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Announcements for Monday, September 3rd, 4 AM EST:

After a major server fallout due to my moving it to the basement, the server is now online once again. I have estamblished a Message Board that I will use to keep you updated with sudden server changes. Please visit this page and the board often for the details on the pages I host for you, and the pages that I host myself that you need.

My Web Sites:

Starcraft Alliance - By Ryo
SCA Aiur Platoon - By =-Ryo_Death-= and =-BloodLord-=
SCA Omega Platoon - Shut Down. Site remains as memory.
SCA Fixius Platoon - By =-Admiral750-= and =-Mietek-=
SCA Tournaments Section - By No One right now. Nonexistant
The Next Horadrim - By Ryo
Santargo RPG - By Ryo
Bayawolf - By Ryo and Baya
The Ronin Realm - By Ryo
IEvil! - By Ryo
Crestview Church - By Ryo
SV Music - By Ryo
SV Saga - By Ryo

Personal Websites

Chris' Home Page - By Chris DiNunzio
Mushroomie's Home Page - By Mushroomie
Rygel's Home Page - By Dennis
The SV Band Clarinets Section {part of the SV Music} - By Michael
Clan Saphire - By Lady Saphere
Lords of Jormungand - By Lord Ishmael

If you are interested in using my server for your website{s}, all you have to do is tell me and I will take care of all necessary preparations to have you hosting in seconds. You can contact me two ways. Either E-Mail me at or contact me on ICQ at 29587523.

Another warning for those of you who have no idea how to make web pages or connect to servers via FTP. I will NOT train you in making websites. I lead a busy life. However I will tell you that I use Netscape Composer, a fine tool combined with Netscape Navigator into another program known as Netscape Communicator. You can download Netscape Communicator 4.7 {the edition I use and like the most. Quickest, smallest, and less buggy than the rest} or later at From there on out you're on your own. I just run the server and monitor it's content to ensure it stays appropriate, I don't train the people that use it.

So when and if you contact me, don't ask me how to make a site or what to make it on. In order for it to be YOUR site it has to be YOUR idea. Making websites is very fun, and I plan to do it all of my life the same way I am doing it now. I know NO HTML what so ever, and I can still make sites like SCA and the Ronin Realm. If a Simpleton like me can do it, then so can you.

Hope you enjoy these sites.
