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The World of the Garou

The Garou are a race of wolf-changers, of werewolves. This group of strange creatures can shift their shapes to be anything from that of a simple human or wolf to that of their battle form, Crinos. there are of course drawbacks and advantages to being of this blood, this lineage. Being a Garou is somethng passed on through the blood, not a simple bite to change a person. the blood runns in families and the children born to the family that is not a Garou themselves is what is called a Kinfolk.

Amung the Garou there are many advantages and disadvantages. They have five forms they can asssume each with it's own properties. Another benifet is because the Garou blood is so strong in the natural ways it give them the ability to regnerate (one standard level of damage per turn). Also the Garou have the ability to speak with the spirits and thus gain Gaia's gifts from her servents. One of there Gifts is a blessing and a curse in the same stroke. this gift is the Garou's rage, it causes the Garou to go into vilent Frenzies where they can ignore and wound penelties and brings their dreaded battle form, crinos to light, causing humans to run is fear as the dilerium grips them.

the World of the Garou

Garou Cosmology
the Trait

General help for beginers....

the Garou Lexicon (dictionary)
pictures of Wolves you might consider using Warning- this is a very large site at the moment.... advancements are being made to decrease it's size
the Tribes of the Garou
the Auspices of the Garou
the Breeds of the Garou
the Laws of the Garou
Creating a Garou Character
a Listing of the Garou gifts
Character Sheet in HTML format for a Garou Character

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