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The Zerg are composed of several different types of creatures that have been integrated into the Swarm by the Overmind. These creatures, or breeds, have been selectively evolved to become efficient killers and to assist the Zerg in their quest for ultimate power. The Zerg do not utilize technology in the common sense, but their natural weaponry and armor is comparable to the most advanced gadgetry employed by any other species. This biological evolution, combined with an unmatched savagery and their blind devotion to the Overmind, make the Zerg an extremely formidable and deadly foe. The Zerg have been found in all types of environments, including deep space. They have adapted themselves to the rigors of space travel, although it is not exactly understood how they are able to do so. The center of a Zerg habitation is the Hatchery. Their nests are composed of a thick organic matter, nicknamed the Creep, which provides nourishment for the Zerg and provides organic mass for Zerg Larvae and Drones to facilitate their transformation into larger forms. The Creep expands and covers the area around the Zerg hive, and is very difficult to eradicate.


For those who are interested in using the Zerg in an Alternity campaign, I have decided to write up the stats for all the Zerg in the form used in the GMG (not like in the StarCraft boxed set). As you look over my work, you may notice that they do not have an ability point spread like other creatures. I did this because all Zerg of one strain are identical. Individual GMs may want to come up with substrains with different stats, but that is up to them. I have put the number encountered under Encounter and the game's strain upgrades last. Again, it is up to the GM to determine if a specific hive cluster has evolved the abilities. And I gave the Queen the glave wurm, the mutalisk the acid spray, and the defiler the venom attack that were described in the instruction and rules manual of StarCraft.

I hope you can enjoy and use them.

Please send any questions or comments to



STR 6 INT 12

DEX 12 WIL 9

CON 8 PER 10

Durability 8/8/4/4 Action Check 13+/12/6/3

Movement sprint 18 walk 4 # of actions 2

Reaction Score G/2


Bite 8/4/2 d2w/d4w/d8w

Venom see below

Defenses armor d4 (LI), d4 (HI), 0 (En)

0 vs melee

+1 vs ranged


Stealth (12)- hide (16), sneak (14); Knowledge (12); Awareness (9)-

perception (14); Interaction (10)


The defiler looks like a ladybug larva with long tentacles instead of legs. It uses the tentacles to pull itself along at a good speed. It is always covered with swarms of small creatures, which it can use for several effects.


Defilers are one of the few strains that can communicate with intelligent beings. In combat, a defiler tries to use its upgrades to the best of its ability. If engaged in melee, it can use its venomous bite. The poison is a necrotoxin (4 step penalty and immediate effects). Only one of found, usually with other strains.


Dark Swarm has a range of 15 meters and produces a cloud 4 meters in diameter. It gives a +4 penalty to all direct ranged attacks against those in the cloud. It can be used once per hour.

Plague has a range of 20 meters and affects everything in a 3 diameter sphere. It causes d4w per phase for 1 minute (ie it does 20d4w in the minute). It can be used once per 12 hours.

Consume allows the defiler to use dark swarm and plague more. For every 4 CON points it consumes, a defiler can emit another dark swarm. And for every 8 CON points consumed, the defiler can emit another plague.



STR 12 INT 6

DEX 6 WIL 10

CON 14 PER 4

Durability 14/14/7/7 Action Check 9+/8/4/2

Movement sprint 18 walk 4 # of actions 2

Reaction Score G/2


Spines 14/7/3 60/120/300 d4w/d8w/d2m (HI/O)

Claws 6/3/1 d4s/d4w/d4+1w (LI/O)

Defenses armor d6 (LI), d4+1 (HI), d3 (En)

+2 vs melee

+1 vs ranged


Stealth (6)- hide (12); Stamina (14)- edurance (16), resist pain (20); Awareness (10)- perception (12); Resolve (10)- physical resolve (14)


A hydralisk have a snake like body with 2 fore limbs used for movement and is about 3 meters long. The tail is used for support as the hydralisk tends to stand upright in combat. The limbs have one long claw at the end of the last joint. The head is set at the end of a large carapace used to hold the spines used in combat. 400 spines are held by the carapace with regeneration rate of 20 per hour. The eyes are deeply inset and the mouth is wide and filled with large teeth. As with all Zerg, the hydralisk's coloration is variable.


Hydralisks are used as the main ground assult strain by the Cerebrates. Their ability to hit anything within 300 meters, including flying craft, gives them amazing combat potential. Usually 4 to 100 are found in an assult group.


Muscular Augments doubles the speed of the hydralisk.

Grooved spines adds +2 to the spines damage and gives them a range of





STR 22 INT 4

DEX 6 WIL 10

CON 18 PER 2

Durability 18/18/9/9 Action Check 7+/6/3/1

Movement sprint 12 walk 2 # of actions 1

Reaction Score O/1


Kaiser blades 22/11/5 d12w/d4+2m/d8m (LI/G)

Defenses armor 2d6 (LI), 2d4 (HI), d6 (En)

+4 vs melee

+3 vs ranged

Good toughness


Stamina (18)- resist pain (24); Resolve (10)- physical resolve (16)


This creature is 3 meters tall and 5 meters long. It is a quadraped with a small shell covering its back. On either side of its head, projecting 3 meters, are its kaiser blades- made out of some super stong ceramic, these weapons can cut through most metals with ease. Its head is small and has 2 sets of mandibles which it does not use in combat.


Ultralisks are use to kill large animals and smash vehicles and buildings. Only when annoyed will they go after human sized targets. Usually only 1 to 4 are found, with a large task force being 20-50.


Anabolic Synthesis doubles the speed of the ultralisk.

Chitnous plating increases the ultralisk's armor to 3d4+2 (LI), 2d4+4

(HI), 2d4+2 (En).



STR 24 INT 6

DEX 8 WIL 14

CON 20 PER 2

Durability 20/20/10/10 Action Check 7+/6/3/1

Movement sprint 24 walk 4 # of actions 1

Reaction Score O/1


Kaiser Blades 24/12/6 d4m/d8m/d12+4m (LI/A)

Defenses armor 3d4+2 (LI), 2d4+4 (HI), 2d4+2 (En)

+5 vs melee

+3 vs ranged

Amazing toughness


Stamina (20)- endurance (24), resist (26); Awareness (14)- perception (16); Resolve (14)- physical resolve (18)


This ultralisk was created as the ultimate ground assult weapon. It is identical to the ultralisk, except it is 4 meters tall and 6 meters long, and is extremely dense to give it the ablility to shrug off most weapons. There is only one, but when it falls in battle, the Overmind will bring it back (at the cost of scores of zerglings and hydralisks).


The Torrasque is used in defence of either the Overmind or a very important Cerebrate.


The Torrasque has all the ultralisk's upgrades.




DEX 10 WIL 8


Durability 4/4/2/2 Action Check 12+/11/5/2

Movement sprint 24 walk 6 # of actions 3

Reaction Score G/2


Claws 8/4/2 d4s/d4w/d6w (LI/O)

Bite 6/3/1 d2w/d4w/d4+1w (LI/O)

Defenses armor d4-1 (LI), d2-1 (HI), d3-2 (En)

+1 vs melee

+2 vs ranged


Athletics (7)- climb (9), jump (9); Acrobatics (10)- daredevil (15); Stealth (10)- hide (12), sneak (12); Awareness (8)- perception (12); Resolve (8)- physical resolve (14)


Zerglings are small reptile-like hexapods about .75 meters long. Their fore legs have a single digit with a long claw. The center legs, which are used in combat, and the hind legs have 3 digits. The mouth is large and posesses a set of ripping teeth. The tail has 6 small spikes projecting to both sides. Coloration is variable and is used for camouflage.


Zergling are use by the Cerebrates as scouts and shock troops. They use their claws and teeth to great effect because of their numbers. Up to 6 can attack a human sized creature per phase. Usually from 10 to 500 can be found when used as shock troops.


Metabolic Boost gives the Zerglings a DEX score of 12 an doubles their speed.

Adrenal Glands gives the Zerglings a STR score of 10 and increases claw damage by 2.

More Zerg Goodies!


Special thanks to Derek Holland for allowing me to post his hard work!