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RHA Material

K7-LM (Laser Mine)
___The Laser-mine is very powerful very effective improvement to an ancient weapon. This weapon is basically a field mine that utilizes a laser instead of an explosive to take down enemies. The laser is shaped like an upside-down cone when it is fired. Since a laser is used instead of an explosive, the laser mine can be reused. A remote can also be bought for use with the mine. It costs 10,000 credits and enables the operator to rearm the mine from a 1 mile diameter.

Weight: 15 lbs
Mega-damage: 2D6x10 per blast
Rate of Fire: Can manually be reset in one melee action.  Using the remote will reset it in no actions
Effective Range: 5 foot diameter and 25 feet high
Payload: 5 shots per E-clip
Black Market Cost: Because of its rarity, 100,000 each
I have recently recieved an e-mail concerning this weapon. It seems that our Laser mine is similar to someone elses. We assure you that ours is authentic. We do not intend to offend anyone, or become involved in a lawsuit; therefore we have placed the following link to the other site.

Another Laser Mine