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My Magnum Opus: Nornica Galactica

Chapter Picker

At the moment there are only 6 chapters but as I get inspired, this collection will grow. (hey, stranger things have happened)
This story is gonna be set up a little differently to my other stories; my other stories were just, here we go. A basic story. This one will be divided up into parts. Each part has a basic plot which gets wrapped up at some point and a few characters will continue on in the next part with a different plot. Essentially, each part could be a different story, each one a sequal to the last but for simplicity, I want to lump the whole thing together as one 'book'. Theoretically, this setup could go on for a long time. It won't though, I've already written the last chapter. This story is basically a life story of a single norn. Chapters 1 through 5 are the background of this norn and how he/she came to be (Ha! I'm not giving ANY clues whatsoever! Enjoy!

Part 1:The End of an Era

Chapter 1:Visions

Chapter 2:Desertion

Chapter 3:New Beginnings

Chapter 4:Dark Star Rising

Chapter 5:Falling Star

Chapter 6:A Star Is Born