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December 7, 2001

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Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Perathia is in trouble and this game probably isn't going to help, even with you at the controls.
»full Review

  Soul Calibur 2
Preview : If a pile of new Soul Calibur 2 arcade shots is wrong, then we don't want to be right.
Genma Onimusha - Charge Attacks
News Story : New details and screens of the charge attack play mechanic in Genma Onimusha.
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Preview : Obi Wan Kenobi is featured in this batch of screenshots. Watch him in action.
Smash Crash Bash
News Story : Who's going to win the IGN Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament?

Genma Onimusha - Charge Attacks
New details and screens of the charge attack play mechanic in Genma Onimusha.

Smash Crash Bash
Who's going to win the IGN Super Smash Brothers Melee tournament?

Konami Q1
Check out Konami's Xbox lineup for the first part of 2002.

One Just Isn't Enough
The NPD Group says Xbox has the highest game attach rate to date.

Gonzo for Triple Play
The Fall Classic hero's face will grace the cover of EA's latest Triple Play.

DOA3 Guide Goes Live
Anthony Chau's masterpiece is online and packed with all the information

Let It Rayne
Majesco will introduce Xbox owners to a feisty newcomer to the vampire videogame genre.

Xbox Box Art
Updated: 9/04/01 - Massive update! Look inside.

Xbox FAQ
Updated 07/10/2001

We all just wanna be loved, especially when that one console is better than the other one.

Network soundtrack vinyl keyboard psychedelic sound spectacular.

Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Review: Perathia is in trouble and this game probably isn't going to help, even with you at the controls.

Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Preview: Obi Wan Kenobi is featured in this batch of screenshots. Watch him in action.

Soul Calibur 2
Preview: If a pile of new Soul Calibur 2 arcade shots is wrong, then we don't want to be right.

Ultimate Payne: Day 5
Meet the final boss of Max's world of crime. Lots of movies and screens included.

Xbox Specs
Check out everything you need to know about the Xbox hardware (Updated: 07/05/01).

Project Gotham Racing
Unlock Everything


Xbox: Dark Summit
A great job of thinking outside of the boundaries when it comes to snowboarding games. Read the review...


Magic Box

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Hot Stories

You think you know, but you have no idea how great this game is.

DVD Playback Kit Review
You need it for DVD playback on your Xbox, but is Microsoft's clicker all it's cracked up to be?

IGN Unplugged #8 Is Here!
The Xbox and GameCube battle it out in print, only for Insiders!


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