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One of my favourite musicians, with a badly drawn
body, a purple t-shirt, playing a 3-stringed guitar.
Ah the irony.

MY life....kinda

Ah my first entry, how satisfying.
Well today was quite an interesting day to say the least. It contained several hilarious things, and some not so hilarious things. This would include me being hit on by a gay man, several surprise appearances of my boxers popping out of my pants at work, and a wheelchair flying into a table, full of seated people might I add.
Well it all started when I was waiting for the bus to go to work, late might I add. Although those of you that know me would have already assumed that. Well there was a man with me, a man that gave off quite a strong gay vibe. Not only that, but he was also sporting a ring with CHANEL written across it. Yes, I know what you are thinking, how flaming can you be. Well apart from getting checked out by him, it was a satisfying bus ride. As I got off, I realized that he was also on his way to Fairview mall. Well, a few hours into my shift guess who walks into the store. Man, I wish I had not worn my GAP pin on the bus. Well as he walked in, I did my GAP employee duty and introduced myself and asked if he needed any help. He then remarked that we took the bus together and introduced him to me. He also told me that he too worked at the mall, and asked me when I got off work. After telling him, he told me that his break was almost over and that he would stop by later to say Hi and to shop for shirts. J.C. how I wished he had asked me out. First of all, the man was about 26, so the shock of me being 17 would have been good enough. But, no. I wanted him to ask me out so that I could say "Sure, but could my FEMAL lover come too? I mean, she would just love to come. Oh, by the way, I’m straight as a ruler watching female mud wrestling (Ah, the terrible sexist stereotypes)" (Haha to Sam Hoffman). But all random stupidness and rudeness aside, I do not have any problems with homosexual people. In fact I have several gay friends, my uncle one of them. I also slow danced with a gay friend of mine at formal. But why is it that this 26 year old CHANEL man, Kevin, could so easily assume that I was gay? I mean do I give off that vibe or something?

Well yes, working at Gap involves a lot of bending over, picking up things and placing them on shelves and such. And as you've probably noticed I’m quite skinny and have a long torso. I also wear low rise jeans from American Eagle, and small t-shirts. So, as I have never noticed before until working at the Gap, my boxers show quite frequently. I got two manager recognition cards today at work: one for my amazing willingness to work, the other for several compliments from customers. Apparently several customers told the cashiers Andrea and Nikki, my co-workers, how friendly, kind, and cute I was. If that doesn't make me conceited, I don't know what will. Andrea exclaimed that it was because I so frequently flashed my boxers to the customers, and that was why we made so many sales today. If only...hahaha...

And yes, as I was on my lunch break, this lady in an electric wheelchair almost hit me, purposely it almost seemed, and turned right into a table full of four people. And she didn't seem to think anything of it. In fact, she smiled. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging her or anything since I do not now why she is in a wheelchair, or what she is going through. I just thought that it was quite an odd occurrence indeed.

And yes, that was my day. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed experiencing it.