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The Can't Agree On A Clan Name Clan

If you just see letters click here to download the required font! And read the READ file!

Since 3/12/00

Fongchowpei's Page | Links | PyroChem Page

Firing for effect.

man...its been so long...where is everyone neway?
dude items on gunbound are sellin on ebay for some good roomates are goin into the business..haha.
i still wana make a game...but i dont kno enough.
im kinda wierd now. ok.

Hahaha. You people still exist. It's great.
Gunbound is a great game too. I've been playing it too.
I'm like, in the middle of the void right now, and it seems that none of you use ICQ anymore.
Anyway, I upload files here for transfer to some other people who I can't transfer to other people, so don't be weirded out if you find strange links anywhere on this page.
I'm a scary person now.
Even if I see you on gunbound, I wouldn't able to message you anyway, but, I'll see if you show up sometime.

lol sup john ^_^ where u at now? city?
havnt seen u in a while
yea ro went p2p too...kinda sux, but found a new game, gunbound,, made by koreans too, pretty fun.
neway whats goin on? im a cs major learnin some programmin and maybe one day make my own game and/or company ^_^.
hmm...havnt talked to bryan in a while too, or um, everyone else.
btw i forgot how to to html, i only know how to write text =\(only cuz i saw the previous ones)


0.o Someone came to
I havent checked this in ages and almost forgot the pass.
Anyways, I heard infantry went p2p. I think we had already quit when it went p2p.
Im still playing helbreath on a friend's server.
Remember RO? One of my friends also has a RO server but I don't play.


someone updated!
haha anyway...wassup everyone, i didnt kno neone went here nemore, i just came to check cuz my friend was making this site and reminded me of this...i never expected this to be used whats goin on? i dont even kno how to do this anymore...well cool. you guys still play infantry? is that still free? i kinda feel like playin that again. who updated that? well gnite.


Since no one has been using this in a while...I might as well use up the space as I go along.
anyway: here is game
here is copy of game
here is movie
Something like that.
here is editor thingy
here is ET profile

08/27/01 Took out the fish...
If you just see waving letters on top click here to download the required font!
MV: Boa - Listen to my heart

08/20/01 I guess no one ever updates this anymore...and everyone quit Earth. Nothing to post about yet another boring summer of summer school and reading. Someone must come here once in a while to see if it's been updated or MAKE A POST!

Like my fishes?

FØÑG©hðwþËï's Page (or ÅMÖ§)

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