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STR: 6 (d4+4)

DEX: 14 (2d6+7)

CON: 4 (d4+2)

INT: 4 (Animal 13-14 or d4+[11-12])

WIL: 8 (2d4+3)

PER: 4 (Animal 13-14 or d4+[11-12])

Durability: 4/4/2/2

Move: Walk 2/ Fly 24/ Glide 16

Reaction Score: Ordinary/2

Action Check: 10+/9/4/2

# Actions: 1


Webs (see below)

Egg insertion (see below)

Bite 6/3/1 1s/2s/1w LI/O


+2 resistance modifier vs. ranges attacks

no resistance modifier vs. melee attacks

Armor: d6-3 LI/ d6-4 HI/d4-3 En


Acrobatics (14) -flight (16) -dodge (15), Stamina (4), Awareness( 8 ) -perception ( 9 )

Biome: Semi-Tropical woodland fringes

Encounter chance: Slim

Group Size : 12-48

Niche : Small Carnivore

Intelligence: High - Order Animal

Description :

The webbird is not actually an avian; it is in fact a severely mutated form of arachnid. It is found in semi-tropical lands, usually inhabiting the fringes of woodlands so it can seek prey in nearby open ground. A webbird appears to be a beakless bird, about raven-sized, with long feathered wings and a long spikey tail. Careful inspection will reveal a slitted mouth with hard, sharp ridges for biting and a drooping chest appendage about 4 inches long.

Food consists of small flying creatures. When large, warm-blooded creatures come within sight, a flock of webbirds will take to the air. They then gather together and make low passes over the heads of the intended victims. Each webbird can emit a 7-12 foot long strand of sticky, non-flammable web, once per round. The effectiveness of a flock's attack is determined by rolling a 1d6 and adding 1 for every 6 webbirds in the flock. The area of attack is 12 feet by 12 feet square. Attacks are a follows:

Die Score Result

1-3 ineffective attack

4-6 1 creature ensnared for 2-8 rounds

7-10 2-5 creatures ensnared for 2-5 rounds

11 and up Entire area is covered with webs, and all therein are held fast for 2-5 rounds.

A strength score of 13 will shorten immobilization time by 1 round and strength of 14 by 2 rounds. Alcohol dissolves the strands, 1 wine flask being sufficient to free 1 man-sized creature. As soon as a victim is held fast, 1-4 webbirds will alight upon it. Next round the webbirds will insert their chest appendage in exposed flesh and inject 2-8 eggs. Grubs hatch from the eggs in 30-60 minutes, and each grub eats its way into the host and inflicts 1 wound per round (per grub), eventually killing it. Fledgling webbirds will emerge from a corpse within 2 hours after the victim has died. Pain from grubs is excruciating.

Webbirds shun flame and fire. An individual with a torch will be safe from attack as the webbirds will avoid him and attack unprotected creatures. A webbird can be caught in a person's hand (requiring a successful hit) and crushed then and there. The mutant will always inflict a dying bite ( 1 wound) upon its slayer.

Webbird feathers are metallic gray with greenish hues at wingtips and tails. Underbellies are bright gray, shading to light green near the tail.

Conversion taken from TSR's Monster Manual II. Webbird is Copyrighted by TSR. No copyright infringement intended.

Conversion by Brutorz Bill