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Welcome to the Clan ZaN home page! This site is dedicated to helping all of our clan members stay up-to-date with all clan events and BNet news. We want to be able to give you a place to turn to when you have questions. This site contains news about top replays, our clan list, and information about our clan and its brother and sister clans. We will try to update this site at least once each week. Overall, we have made this site so you may conveniently get access to the latest news in Warcraft III. Feel free to check out the whole site, and if you need anything, just contact us with your questions, suggestions, and feedback about this site.

  • »This clan was formed in hopes of helping people become more involved in warcraft events.
  • »Everyone who is in the clan must be active or they will be kicked.
  • »No spamming allowed in our clan channel.

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