shirt, that's what it means! The little twerp deserves to be locked up and have it's cage tied to the highest branch of an elm tree! It got me kicked out of the inn last night, and it won't stop staring at me!"

"Well that's because you call her an 'it!" I don't think she likes you, and I'm not liking you now either!"

She stuck her tongue out at Forlorn, and turned away.

"Hey! Calm down, it was only a joke! And besides, I think we're getting near Silk Road. So make sure you have water, because we're gonna have to go throught a desert. And I'm not as stocked as I would like to be of it myself."

They walked to a sign, it looked like it had been split in half. Altin--North, Hero's Pass, Formerly known as the beginning of Silk Road--West.

"Uhhhh, okay, I guess we're going through Hero's Pass then. I wonder why they changed the name of it..."

Forlorn and Marianna walked, gazing at the perfectly sanded walls, they looked like marble, flat as boards. and gazed also at the four statues dotting perfect spaces at the end of the pass.

'Isaac, Garet, Ivan, Mia'

'Through courage strong they cleaned the mines and this very pass in which you stand.'

"Hmmmm....this Isaac guy must've been popular, look how many trinkets and flowers people have left over the years." Forlorn told Marianna.

"Yeah, but why does this guy look so familiar...." She was standing in from of the statue of Ivan.

RP #2: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

"What do you mean Marianna?"

"I don't know... I just swear i've seen this guy before...Ivan?"

"Yeah, that's his name, but this was like... 25 years ago or something like that...Wouldn't he look...older?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but..."

Marianna lifted her head in alertness, drew her bow, and nocked an arrow, pointing into the shadows the statues. "Show yourself! I know you're there!"

A Jupiter djinni flapped it's wings to come out of the shadows.

"Oh, damn! Another one? As if one isn't bad enough..." Forlorn mumbled to himself.

The Jupiter djinn purred angrily and shocked him, catching his newly bought shirt on fire. "Gah, you've gotta be kidding me! Stupid, djinn! Come here!" "Stop!"

Marianna screamed at the top of her lungs to Forlorn, "Leave it alone! It's only scared!"

"Oh, yeah, scared, more like sadistically psycho!"

The djinn shocked him again, this time making a larger bolt, and burning his shirt to ashes. Forlorn lunged at it, missed, and was shocked as a counterattack. He lunged again, missed again, and was shocked...again.

Marianna whistled loudly, and the djinn flew to her. "Hmmmm, what shall I call you, little djinni? Maybe...Jolt!"

"Or how about Crazy?" Forlorn retorted, and both Marianna and Jolt shocked him, bringing him to his knees with pain. "Gah! Would you PLEASE stop?! That burns!"

Jolt chirped, and Marianna laughed.

"You should've thought about that before you hurt his feelings! That'll teach you to be nice!"

RP #3: Dragoon Taryn

"So... you need people to help you, Magic? We'll let you know if we find any," Erik told Avaryan before turning to leave the room.

Taryn stomped on Erik's foot as he attempted to leave. This caused his to grab his foot in pain, and hop around on his good leg. "Ow ow ow ow! What did you do that for?!?!" Erik demanded.

"Duh! Avaryan needs help, and we can help him! We may not be Mars Adepts, but I know we can survive the cold weather."

Erik whimpered as he rubbed his squashed foot. "Okay, I guess we can help him out.... I hate the cold," he mumbled.

Taryn clapped her hands together. "Okay, it's settled! Avaryan, we'll help you out with your mission! But in return, will you help us out with ours?"

"As long as it doesn't involve finding or stealing cash to appease Erik's angry creditors," Avaryan replied with a smirk.

"Heehee, nope! Erik and I each had a strange dream about "the coming Darkness", and I think that means Alex might be returning. So we've set out to gather information and stomp the baddies!"

"Stomp the baddies? Then leave my foot alone!" Erik growled.

Avaryan walked over to Erik, and put his hands over his wounded foot. Avaryan's hands began to glow, then the light subsided after a few seconds. "Hey, you healed my foot! Thanks man! Now I'm glad to help you, you can heal me from all the abuse I take," Erik remarked, shooting a glance in Taryn's direction.

Taryn stuck her tongue out at Erik, and Dusk, who was perched on Taryn's shoulder, did the same. "If you're done whining, let's book it out of here," Taryn smirked.

The trio exited Sol Sanctum, happy to be breathing fresh air again. Taryn looked up at the sky. "So, where do we go from here, Avaryan?"

RP #4: White Rose

Conversation was exchanged throughout the interior of Maha's home. Talks of days gone by, and of old memories. Everything was fine, until Amon brought up the death of her father. . . . Suddenly, the room went quiet as Maha hung his head, and grief overtook his face. "I am sorry about your father kids. . . ." He said remorsefully. "We had become good friends over the years. . . ." He said again, fighting the tears that were building in his eyes. Amon and Tristan looked at Maha, as that horrible day flooded their minds once again, and brought them to tears. "He brought this town exotic goods from other lands, and was always kind to my people." He muttered with a shaky voice. "He was a truly a great man." He said to Amon as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Amon cracked a weak smile. "Thank you. . . ." She muttered under her breath.

Outside of Garoh, the storm continued to pound the continent of Osenia with heavy rain, and high winds! A couple of tornados had even touched down, and had caused a nearby tree to twist, bend and crack. A large branch eventually broke from all of the pressure, and landed with thud on the ground. "This storm is insane!" Shouted the mysterious Trai, who sat upon the cliff, getting hit with rain, wind, and some debris. "When did it decide to become this strong?!" He shouted again. He looked around for any kind of shelter, but all of the houses were closed and locked. He then saw a big rock towards the center of town. "I saw those two go inside of that thing. . . ." He scratched his head. "How did they do that??" He then remembered something he heard about a certain psynergy his adept clan learned, that could be used to go through hidden enterances. "That must've been what it was. . . ." He tried to recall the name of the spell, but had no luck. "I wish I knew that spell. . . ." He whimpered as he continued to get pounded by the storm.

Suddenly, a large burst of lightining struck right near him, and caused a tree to split! Trai jumped out of harms way at the last second as it fell to the ground with an earth shattering bang! He wiped his head in relief, and sighed. "That was a close one." Trai looked again for some shelter, and didn't seem to see anything worth getting under. A tree wouldn't do in a storm as he just figured out, and hidding behind a rock would only keep the wind off of him for so long. It was constantly changing direction, and always carried debris. He pulled his cape off, and put it around his head to act as a hood. He then headed for Maha's hut. 'Maybe if I knock loud enough, someone'll hear me.' He thought.

He got to the rock after a couple minutes of climbing over things along the ground, and avoiding puddles of water. He knocked on the door several times, he looked up at the sky. "This is some kind of thunderstorm. I can't believe how powerful it is!" Those were his last words at that moment, as flashes of white, blue, purple, and yellow light loomed overtop of him, and a tremendous surge of heat soared through his body. . . .

Memories of his youth, and old nightmares creeped back into his mind. . . . He could feel something warm, and hear muffled voices talking, but his mind was trapped. He stirred. Darkness. . . . then light. . . . Blurred images started to come into focus as his eyes fluttered open. . . .

"He's awake!" Tristan shouted. Amon and Maha rushed over to the injured man, and sighed with relief. Trai looked them over slowly, and tried to move. The pain in his body made him yelp, and his head felt like a ton of hot bricks. He gave up trying to move, and laid back down on the bed. "What happened?" He said softly. "We found you lying in front of Maha's hut. You were unconcious. . . ." Amon said. Trai's eye's widened and he looked at Amon. "How long was I out for?" Maha approached him on his right, and spoke. "About four days." Trai gasped at the sight of the were-wolf, and his answer to his question. "What? That long?!" They nodded. "What's your name mister?" Tristan said with curiosity. "My name?" They nod again, he pauses for a breath before continuing. "It's Trai. . . ." Trai stated as his energy left his body and he passed out, losing conciousness once again. He could hear the others calling to him. . . . but no matter what he did, he couldn't respond back. . . .

RP #5: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

Void....nothingness....Forlorn looked around, nothing but infinite oblivion on all sides. "This must be a dream..." He turned around, hoping for light, but still, nothing. "I wonder what this place is...."

He could hear a voice call out to him. "Help! Anybody, Please!"

He turned, and saw Marianna standing there, being assaulted by a robed figure.

He tried to run, but he found he couldn't move. He watched with horror and anger as the figure unsheathed a sword, and jabbed Marianna in her heart.

"NO!" Forlorn broke whatever force held him down and charged at the figure full speed, unsheathed his own blade, and slashed at the figure.

"Ahhh, you see her here, do you not? So pure, innocent....Quite a shame she had to die..."

"MONSTER! DIE!!!" Forlorn slashed again, which was also blocked by the robed figure's own blade.

"Who are you?! Why did you kill her?!"

"So quick to anger, maybe I should show you my identity..."

The figure lifted his hood, revealing a face covered in a bandage wrap.

"Though...maybe I should wait..."

Forlorn attacked once, twice, thrice more, all blocked by the figure.

He could feel his strength draining, but he could not let this stp him from killing this abomination. The figure slashed at Forlorn, relentless, and Forlorn was powerless to counter. Images flooded his mind, making him angrier and angrier.

He saw an opening, and made use of it, turning so as to hit the figure with his sheath, and knocked him down, in which Forlorn lifted his blade, and let it fall into the chest of the abomination.

"Ha, you think you've won? You think this is...over? i'm sorry to say, but...this is only the beginning.....Behold...a final the...North....There are three that...." And with that, he died.

Forlorn reached to the back of the fallen's head and found the end of the bandage, and unwrapped them until the figure's face was revealed.

" can't be..."

The face was his own.

Forlorn woke with a pestering pain in his stomach. "Wow...I'm hungry. Hey Marianna! Where are you? I'm about to cook breakfast! Marianna?" The dream still weighed heavily on his conscience.

He wandered around, looking for traces of her, when he came across a temple.

"Ahhh, hello young traveler, welcome to Lama Temple, what can I do for you?"

"Ummm, I'm lookng for someone, a girl about 5 feet tall, with two weird pets. Have you seen her?"

"Ahhh, yes, she came earlier this morning, she is right around the corner, that way."

"Thank you, sir."

Forlorn walked around the corner, to find Marianna just getting out of the stream. They looked at each other for a moment, and Marianna picked up a rock at hit him in the head with it. "Pervert! You shouldn't watch people when they take a bath!"

"But I-"

He was hit again by another rock, followed by yet another. "Go away! Go! Go! GO!" Forlorn ran around the corner, narrowly missing a large rock heaved at him.

He walked to the old man that directed him to Marianna, and asked, "You couldn't just tell me what she was doing could you?"

"Not a chance, young one, not a chance."

RP #6: ~Crystal Magician~

"North.", Avaryan replied, "To my home."

"Avaryan?" Erik asked. "How exactly do you plan on getting there?"

"Good question!" Taryn replied.

"Well for starters I plan on using this." Avaryan pulls out a crystal orb from beneath his robes. "It's like the black orbs that controlled the Lemurian ships, except much more powerful."

"I'm impressed", said Taryn "now where's the ship?"

"Hold on and I'll call it." Avaryan said as he started to focus his psyenergy on the orb. Moments later a loud rumbling was heard and up from the sea rose a mighty winged ship of pale blue.

"That answers my question." Tayrn said while standing there looking impressed.

"Ya mine too." Erik replied.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's sail!!" Avaryan said with a small smile on his face.

RP #7: DjinnBread

Bonix: Man, fuck this. I'm out of here. Good that I stole this Teleport Orb from that poker-maniac. Now I can get out of this dark place in no time.

Bonix begins rubbing the orb. The orb begins to glow, and lots of lights surrounds him. And he is gone in a blink.

~outside of Sol Sanctum entrance~

Avaryan: Come on, let's go.

Taryn: Yeah, let's g--

Bonix falls on Taryn from above.



Bonix: Oops, I'm sorry, my lady. I just teleported out of the sanctum.

Taryn: Whatever, just get off me!

Bonix: Uuh, that's right. *gets up*

Bonix looks around confused and spots a familiar face.

Bonix: Shit.


Erik slowly begins to take up his swords.

Bonix: Uhh, take it easy...

Avaryan: You know this guy, shortie?

Erik: Yeah, he used to steal my stuff...

Taryn: -.-

RP #8: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

"We have to WHAT?!" Marianna shrieked.

"Go through the Lamakan Desert. It's the only way...unless you wanna FLY or walk another 2000 miles through Angara...or"

"Okay! We get the picture, old man...I think we'll be able to get through there, Marianna, besides...I've got a little trick i've been working on..."

"How so?"

"Well, I'm not quite sure if it'll work as of yet, but....."

He puts both hand out in front of him, and snaps the fingers on his right hand, causing a small fire to form above it. "You know how I have powers of Mars, right?"

"Uh...yeah..but how is that going to help us in the desert..which is HOT?"

"Well..." Forlorn concentrates for about 30 seconds, and snaps the fingers on his left hand, and a small shard of ice falls to the ground.

"...?!" Was Marianna's reaction as he accomplished this, and Forlorn fell to his kness, then to his hands, and coughed up blood.

"Rrg...damn.....t-that should have worked better....." Forlorn fainted.

RP #9: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

~~~3 days later~~~

~~New Sol Sanctum Entrance~~

"So, uh why haven't we left yet?"

"Because we're waiting for something unexpected to happen."


"I don't know...just have a feeling that something is going to happen soon....."

~~Lama Temple~~

**chirp** **chirp**

Birds fly overhead as Marianna walks up the path to the meditation building, where Forlorn was resting at. Leaves shiver off the trees and float gently with the wind to come to rest in the stream...

"Hello...How are you today Mr. Monk?" Marianna asked a passing monk, after bowing to him.

"Shhh, young one....something is about to happen..."

"What do you mean? What's going to happen?"

The monk pointed to the building and responded trivially. "He awaits..."


She hurried to the cliff where the Temple awaited, and saw Forlorn, outside, standing in a puddle of blood.

"Oh, no! Forlorn, what are you doing out of bed?!"

"S-s shutup ...Marianna ... I'm .. I'm.. training.... I... I'll not leave this ...unchecked...."

He was slowly working up enough energy , a red glow hovering above his right hand, and a smaller(yet ever growing) blue glow hovering above is left hand.

"I'll...not...give a...moment of....weakness...."

The blue glow was getting bigger, and faster. "Grr..AHHHH!"

The growing stopped.

"It....It's..done....Marianna...I...I need..your help..."

"What for?"

"I need you to spin these...orbs...and....when you can't get them to spin faster around eachother....combine them... and cast Whirlwind..."

"Ummm..okay, but if I do, will you promise to lay down?"

"S-sure, but if i'm won't do much good..." He sat down and watched as Marianna started.


"Do it Marianna..."


A harsh wind blew, and the orbs moved, , blurring into a mass of lights that could be mistaken for fireworks.

"Okay Marianna! Intertwine them now!"

The orbs moved closer and closer to each other, and Forlorn's eyes grew wider with anticipation.

"Amazing, young one.....what you have accomplished will not soon be forgotten...." Forlorn looked up at the monk, who reached for Forlorn's hand to help him up.

"So, you know what will happen, monk?"

"Yes...Let's hope that young girl can handle it."

"I know she can...I just don't really want to know what she's gonna do when she find's out what I just made her do....."

"Good luck, young one...oh! Almost forgot..take this...I was going to give it to you when you went through the desert...but you won't"

"What is this? A stone...connected to a gem?"

"Ahhh...this is the Reveal Stone here...You should give it to her...and this..this precious gem is the Radiance Gem...They will help you on your way..."

"Uhhh..Forlorn!? What do I do now?"

"Cast Whirlwind! Monk...would you mind pushing me closer to her?"

The monk shoved Forlorn over, just as Marianna casted Whirlwind. Forlorn grabs Marianna's hand, and pulls him self up, almost pulling her over.

"It would be best if you held on to me..."

A light that could be seen clearly in the sky pulsed down, connecting with the new orb and making it shine brighter than ever, blinding both children for a while, and was over.

"What't work?

"What was it supposed to do, Forlorn?"

"It was supposed to--"


"W-wind? What's happening Forlorn? What's going on!?"

"It works! Ha! I've done it! I have created wind!"

" you didn't...Wait..You expected this to happen? We're being lifted off the ground! How are we going to get down?!"

"...Good point..."


Both are swept into the sky, wondering what's going to happen to them.

~5 minutes later~

"Oh, come on! We've been waiting forever! Let's go!" A blue haired Adept complained.

"It's only been like...what? 15 minutes?" Said another Adept.

"Yeah right! And I'm an idiot, too, huh?"

"..." Yet another Adept responded.

"Yeah, okay laugh all you want, I'm going to the shi-"

The Water Adept was interupted by a young girl falling on him from above.


The young girl looked baffled that she was alive, and apologized.

About 20 seconds later, One of the Adepts, a curiously glowing one to be exact, looked up at the sky, to see a guy falling from above. He quickly sidestepped, and the boy landed on the ground, in a pile of rocks. "You..did that on purpose..." Forlorn, now lying in extreme pain on the ground, said to the curious looking Adept.

"What was I supposed to do? Sit there like an idiot, waiting for something to crush every bone in my body?"

"N-no...but you could've moved the rocks..."

The blue haired adept was already up, and introducing himself to Marianna. "Hello...My name is Erik, that girl is Taryn, the guy over there is Mag..err.. Avaryan, and this thief is Bonix."

"Uh, hi." Bonix replied

Avaryan nodded to her, and Taryn replied with a wave.

"Ummm...i was with another person, he didn't land anywhere near here, did he?"

"Yes..he's right over here."

Avaryan pointed to Forlorn, who was still twitching with pain.

"Hi, know what's going to happen next, right?"

"Oh....damn, you wouldn't take alot of 'Sorries that come from the heart will you?"


She shocked him for what was about 45 minutes, without stopping for a rest. "That ought to teach you not to do ANYTHING as stupid as that EVER! And if you ever, ever try to, I won't be so merciful!"

"That's....merciful?" Erik shuddered. "I don't want to see when she's not...." He shuddered again.

"Would you do me a favor, Erik? Can you drag this idiot with you?" She seductively asked Erik as she took the bag on his sash (unnoticed by Erik) and stuffed it into her cloak.


"Umm..hello? Dying guy over here...can I get some help? Anyone..please?"

"Well, there you go, unexpectedly, 2 people drop down on top of us, I'm going to the ship..." Erik grabbed Forlorn's wrist.

"Ahh...Thanks, man"

Erik started dragging him toward the ship, saying "I don't know what you did, but, I would not get on her bad side...again..."


Erik stepped over a sharp looking rock, and dragged Forlorn slowly over it, so as to prolong the pain it caused.

Avaryan And Taryn started to the ship, and Taryn said, "Poor kid, I almost feel sorry for him, but...not quite."

Marianna hummed softly, following all of them to the ships, which rose and fell gracefully with the waves.

RP #10: shortkut

Taryn: Erik, what do you think of them?

Erik: They can't be trusted. I left my smallest bag of gold showing and they took the bait stealing it

Avaryan: hmm, i noticed what you did but for some reason i feel we need to trust them

Bonix: you let me hang around after i stole from you and unfortunately you remember that poker game

Erik: that's different, i'm not letting you out of my sight until you settle your debt

Taryn: I agree with Avaryan…

Avaryan: I told you she liked me best

Erik & Taryn: Shut up

Taryn: as i was saying, i had another dream where i was told we would be meeting others to join our quest

Avaryan: I also had tha…

Erik: So did I, but i don't like listening to voices in dreams.

Taryn: But I think we should trust them

Erik: Fine

RP #11: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

The ship rocked gently to the waves' impacts on the hull,

"I don't know, Forlorn... I don't think we can trust them....."

"Right now, I'm debating whether or not to trust YOU, Marianna. And you're not the type of person to be untrusting, so...what did you steal?"

"Uhhh...not much...just 25 coins, and that's it....I think it was bait, but I'm not sure...what kind of untrusting lowlife would test anyone in that way? It's disgusting!"

"That's not the point, Marianna. you still stole it, and we didn't even know them! Seriously, Marianna, that guy saved you (to a certain extent), and all you can do is steal from him?! Honestly....Go give Erik back his money, I'm going to go find Avaryan....."

"What for?"

"I don't know, asking some questions about who he and that girl are....."

"They already said their names! Avaryan and Taryn!"

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain the aura they give may not notice, but they seem somewhat....different, and I'm going to find out why!"

"Oooh, what are these?"

She had the items the monk gave Forlorn at Lama temple in her hands.

"This stone makes me feel weird, Forlorn. What is it?"

"Uhhh...the monk gave me those two items to me....He said one was the 'Reveal Stone' and the other is the 'Radiance Gem.' He wanted me to give one to you, and keep the other. So, I'm going to give you the Stone, and i'll take the Gem."

"What!? That's not fair! The Gem is soo pretty!"

"Maybe, but do you feel diffrent when you clutch that Gem in your hand, other than your urges to steal it?"

"Uhhh....not really, but the Stone does..."

"Exactly. Now, hold that Stone close and say 'Reveal.'"


Marianna blinked twice, and scratched her head, everything looked different, a blur of colors, blending perfectly with the surroundings.


Marianna looked around, and her eyes rested on Forlorn, Surrounded by a bright, red light, fire.

"Wow, you look like you're on fire! How...How did I do that?"

"You can see my aura...I can do the same, but only auras, and I have to concentrate very hard to. Look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?"

" looks..purple... a very light shade of purple, almost white...."

"Right, you have that aura because you are aligned with Jupiter, as I am aligned with Mars."

"Yes...I can see....There are other lights on this boat, but they are faint...a blue one, a pure white one, and an iridescent black one..."

"Right, they represent Erik, Avaryan, and Taryn, respectively."

"So, that's why you want to talk to them...."

"Correct, so, i'll be off, to learn their secrets...and don't forget obout that money!" He walked out the door, and headed toward Avaryan. Marianna put her hand in her cloak, and pulled out Erik's bag. she hesitated for a moment, and put it back.

"Heh, yeah right!"

RP #12: Elemental Spirit of Wind

It was dark...

Wait! Whats on my face. Raching his face he felt a cold leaf plastered to his eyes. He carefully pealed off the leaf and blinked his eyes in the dazzling brightness. He was in some sort of musty cave. The silence was foreboding. "Oh hello sir" said a young lady with frost blue hair. "Come this way with me. We need to get you ready for your guests."

After washing and eating he was told the name of his guest. "Lady Amon would like to talk to you, sir" Stepping up the girl beckoned him to follow her. When they came to a dead end the girl grunted and a door appeared. "Wait, what did you just do?" "Oh, sir, my people call that the power of reveal, Lady Amon has this power also, now let us continue" Stepping out of the cave Trai saw several rock covered homes and odd looking people. By the inn stood a tall lady with dazzeling beauty. Beside her was a younger version but obviosly male. With sudden shock he felt her eyes lay upon him. He noticed with cool agony a faint purple glaze in her eyes. "Young ,Trai, come speak with us."

RP #13: White Rose

As Trai sat down in a chair that was scooted into a table, he looked around the room he was in. "This place is quite--" He paused, and cleared his throat, then finished his semi-arrogant statement. "charming." One of the were-wolves glanced at him, and snarled a little. "It's our home." He started. "Respect it, or get out!" Trai looked back at the tall, and well built male were-wolf who was guarding the door. He bowed his head. "I apologize for that. It's just, that I'm not use to being inside of a cave." He looks around a little more. "It's unusual to see people living like this." The were-wolf snarled again. "We have no choice, unlike you humans!" The were-wolf said with some anger, and jealousy in his voice. Trai hung his head for a second. "I am sorry to hear that." The wolf looked at Trai, then turned his head away, ignoring any other remark to come out of his mouth. Maha entered the room that the small group was assembled at, and sat down at the table. Trai turned away, and reverted his attention over to him.

"We live where we have to Trai." Maha started, startling Trai a bit. "Or else, we wouldn't be living at all." Trai sighed a bit, and clasped his hands together, putting them down on the table. "Again, I apologize. I meant no offense to anyone." The were-wolf by the door growled in anger, and turned around to exit the room. "Watch your tongue around here human, or else. . . ." Maha glared over at him harshly, and growled some. "That'll be enough out of you, Varu!" Maha shouted some, finally revealing the were-wolf's name. Varu turned around quickly, and glared at Maha, and then at Trai. He showed his teeth to Trai, and bit at the air, then stormed out of the room. Tristan looked at him with some concern, then looked at Maha. "Why is Varu so aggressive towards humans, Maha?" Maha hung his head in sadness, and sighed.

"Varu's mother was killed by a group of bandits many years ago." He looked at Tristan, then Amon, and then Trai. "Events like that is why some of us can never fully trust you humans." Maha looked at the door of the room. "As much as I, and others have tried to change him, Varu's heart even to this day, remains cold and bitter. . . ." Amon looks at the door. "Poor Varu. . . ." She pauses for a moment. "I feel so bad for him." Maha shook his head. "All life in precious in my eyes Amon." He started. "And it is all honored here, even if there are those among my people who disagree with that idea." He touches Amon's shoulders. "Your father was a close friend of mine, and will be honored as such. I will hold a small vigil for him tonight, on the highest cliff of the mountains, as I have done for all before." Amon and Tristan smiled at Maha. "Thank you." Amon saids, tears building in her eyes. Maha lets Amon go, and turns to Trai.

"Now to the matter of this congregation." He pauses for a breath. "Do you recall anything about yourself, or why you have come here alone Trai?" Trai sighs in frustration. "Unfortunatly, I haven't yet. . . ." He pounds the table some. "I couldn't even recall my own name, until just a little while ago." Amon looked at him. "We know. . . ." She started. "You kept talking in your sleep alot while you were still unconcious." He looked at her. "I did?" Tristan nodded. "Yeah--" He interrupted. "You were mumbling most of the time when you did, but you did say something about a Hover. . . . spade or maid or something." He scratches his head, a bit confused. " I couldn't understand it all." Amon and Maha looked over at Tristan. "The Hover Jade?" They both said at the same time. Tristan looked at them both puzzled. "That's what he said, I think." Tristan stated with uncertainty. Maha glanced at Trai. "You seek the Hover Jade Trai?" Trai straightened himself up in the chair, and stared at Maha. "I don't know, was I suppose to?" The four glanced at one another. "You tell us." Amon stated. Trai shook his head some. "I--I'm not sure. . . ."

RP #14: Dragoon Taryn

The boat gently rocked back and forth as it moved along the clear water.

"So Avaryan, what's it like up there in the north with all the cold weather?" Taryn asked.

"Well, Mars adepts are able to tolerate the cold weather, so it did not bother me. However, now that I have... changed, I do not know what it will be like," Avaryan replied.

"Ah, gotcha. Well, I guess we'll see when we get there, I've never been to the far north before."

Erik tried to subtly come up behind the pair and grabbed Taryn's ass. Taryn countered by smashing Erik to the ground with her foot. "Ow ow ow, why did you do that?" Erik moaned.

Taryn smiled sweetly. "Because you grabbed my ass of course. Do it again and I'll break all your fingers."

Erik moaned in pain as Taryn walked away. Avaryan kneeled over, healed Erik, and snickered. "You've really got her on a leash, eh Erik?"

"Hey, shut up Avaryan, have some sympathy for a fellow guy."

Avaryan got up, still laughing, and looked out at the sea. "Well Romeo, I'm sure one day you'll get her drunk enough that she'll think you're Piers and do stuff to you."

Avaryan started laughing hysterically, as did Bonix, who just joined them up on deck. Erik stood up and pouted. "Dammit you guys, you're so mean to me. Is this because of all the money I took from you during poker?"

The two stopped to look at Eirk, then turned to each other and began laughing again. They were interrupted by a scream from Marianna, followed by the boat lurching violently.

"Where did this storm come from all of a sudden?" Forlorn shouted from accross the deck.

"I don't know," Erik yelled back, "But everybody get below deck, NOW!"

As everyone scrambled to get to the lower deck, another huge wave crashed into the ship, causing everyone to become unbalanced. Suddenly, a scream rang out.

"That's Taryn!" Erik shouted as he ran towards the source.

Avaryan, Erik, and Marianna made it to the edge of the deck just in time to see Taryn's head go under the water. "Oh my god, she's going to drown!" Marianna shrieked.

Erik started to jump over the edge, but Avaryan held him back. "Are you crazy Erik? Jumping in there, you could drown yourself!"

"But Taryn's in trouble! I have to save her!"

"No way hero man, we're going below deck. There's nothing we can do," Avaryan retorted as he dragged Erik to the stairs.

The next morning, the group returned to the deck and looked around in the water.

"I don't see Taryn anywhere! Do you think she drowned and died?" Marianna wondered.

"Marianna! Don't say things like that!" Forlorn scolded.

Erik used his water psyenergy to comb through the waters. "Nothing, I don't see or sense her anywhere!" Erik sighed.

Avaryan patted Erik on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Taryn's tough. If we don't see her body, that means she has to have washed up somewhere, and probably alive."

"Good, that means we can start looking for her!" Erik exclaimed as he beelined for the steering wheel.

"Not so fast, we still need to head to the Northern Lands. Taryn can take care of herself, and she'll come to us if she can."

"But...." Erik began to protest.

Elsewhere, a young woman woke up on a deserted beach. She moaned as she rubbed her sore head and looked around. "Where am I?"

RP #15: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

"Well, I guess we can't really do much...she fell overboard, and she's gone. I agree with Avaryan, we should really get going to the Northern Reaches. Besides, we wouldn't find her if we looked, my aura sensing isn't strong enough to distinguish her from random sea monsters." Forlorn started.

"But..But we have to! I can't live without her...What will I do?" Erik retorted.

"Jeez, Erik, you talk like you can't eat by yourself, it's so pitiful, and it almost seems like I'm losing all respect for myself just be listening to this display of your 'emotions!' She'll probably wash up on an island, or, she might wash up on the shores of Angara, and she'll get back to us as soon as she can, so CALM DOWN!" Avaryan consoled.

"But...But, but...What if she dies!? What then?! I-I-I..."

Forlorn slugged Erik in the face, knocking him out. "Heh, were getting annoying.

"I'll take him to his room, okay?" marianna offered, already reaching beneath his cloak to grab the shiny treasures that awaited her.


"I will, klepto, he might not even have his weapons by the time you get there. I'll take him." Avaryan replied.

"Oh, whatever do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid, Marianna, you know it's true.

Let's just start out again, we need to hurry before he wakes up again."

Avaryan checked his compass, and set out to the North once again.

RP #16: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

The group was getting closer to the Northern Reaches, and it was getting colder.

Avaryan was standing at the bow of the ship, carefully watching the horizon, in which nothing but rising and falling waves were to be seen. The wing blew slightly, chilling Marianna, to the point when she went back into the cabins, to her own room.

"'s really cold....I think it was a bad idea to come with these people....I'M FREEEZING!" She yelled, alerting Forlorn, who rushed to Marianna's room.

"I'm sure you aren't THAT cold. I can't even feel it." He explained, mindful of Marianna's shivering.

"B-But, It's coooold.."

"....Here, take this...." He handed her his cloak, which was of an iridescent black color, and pulled out the Radiance Gem, in preparation to use it.

"...Radiance!" The Gem glowed a stronger red, and immediately warmed the surrounding area, to a pleasant degree.

"Th-Thanks, Forlorn, I didn't know you cared for me that much."

"What?! Ohhh, NO, I could care less abut you, it's your powers that I'm worried about."



Marianna slapped Forlorn in the face. "What's wrong with you?! You only care about yourself, don't you?! You could care less about anything!" Marianna screamed at Forlorn.

"Me?! What about you!? I try to help, and all I get is slapped in the face!"

"Hey! What's going on in here?" Bonix interrupted.

"Nothing, nothing at all! I was just leaving!"

"What the hell did you do to her, Forlorn?" Bonix asked, out on the deck again.

"Nothing...absolutely nothing..." He replied.

"By the way, where have you been?"

"Uhhh...I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell, but I payed a visit to Sleeping Idiot in his room, and well...He looks like he got in a fight with a razor and lost now...."

"What's that supposed to mean, Bonix?"

Erik was now out on the deck. Bonix suppressed a snicker, amused by the serious look on Erik's face.

"What's so funny?"

"Here, look at yourself in a mirror." Forlorn guided Erik to a mirror.

"WHAT THE ****?!

Erik was missing an eyebrow, which must've been shaved off, poorly, by Bonix.

"Gah! I'll kill him!"

RP #17: shortkut

Bonix awoke and ran to Erik who was still depressed

Bonix: why are you so depressed?

Erik: you should know

Bonix: and i do. i know what will cheer you up

Erik: What?

Bonix: i had a dream where you got beat up and lost an eyebrow

Erik how is that supposed to make be feel better?

Bonix: i don't know i thought it was funny

~The door to Erik's room opened~

Avaryan: Bonix, leave Erik alone

Bonix: i was just trying to…

Avaryan: *glares*

~Bonix leaves~

Avaryan: how you holding up?

Erik: i'm not. i have to go back for her. we have only been traveling for 2 days since taryn went overboard so we haven't gone far

Avaryan: that may be true but we don't have any extra boats

Erik: no matter, i can make one out of ice. i am a water adept after all

Avaryan: take care, i'll tell the others you went back for her.

Erik: good, you shouldn't waste time looking for me

~Erik makes a raft out of ice and boards it~

Erik: See you guys later. Taryn, here i come

RP #18: Dragoon Taryn

Taryn laid on a beach, the previous nights events slowly coming back to her.

“Great, I got tossed from the boat and I have no idea where I am,” she sighed, looking around.

Dusk popped up in front of Taryn. “Hello Master, rise and shine!” he squeaked happily.

Taryn groaned. “I don’t do shine, I do darkness.” She stood up and stretched.

“Exactly Master! We were veered off our original course for that sole purpose!”

Dusk was picked up by Taryn and placed on her shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re yakking about Dusk, but we need to find shelter, and then find a way to get back to Erik and the others.”

“I’m talking about Darkness, Master! Haven’t you ever wondered about Darkness Adepts, and why you are one? What powers you possess?”

“Well, of course, but…”

“That’s why we’re away from the others, Master! There’s a secret Darkness Sanctum around here!”

Taryn stopped walking, grabbed Dusk and held him out in front of her. “Say WHAT?!”

Dusk squealed. “There’s a Darkness Sanctum around here! Where all your answers should be answered! Some of my friends should be there as well!”

“And you know where this Sanctum is?” Taryn asked after a moment of thought.

“Of course master! Follow me!”

Taryn followed Dusk, who flittered around like a frantic mouse. After much walking, then were at a cave. “Here we are, Master! The Darkness Sanctum! Only Darkness Adepts can see this cave, to other Adepts it is not seen! Come on Master, let’s go inside!”

Dusk perched on Taryn’s shoulder as she entered the cave. It was dark, but the dark was not a problem for either Taryn or Dusk, since Darkness Djinns and Adepts can see clearly in the dark. Further into the cave was a large, somewhat brighter room. It held several bookshelves, and was occupied by an old woman and a Djinn.

“Ebony!” Dusk shrieked, jumping off Taryn’s shoulder and flying over to the other Djinn.

Ebony, a female Darkness Djinn, glanced at Dusk breifly before continuing reading her book. “Oh, it’s you, that hyper Djinn. Who let you out of your cage?”

“Ebony! That’s so mean! My master and I came all the way out here looking for you and the others!” Dusk protested.

The old woman rose from her seat and looked at Taryn. “Ah, you must be the new Darkness Adept.”

“New Adept?” Taryn questioned.

“Of course my dear. Only one Darkness Adept is born every 50 years, and they are all girls. Crystal Adepts are the same way, but they are all boys.”

“But my friend Avaryn, he used to be a Mars Adept, then he turned into a Crystal Adept. How did that happen?"

“I suspect that the original Crystal Adept died. When that happens, the higher powers choose a new Crystal or Darkness Adept from any one of the current regular adepts.”

“I see… there’s so much I don’t know about Crystal and Darkness Adepts,” Taryn moaned, as if this fact made her incompetent.

“Well then, it’s a good thing you’re here,” the woman remarked, “Come, sit down, we have a lot to talk about.”

RP #19: ~Crystal Magician~

As Avaryan watches Erik’s ship sail farther & farther southward, Bonix comes up behind him.

“Where’s Erik going?” asked Bonik

“To find Taryn.” Avaryan quickly replied.

“But shouldn’t we go with him”, asked Bonix, “It’s dangerous out there!”

“Erik’s a powerful adept”, replied Avaryan, “We’ll be fine by himself…at least for now. I’m more worried about Taryn. I sense that she’s alive and strong, perhaps too strong. My powers of light are telling me that the powers of darkness are trying to grow stronger.”

“Huh? What do you mean??” asked Bonix, “I’m so confused…so Taryn’s alive…and you knew the whole time!!”

As the two were talking the rest of the group walked up to them.

“Yes Bonix, I knew,” Avaryan said, “But I didn’t want everyone worrying even more so I said nothing. Also something else is calling me northward, I’m not sure what. But I don’t think it’s what I was expecting.”

“What are you talking about?” Marianna broke in, “I thought we were going north to claim your kingdom.”

“That is our main objective,” said Avaryan with a determined look on his face, “However, I feel something other force is calling me northward…possibly the same force that was trying to take Taryn back south. Bigger forces are at work here then just us.”

The group sits down and listens in wonder at all that Avaryan is revealing too them. Although none of them completely believe any of it.

RP #20: Shoukanjuu-Forlorn

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...One by one, they will all leave your will have nobody left to protect you...fate is cruel and arrogant isn't it...?

Destruction is nigh upon you all...There will be songs sung about the blissful pain that will be inflicted upon you, and the rest of the world will look up at us, welcoming their deaths as we rain fire upon them!!!!! All of Weyard shall be engulfed in war, and we shall be tantamount to the end!!!!!!"

Forlorn woke with a startled cry. "...What is going There is something terribly wrong happening....this is bad, really bad...."

He stood up, and fell back down with the rock of the ship. "Oops...forgot.."

Forlorn grabbed his pack, and pulled out an apple, which was rotten, along with all the other food there. "Ahh, damn...nothing to eat for days, and the only food I've got is rotten...figures..."

He stood up again, and walked upstairs to the deck. Bonix was leaning against the wall next to the door, and Avayan was at his normal spot at the bow.

"Hmm? Where's Marianna?" Bonix asked.

"How should I know? She might be sleeping still, but I'm not sure......Hey? Where's Erik?"

"What? Did you forget? He left on an ice boat that he made to go find Taryn. Personally, I think that it was an idiotic idea, he's probably floating in the middle of nowhere due to the fact that water still gets warm as you go south from here, his boat probably melted."

"I don't know, though...he may not look it, but he is very...uhhh...Well, let's just say he's fine, he's a Mercury adept. He'll be able to survive."

"Yeah...right...Avaryan said he's more worried about Taryn, he said that something was bothering him about some power or something, I wasn't really listening, maybe you should ask him." Bonix replied.

Forlorn walked to Avaryan, carefully, and asked him what was wrong.

"Well, have you noticed any disturbances, Forlorn? It seems there is something happening to the balance that keeps our world...together.

"Yes, I have noticed something like that. My powers have been acting up lately, and I think yours have been, too. Your aura has been giving strange signs of waning and bursts of power, somethng is happening, and I think you and Taryn are the middle of it. I don't believe in fate, but this is freaky. Taryn's disappeared, Erik's probably lost, your powers are out of control, and if I have one more dream of people bent on destruction I'll kill myself!"

"Wait, what did you mean by that? You are dreaming of people bent on destruction?"

"Yeah, same dream since we've got on this damn ship. Something bad is going to happen, And I think you and Taryn are the key. So tell me, what else are you keeping from us?"

Continue to Chapter 3
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