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About Myself

Hi! Welcome to J.R. Peņa's page! I'm 21, Hispanic, and from San Antonio, Texas. I'm a senior at the University of the Incarnate Word . While my major is in mathematics, my minor is in Information Systems. My hobbies include listening to music, working and playing on my computer, watching the X-files, and watching Anime, especially Ranma 1/2!

Click here to check out my resume!

I also enjoy playing video games and messing with Linux.

While I am mostly a PC user, I'm also into Macs .

Catch me sometime on Effnet sometime. Yet, sometimes I use the Undernet. I usually use Josephp as my nick. See you on IRC, sometime! Write to me at

In addition, you can also chat with me here on my website. Click here to access my chat page!

See you later!

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Please be aware that I am working to produce a better homepage. If you have any suggestions or have any criticism, then please E-mail me at

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Check out these links today!

Click here to check out my Linux website!

Click here to check out my Playstation webpage!

Click here to check out my principal website!

Click here to check out my Visual Basic webpage!

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