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Fire Bat

STR 8 (2d4+3) INT 4 (Animal13-14 or d4+[11-12])

DEX 13 (d6+9) WIL 8 (2d4+3)

CON 7 (2d4+2) PER 4 (Animal 13-14 or d4+[11-12])

Durability as Con Action Check : 13+/12/6/3

Move: Walk 2 /fly 30

# of act. 1

Reaction Score O/1


Bite 10/5/2 d4-2s/d6s/d6w (LI/O)

Burning touch 12/6/3 d4s/d4w/2d4w (En/O)


Immune to heat and fire

+2 modifier vs. ranged attacks


d6-2(LI), d4-2 (HI), d6-4(En)


Unarmed Attack (8), Acrobatics [13]- flight [16], Awareness [8]- perception [15]

Combat: When fire bats engage an opponent, they make swooping attacks as they attempt to attach themselves to a victim. Once they have attached themselves, fire bats do not need to roll for further attacks and will automatically burn and bleed their victim for a total of 3 rounds. At the end of 3 rounds, the satiated bat will drop off and return to it’s lair.. Water scares a fire bat, but it takes a minimum of 10 gallons to douse a fire bat’s external fires. Once extinguished it takes 10 rounds of drying off before the fire can ignite again. During this period it cannot fly.

Biome: Very Hot locales; Volcanoes, Hot Springs and similar regions.

Encounter chance: Slim

Group Size: 1-2 dozen

Org: Colony

Niche: Small Carnivore

Intelligence: High-order animal

Description: The fire bat is a mutant species of bat. It’s body is bat-like, about 2’ long, with a wingspan approaching 4’; it’s entire body is flaming, and it radiates a temperature of several hundred degrees. Its mouth is small but the fangs therein are razor sharp, and the damage from burning affects the victim more than the blood drain. The skin of the fire bat is tough and leathery, and even the relatively thin wings are difficult to pierce.

Conversion by Brutorz Bill

Converted from Monster Manual II