
1.)..... Throw a vegetable into the pond behind the carpenter's house. A goddess will appear granting you one wish.

2.).....Throw a small fish into the pond behind fisherman's tent at the bottom of Moon Mountain. A blue imp will appear and then give you an anti-rain power berry.

3.) ..... Climb the tree behind the carpenter's house to reach the top of Moon Mountain. This is faster than to go the other way by walking up the mountain.

4.)...... Find a treasure map by going to the tree on your ranch and pressing A. The map directs you to a music box. To find it, Go right from your dog house go around the crate and go to the bottom of your farm then go up 3 or 4 moves and hit the ground 11 times. If you don't find it there try one up one back and to the left and to the right.

5.)..... During the winter, break the stone behind the Fisherman's tent. You must have the golden hammer to do this. A power berry will appear after the stone breaks.

6.)..... Ok when you finally build your stairs they lead to your roof. What you can do is put you chickens up there and you don't have to feed them just gather their eggs

7.)..... Ok your first fall or winter a man will appear at your farm and he will say he's hungry give him some food and he will thank you then keep on giving him gifts and make friends with him he will be in from of the carpenters house after a while he will marry Ann and invite you to his wedding but make sure you dont put some moves on her or get her to like you.

8.)..... (It's not really a secret) Take wood from the side of your chicken hut and block of a large area of land but leave about a 3 space wide gap in the area with them in your farming area then plant grass and you can leave your cows and sheep out there and not go throught the trouble of feeding them Warning! make sure to check the forcast everyday so they dont get sick.

9.)..... Sometimes when it rains and you leave you animals out in the rain if a bunch of them get sick turn of the game and restart sometimes more or less will be sick just repeat this untill only 1 or 2 animals are sick.

10.).....Free Winep

Go to the Moon Mountain Vineyard, and then go to the little house on the left that Karen is sometimes standing by. Go inside and go down the stairs where the bottles and barrels of wine are. There are two barrels with nozzles on the upper wall. Take the bottle that you bought from Rick and hit B when you are in front of the nozzle. If you do it correctly then you should get a free bottle of wine. IF you do this a lot then it raises your tolerance to alcohol. It impresses Karen if you can out-drink her.

11.).....Cool Prizes From Baker

To get these Prizes you must go to the bakery between 25 and 29 of Winter. You must have bought a cake so check your card and you might have 1 or more points. If you have 10 or more go talk to the man across the counter you will be able to get 4 different prizes.

1st Prize - Table Cloth

2nd Prize - Mug

3rd Prize - Dish

4th Prize - Honey

These prizes will be in your kitchen on the table, and they look pretty cool. *Note: if you have money and you want to get a prize go to the glass case not the menu, for you wont get points if you buy from the menu*

12.).....Flower Shop Prizes

To get these prizes you must buy flowers.Then 25th thruogh the 29th go to the flower shop and get the raffle ticktets.If you are lukey she will give you a prize. The prizes are:

1st Prize - A Cusion (this goes on your bed as a pillow)

2nd Prize - Bath Agent (this goes in your belongings section)

3rd Prize - Flower Seals (on your calender you will have 5 more little desings)

4th Prize - Seeds of Pink Cat Mint (just a regular bag of seeds) If you don't get a prize you will atomaticaly get a bag of Moon Drop Seeds.

13.).....Alcohol Resistance

This is a helpful trick on keeping you from passing out at the New Year's Festival. Each time you visit the Village Bar, buy a few of the alcoholic drinks. Doing this will build up your resistance to the drink, which in turn will keep you from passing out as soon at the Festival. Also, Karen really likes it if you can out drink her, so if you're going after Karen, try this out.

14.).....Avoid Typhoons

In order for this trick to work you must check the weather forecast early in the morning when you wake up. During the summer, if the weather lady says there will be a typhoon, go outside or to your refridgerator if you have built the kitchen and get a vegetable(eggs work too). Go to the pond by the carpenters' house where the godess of the spring is. Throw the vegetable in after 9:00 AM and wish for weather. This is especially good if you have lots of animals.

15.).....Feed Animals During Typhoon

To feed your animals during a typhoon even though you can't get outside, be very nice to the elves and when it's the day before the typhoon the elves will visit your house and tell you that since you were so nice to them they will feed your animals during the upcoming typhoon! when they do this it's a good Idea to bring anything you can inside (Animals, Dog, Wood, etc.)

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