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Acid mat (burning slime)
This algae has evolved a way to kill and consume prey- through the production of a concentrated enzyme mixture that affects certain substances. The most important substances are cellulose and collagen
(these two make a significant portion of plants and animals). It lives on the surface of a few lakes in northern Meriga and is considered a major pest as it can and does eat wooden ships, eatable fish, and fishermen. The rate that the mats grow inhibits them from taking over the likes they inhabit (the enzyme producing requires a lot of energy). And during the winter, more than 75% of the mats die off from the cold (they sink into the mud to "hibernate").
Inspired by the fast fungus from Blue Planet. (and it is similar to something from the Creep Show movie)

Field Voles- these critters are dangerous only to greenfolk and farmers. They seem to be able to reproduce at a rate of 3-4 young per 2 weeks.

House Frogs- these amphibians are a major pest to those who store food in large amounts. They can change color and have and sticky feet.

Steel Rats- they are named so because they like to chew through metal and nest in such areas. The Created are terrified of them.

Nauga- these weasels are immune to radiation. The power is due to their hyde, so anyone wearing a cloak of naugahyde is immune to R0-R3, and R4 is treated as R2.

Log Dwellers- these giant hermit crabs have adapted themselves to forests and use snags as homes.

Gliding Cat- these felines have evolved the skin flaps that make flying squirrels famous. They can be "domesticated".

Lake Cow- these genemod cows were used to eat weeds and are now used as cattle by lake dwelling peoples.

Walking Trees- giant walking sticks that now look like entire trees. The largest can grow to 30 meters. They feed on the surrounding vegetation.

Locoweed- these members of the pea family have gone through the cataclysm fairly unchanged. They still retain the chemicals that cause locoism and are considered a narcotic for NA herbivores. (If any animal eats a locoweed it must make a mental resolve or WIL feat check (1 step penalty if the animal is a herbivore)- CF means the animal will eat only locoweed until death in 2-3 weeks, F mean the animal will prefer locoweed and will die in 1-2 years if its diet is 50%-90% locoweed, O-A means the animal is

Juniper- these ground dwelling shrubs produce berries that are used by some to flavor booze and some meats. If eaten in quantity, the berries toxin may cause kidney failure. (Those consuming .05 Kg or more must make a CON feat check- CF means kidney failure and death in 12-36 hours, F means damaged kidneys and animal is treated as if it has the defect chemical susceptibility for 2-8 weeks, O-A means the animal is unaffected.)

bloodbur- these mutant cockleburs have evolved an unusual way of seed dispersal- the burs hang on to the animal until the temperature is just right (that of early summer). and then kill the animal with a powerful acid (d2w/phase until the bur is removed). The body is then used as fertilizer and usually 2-3 seeds survive on each animal. Each bur only has a dur of 1/1/1.)

stinging nettle- these inconspicuous plants are considered a nusance to many. The leaves are covered in toxin producing glands. The toxin causes a burning sensation for up to an hour. (Those burshing a plant with bare skin must make a CON feat check- CF means the animal has -1 to its DEX and WIL for 1 hour, F means the animal has -1 to its DEX for 2-20 minutes, O-A means the animal is unaffected).

lily of the valley- these flowers are extremely toxic. (Those eating any part of the plant must make a CON feat check at a 3 step penalty- CF means heart failure and death in 1-10 minutes, F means heart damage and a -4 to CON for 4-6 weeks, O means heart damage and -2 to CON for 2-3 weeks, G means heart damage and -1 to CON for 1-2 weeks, A means no damage).

Water Hemlock- the most toxic known plant in Meriga. (Those consuming the root must make a CON feat check at a 5 step penalty- CF means death in 1-10 minutes, F means massive tissue damage and -4 to STR, DEX, CON, and INT for 6-12 months (with a 25% chance of the reductions being permanent), O means tissue damage and -3 to STR, DEX, CON and INT for 6-8 months (with a 10% chance that the damage is permanent), G means tissue damage and -2 to STR, DEX, CON, and INT for 4-6 months, A means tissue damage and -1 to STR, DEX, and CON for 2-4 months).

Medicinal Plants
Mayapple- This small umbrella-like plant produces eatable fruit and, if prepaired correctly, can help with certain cancers (it can be used to make a semisynthetic drug Etoposide- used in small cell lung cancer). Some in Gamma Terra may have been genemod to produce the drug directly.

Bloodroot- this small white flower can be used as a antiseptic and anesthetic (CON feat check at +2 or fall asleep for d4 hours). If overused it can cause tunnel vision.

Foxglove- this plant has bell-like flowers that are purple to white and hang down. They can be used to help with a weak heart and low blood pressure. It also has a 85% chance of killing the person as the lethal dose is close to the medicinal dose (reduce to 1% if person is treated by a Ancient doctor or android).

Annual Wormwood- this small, fern-like plant with green-yellow flowers can be used as a poultice that help give resistance to malaria (those that are resistant to some antibiotics) (+2 on CON feat checks). Jewelweed- this small herb with yellow (with red spots) flower is used to stop poison ivy and stinging nettle rashes. That is all the useful (in game terms) plants in modern medicine that are in Peterson's guide to Medicinal Plants (the rest are to specific or are used to deal with allergies of that plant).

Here are a few of my own (real plants that were genemod):

Butter-and-eggs- the sap of these yellow snapdragons makes a good insect repellant. (insects must make a WIL feat check (or mental resolve) to come within 2 meters of something covered with the sap).

White Trout-lily- these lilies are the bane of the radioactivists- they are antimutegenic. (anyone consuming a salad of these has a 30% chance of not getting a mutation when exposed to a mutagen).

Creeping Wood-Sorrel- these plants look like long stemmed clover. A tea made from them is used for scurvy and fevers. To much can result in calcium loss in the body (but they are quite tasty- I have them on my salad a few time each year).