
This page has many links to other Demise pages on the Web.

Official Demise Site This is the official developer's Demise site, home of the Bulletin Boards, the Online Help Files and news about Demise.
Shadows of Istaria Outer Circle's Escape is about Demise and Horizons. The section on Demise includes a large amount of information on guilds monsters and items as well as the usual set of links, a message board, etc.
Nightstalker's Homepage This page seems to have a lot on it, though the HTML is a bit messed up and won't work at all in netscape.
Character Pictures This site is one of the largest colections of custom character pictures for Demise.
Spinnersville Even though this looks suspiciously like the help lesson, it has some good things on it including a character list and forum and promises to have a beginners guide. It has some nice CGI as well.
Demise World This is a relativly small site with only maps, Seven's Multiplayer Lag explained and some links to the official site, but with promises of much more to come.
Demizen's Guildhall This is the official homepage for the Demizen's Guild. It's features of note are a message board and a well writen Demise FAQ.
Legitimate Players Leauge The LPL is a group of players who are against cheating in Demise and have set up thier own set of Passworded servers.
Shadow Beast's Demise Page This page has the largest amount of information on Guilds/Races from stats to character recemondations. This site is definatly worth a look by the serious player. It now has a short story set in Demise.
Xanatos's Realm This site has the Beta maps on it as well as a couple of links and the Demise Storyline.
Sanctuary Thyferra?, Roleplaying Infinity? This site does not work with Netscape, and it is still under construction.
Demise: Rise of the Ku'tan Beta Testers List This is a list of all the Beta-testers who tested Demise / Mordor 2 / Infinite Worlds.
Palidor's Demise Page This site has most of it's information taken from the official Demise page except for a list of all the Demise servers.
#demise-rotk The irc channel on EFnet is the place that most of the veterans go to talk. You can get a massive amount of information just by listening in this channel.
Demise ICQ Interest Group This is the Demise ICQ group, which is run by Thorgal the Red.
Xcaliber's Realm This was one of the best Infinite Worlds sites on the web, unfortunatly after Demise was released the site stopped being updated. Some of the information on it can still be useful though.
Unofficial Mordor 2 Webpage This is the absolute best Mordor 2 site on the Web with all the requiered guild quests and complete information on every creature, item and spell, unfortunatly it's a Mordor 2 site, and all of the information on it is just for Mordor 2. On the positve side the site's information is still partly relevant to Demise and it's worth taking a look at it.
Mordor II - Darkness Awakening This is another Mordor 2 fansite which bears taking a look at, but which obviously not been updated in a long time.