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Hi there and welcome to the Zabiton Home Page. Right now you are probably wondering: "Just What is Zabiton's?!?" The answer is as simple as this: Zabiton's is a sexual stimulant cream designer / supplier. Our mission is to provide a fantastic product at a reasonable price.

Some of you might be saying to yourselves - "Since 1986? That's a bit new..." Well, our answer to that is yes. We are a relatively new company. But do not confuse a young company with an inexperienced one. Zabiton's prides itself on conducting EXTENSIVE testing on humans ever since the original cream was invented. Why? Because we care. Our studies have shown that application of our original cream increases the virility of erectile tissue by a whopping 113%!!! Too good to be true? Not for Zabiton's.

Essence of Man Cologne:

Essence of Man Cologne is a fine cologne made for men FOR MEN. Scientists at the Zabiton "Alternative Lifestyle" branch have pin-pointed the exact ferimone that creates the phenomena known as GAYDAR. Application of Essence of Man is GUARANTEED to increase your perceived homosexuality by 45%.

For product information or ordering information please contact us.

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