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Biotech Inc.

Symbiotic Weapons and Armor


Acid Worm
Size: 1/4 in. radius; 1 ft. long.
Appearance: Usually under skin, pokes out to attack, purple and green in color.
     Type: Acid
     Damage: 2D6
     Rate: One per minute
Note: The worm is always conscious, so it can attack even when the host is asleap.
MDC: 5
Cost: 15,000 Black Market credits

Voltage Ant
Size: 4 in. tall; 5 in. wide; 18 in. long.
Appearance: Looks like a large ant attached to forearm, mostly black with some silver.
     Type: Electrical
     Damage: 4D6
     Rate: 4 shots per round, must recharge for two actions after 10 shots.
Note: If it attacks a target that it hit the previous round, roll an additional 1D6 for damage,
MDC: 15
Cost: 55,000 Black Market credits

Spore Cannon
Size: 5 in. tall; 5 in. wide; 20 in. long.
Appearance: Fish-like creature attached to forearm, light green with purple gills.
     Type: Acid/Toxic gas
     Damage: 1D6x10 plus an additional 1D6 each round after being hit, effect lasts for 1D4 rounds.
     Rate: 2 shots per round, holds five shots, the symbiote grows shots back at 5 per week.
Cost: 100,000 Black Market credits.

Beatle Skin Weight: 14 lbs. when inactive; 25 lbs when active. Appearance: Inactive: Thick leathery skin molded over the muscles Active: Glossy black beatle-like exoskeleton MDC: Inactive: 25 Active: 150 Regeneration: Inactive: 10 MDC per day Active: 5 per round Cost: 130,000 Black Market credits
Gaseous Microbes
The biological warfare industry has been shut down since the close of the Cold War until now. Biotech introduces its first batch of new biological weapons; however, unlike older biological weapons, these are not designed for use against an entire population. They have a short lifespan and only affect a limited area. All gasses have a special ultraviolet tag which allows characters to tell if a contaminated area is clear. The tag is different from batch to batch so characters will only be able to check for their own gas.
Lifespan:  2d4 minutes on all gasses
Effective radius:  10 ft. per minute of life (GM may wish to factor in wind)
Permeability:  the chance that a microbe will get through a filtering system
Adjustments to permeability:
     not wearing full environmental BA:  automatic success
     wearing full environmental BA:  +0%
     Bionic/cybernetic filter:  +0%
     In a pre rifts vehicle:  +80%
     In a post rifts non-combat vehicle:  -20%
     In a post rifts combat vehicle:  -60%
     Wearing power armor:  -30%
     In a combat robot:  -80%

Infiltrators These microbes are specifically designed to erode filtering systems, but they do no harm to people. They simply allow other microbes to get through filtering systems.
Target: Toxin/bio-filters Permeability: 100% Effect: Rapidly destroys Filtering systems in environmental armor, cybernetics implants, vehicles and some combat robots. Round:
Premeability of
other gasses:
Note: Does no damage to people so it is used in conjunction with another gas.

Neo-mustard Gas
The original Mustard gas was a chemical weapon, and was one of the most feared chemical weapons of its time. Biotech named this microbe after the chemical weapon based on its similar effects.
Target: Lungs, eyes and skin
Permeability: 10%
Effect: If eyes are exposed they must be shut due to pain and irritation; If they are not shut victim may suffer permanent blindness.  If skin exposed it will begin to blister and become extremely painful.  If inhaled the gas will begin to eat away at the lungs
Round: 1 2 3 4 5
Skin damage: 1 1D6 2D6 2D6 1d6 with penalties on next row
Skin penalties: -1 str/par/dod -2 str/par/dod -2 init -2 all* -4 all*
Eye damage (open): 1 1D6 2D6 2D6 Blind
Eye penalties (open): -1 all -2 all -3 all -5 all -10 all
Closed eye penalties: -10 all -- -- -- --
Lung damage: 1 1D6 2D6 2D6 1D6
Lung penalties: -1 all, -1 PS -2 all, -1 PE -3 all, -2 PP -5 all, -2PP/PE -10 all

* All combat bonuses Note: Without medical attention, magic or regeneration characters effected by neo-mustard gas will die in 1d4+2 days. For one month after being healed, characters will suffer 2 to all combat bonuses for eye damage or skin damage and 1 to PS,PE,PP for lung damage. After one month the character is fully recovered. This gas only affects SDC creatures; to damage MDC creatures see Mega-mustard gas variant.

Mega-mustard Gas
The mega damage version of the mustard gas microbe is a great deal more complex and also a great deal larger, so large I fact that it is no longer microscopic and looks like a cloud of dust when it is first released. After one round it has dispersed enough that it can no longer be noticed.

Target: Lungs, eyes and skin
Permeability: -80%
Effect:	Same as Neo-mustard gas but all damage is MD and all penalties effect mega-damage creatures.
This gas will kill all SDC creatures instantly if inhaled and will immediately blind if eyes are exposed and it will destroy exposed limbs like acid. Healing process is the same as neo-mustard gas.