by Richard Burkard

In February 2002 the United Church of God took over a project begun by the recent merger partner Church of God Christian Fellowship - a "Bible Reading Program." It promised through daily readings to take Bible students through the entire Scriptures in less than three years. (But at this writing, it's 4 1/4 years - and the program still is three books away from finishing the Old Testament, not having started the New.)

This program appears to be the closest any Church of God group has come to preparing a "Bible commentary" - a study help providing insight and analysis on what God's word has to say. But in the course of this program, we've discovered our own interesting insights and questions which the Bible Reading Program either has not adequately addressed for us, or has not mentioned at all.

Using notes we've taken from the daily readings, we now offer this "Bible companion" for your own meditation and reflection. It's structured a bit along the lines of the Worldwide Church of God's Bible devotional series Experiencing the Word - only with our own personal points and questions. In some cases, we have our own answers to these questions which may appear obvious as you study. In others, we have no definite answers; we welcome your thoughts and input on those. May this companion help you more deeply consider what God has done, and is doing in the lives of His people.



The Hebrew in 1:2, tohu va bohu, is often said to be rendered "waste and chaos." Yet "bohu" is not recorded as "chaos" in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.. Instead, the definition is "Vacuirt... an undistinguishable ruin."

Some say Genesis is not a "book of the law," because it lacks specific commands. But don't some commands exist, such as avoiding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

Many ministers say the pattern of creation in Genesis 1 shows God is a God of logic and purpose. Then why do some ministers also say "logic is carnal," as if God is really illogical? (Example: having Moses speak to a God-hardened Pharaoh in Exodus.)


The Bible Reading Program claims the Hebrew word translated "history" in Genesis 2:4 literally means "generations." But which translation uses the word "history?" KJV, NIV, NKJV, CEV and Moffatt do not.

Is the creation of mankind different from the creation of all other things in Genesis 1, where God is only shown as speaking to bring them into life? Or does this presume something in "scriptual silence" about the creation of animals?

This "spirit in man" or "human spirit" is mentioned many times in the Bible. The Bible Reading Program notes the Hebrew word for spirit, ruach, and its New Testament Greek equivalent, pneuma, have the sense of "wind" or "breath." Should we then understand "Spirit of God" to mean His wind or breath as well, since it's also "ruach?"


Did Adam join Eve in sin from fear of being lonely (3:6)?

Who are Satan's "offspring" compared to Eve's? (3:15)


What was the "great wrong" or sin of which Cain needed to repent? (4:6-7)

The Bible Reading Program claims "God's commandments must have been transmitted through Adam and Eve." But could Abel have had a faith exclusive of the commandments, as it could be argued Abraham did later? (Rom. 4:20-25)

Cain headed east to the land of Nod. The Bible Reading Program notes it means "vagabond" or "wandering," which might not indicate a real geographic name. But KJV/NIV imply "Nod" is a physical land -- "IN the land...." (4:16)


Enosh (5:7) comes from a root meaning "mortal." Were humans at that time aware they were NOT immortal souls?

Putting all the names in this chapter together and using possible meanings, The Bible Reading Program concludes this pattern:"Man [is] appointed mortal sorrow, [but] the blessed God shall come down teaching, [and] his death shall bring [those] despairing rest." BUT could it also mean: "The red earth was granted by God to die. The spear was blessed by God to come down, starting weapons in the wild that bring relief."


The BRP claims in this chapter that angels "neither marry nor sexually reproduce (compare Luke 20:34-36)." How does Luke 20 rule out sexual reproduction?

The BRP claims the argument that fallen angels crossbred with human women "would violate the principle made clear in Genesis 1 that each kind reproduces only 'according to its kind.'" But in saying this, does the "according to its kind" principle rule out the popular Church of God contention that man was made "after the God kind?"

The BRP cites Jesus as saying "fallen angels," or demons, cannot manifest themselves materially as He and the righteous angels could, citing Luke 24:39. But where does this verse specifically refer to demons? Most translations have simply "spirit" or "ghost"


Could only clean animals be sacrificed to God, as BRP contends?

Prove the BRP statement that "all modern dog varieties could be produced from one pair of 'generic' dog by the application of selective breeding principles." And is it also true that "average-sized land animal would require only a cubic foot and a half of space"? Remember 8:7-8, which showed multiple kinds of birds were aboard the ask.

The flood began in the year Methuselah died (5:27). Did Methuselah resist going into the ark? Did God rule him out in 6:18 for some reason?

Was the era of the flood era a time of great earthquakes, as BRP contends? Does this explain what happened to the springs in 7:11?


The BRP suggests God made the animals docile for the journey inside the ark, then "evidently de-pacified the animals." Did God change the animals -- or did Nimrod, as some ministers have argued (10:8-9)?

The BRP justifies eating animal flesh with Abel's animal sacrifice, the eating of parts of sacrifices in Leviticus, and Paul's statement "that some animals.... were created to be eaten (1 Timothy 4:3-4)." Can the New Testament be used to prove early Old Testament practices? (cf. Gen. 1:29)

Was the clean and unclean animal distinction aboard the ark for earing, or sacrifices!? Or both? (See 7:1)


The BRP suggests the tower at Babel indicates "concentration of population would be achieved through highly organized governmental projects." Was what transpired at Babel necessarily a "governmental project?"

Why didn't Nahor go with the rest of his family to Canaan (11:31)?


Did Abram give God a tithe "of all he had taken in battle," as BRP states? Or was it a tithe of "all"/"everything" NIV (14:20)?

The BRP notes tithing was widespread at this time, and concludes God may have "earlier given instructions to mankind regarding it--perhaps as far back as Adam and Eve.:" But were other widespread Old Testament religious customs sanctioned by God -- such as child sacrifice?

How did "Dan" exist before the tribe of Dan did? (14:14)


Comparing 15:3-6 with Romans 4:19, did Abram consider his body dead or not? (NIV/Moffatt indicate he did; KJV suggests perhaps not.)

Did God warn the Amorites about their sins -- or even work with them (15:16)?


The BRP says of 16:1-2: "Man cannot bring about the fulfillment of God's promises on his own. To attempt to do so is presumptuous...." Were there Biblical cases where men DID fulfill God's promises on their own? Could this have occurred during the time of Jesus's crucifixion -- such as the casting of lots and the spearing?


Prove this BRP statement concerning circumcision (17:12): "In male babies vitamin K--the blood clotting factor--rises sharply from birth and peaks on the eighth day, before declining to the normal level."

What does Sarai mean? The BRP says "Princess," as does the KJC margin - but Strong's Concordance says "Sarai" means "diminutive."

If I Peter 1:11 indicates Abraham and Sarah received the indwelling of God's Spirit at some point, as BRP claims, was Sarah a "prophet," as I Pet. 1:10 specifies for the "Spirit of Christ?" (Gen. 20:7 shows Abraham was a prophet, in the eyes of God.)

The BRP actually quotes a Louis L'Amour novel in this chapter to verify a "period of Arab greatness." Should we trust a secular novelist's writings -- especially in the wake of The DaVinci Code?

Was Canaan an "everlasting possession" (17:8) as the covenant of circumcision was an "everlasting covenant?"


The BRP uses 18:16-32 to claim "God is interested in our opinions and He is willing to reason with us." But haven't Church of God ministers historically said just the opposite -- that God does NOT care how "you look at it" ?!

Who cried out against Sodom/Gomorrah (18:20)? Could it have been Lot only, if the outcry was "great?" (Cf. 19:13)


Does "sitting in the gate" show Lot participated in that evil city's government (19:1)? If so, how?

Was the offer of Lot's daughters to be sexually assaulted (19:8) a sign of corruption, or an act of desperation?

UCG claims two married daughters of Lot remained behind in Sodom (19:12-15), while he committed incest and had children with two other daughters (19:30-33) Since the NIV says the former daughters were only "pledged to marry," ("CEV "engaged") did Lot have 2 daughters or 4?

Lot also "negotiated" with God as Abram did, and received his way (v. 18-20) -- but why did he become afraid in Zoar? (v. 30)


B.R.P. claims while Sarah was Abraham's half-sister, "the intent was nevertheless one of outright deception." Compare this "outright deception" of 20:2 with the NON-lie declared by B.R.P. in chapter 12

Didn't Abimelech show more humility than Abraham -- even though Abraham was the deceiver?


Does the Beersheba well incident (21:22-30) show it's OK to pay a "ransom" for something held "hostage?"


Was Abraham's statement to his servants, "we will come back to you" (22:5) a statement of faith -- or hope? (An inclusive, poetic "we?")

Did God emphasize "only son" as a type of Christ -- or a reminder to forget about Hagar and Ishmael? (22:2)


B.R.P. describes "a price for the land that was somewhat excessive but characterizing it as an inconsiderable sum." Why was 400 shekels an excessive price (23:14-16)?


Did the servant bow in a particular direction in 24:52? (Perhaps toward Jerusalem?)

Could Jacob have learned from Abraham's servant, about not accepting delays with brides? (24:54-57)


B.R.P. suggests Jacob's preference to dwelt in tents "seems to imply that he showed more interest in the family's mercantile and herding business." Prove Jacob was more interested.


Was it wrong for Isaac to make a treaty with Gerar's leaders (26:31)?


Why was Rebekah against. Hittite women (27:46)? Is this a case of prejudice?


B.R.P. writes of 28:18: "It appears that Jacob took this stone with him on his journeys.... he prophesied that it would be with the descendants of Joseph in the end time (49:24)." Does that verse refer to the stone which is carried -- or to "the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel," implying Jesus? (NIV; KJV margin)


Was the kiss of Rachel in 29:11 an example of 'love at first sight" and overreaction to it? Was the 14-year wait after that God's punishment for kissing her?

Are there parallels in the rolling away of the stone for water (29:10) with the resurrection of Christ?


Citing Leviticus 18:19 (actually 18:18), B.R.P. claims: "Jacob did not violate this law [30:3-4], as God had not yet given it." How can we say this law was "not yet given," while also saying tithing WAS?

When Jacob tells Laban in 30:31,"You shall not give me anything," could that be understood to mean the animals were "wages" EARNED -- as opposed to "gifts?"

B.R.P. claims of 30:34-36: "Jacob took out the colored and spotted sheep and gave them to Laban, whose sons took them away a distance of three days' journey (verse 36)." Didn't Laban choose the animals, instead of Jacob? (v. 35) And did the sons go with Laban on the three-day journey?

Is "selective breeding," supposedly practiced by Jacob in 30:41-42, still a godly practice today? In a spiritual sense, is it exclusionary -- given the openness of salvation to all?


Was Jacob's departure without telling Laban merely an attempt "to avoid a confrontation," as B.R.P. states? .Or was it yet another example of deceiving him? (NIV, v. 20)

Did both Rachel and Leah truly worship God (31:14-16) -- or did Leah merely quote the name of God, without really worshiping Him? (sim. Mt. 15:8-9)


Should Jacob have allowed Esau "room to change" and /repent after 20 years, and gone with him to Seir -- or was he wise to be wary of Esau's temperamental nature? (Did Jacob speak misleading words in v 14?)


KJV for 34:19 says Shechem was "more honorable than all the household of his father." NIV has "more honored;" is this more indicative of his status in the community?!

Did Jacob make a "prediction" (B.R.P. word) in 34:30 that his family would be wiped out by the Canaanites and Perizzites -- one that God overrode in 35:5? Or did he speak in "if" terms, as NIV has it -- giving merely a cautionary warning?


Was Jacob guilty of pagan practices for setting up pillars (35:14, 20)?


Why is there a double emphasis on Seir's sons (36:20-21, 29-30)? Since Church of God ministers love to say items repeated in the Bible are worth spcial attention, what is the significance of this?


If Jacob/Israel is right about "your mother" bowing down to Joseph (37:10), doesn't this indicate there's a FUTURE element to Joseph's dream -- perhaps millennial?

What about the parallels between Joseph and Jesus, which ministers such as the late Adrian Rogers have noted? Note the camels with three items (37:25) and Joseph's sale for 20 pieces of silver (37:28), compared with 30 for Jesus.


What was Er's wickedness (38:7)? Apparently Judah's "wickedness" was not punished, because it fulfilled God's master plan -- so did Er refuse to lie with her?!


If God does not change, why is dream interpretation seemingly considered not credible in the Church of God today (41:17-32)?


Was Joseph "indignant" (B.R.P. term) with his brothers -- or playing with them a bit, after realizing God had turned the dream into reality (42:8-9)?


Does Joseph perpetuate his father's error of favoritism, by giving Benjamin five times more food (43:34)?


The B.R.P. about 44:15 that "Joseph may have allowed them to think he practiced divination with this cup to instill more fear in them." But isn't the appearance of a lie still a lie (see notes on ch. 20)? Also, how could he "find things out by divination" in v. 15 without the cup which was in Benjamin's sack? (Note KJV margin "discover.")


When Joseph tells his family to state that they were shepherds while in Egypt (46:31-34), B.R.P. states: "This would not have been a lie as it was technically correct--yet the term shepherds was by no means a full and apt description...." Why is "technically correct" but not "full and apt description" not a lie, given some United Church of God sermons?

B.R.P. says once Jacob's family was in Egypt (46:27), "counting Joseph and his family, the total came to 70 persons." Wasn't it really MORE than 70 people, if wives included (see NIV ff BUT cf. Ex. 1:5 and notes)

What sort of "blessing" did Jacob give Pharaoh (47:10)? Is that word significant, compared with his family?


Was Jacob repeating old mistakes by "playing favorites" with Joseph's two sons and considering them his own (48:5)?

If Manasseh is the USA and Ephraim is Great Britain, shouldn't the blessings and power have appeared first in the USA as the older brother (48:19)?

What about the religious groups which see the "12 tribes" prophecy fulfilled in modern-day Latin America? <12tribes.org>

Is there a difference in 48:16 between Jacob stating God had "redeemed [him] from all evil" (KJV) and "delivered me from all harm...." (NIV)?


Did Jacob say prophecies would come to pass "in the last days" (verse 1) -- or simply in "days to come" (NIV)? Isn't the latter method more of a "Bible interpreting the Bible" approach, regarding. world events?

B.R.P. defines the "last days" (49:1) as "the period of time at the end of the age leading into the establishment of God's Kingdom on Earth (e.g., Isaiah 2:2; Micah 4:1....)" Do Isaiah 2 and Micah 4 actually put the "end time" in the context of the MILLENNIUM -- not the time leading to it?

Can we fairly say the Simeon and Levi "tribes have been lost," if they're scattered today among the other tribes (49:5-7)?

B.R.P. admits: "Many of the prophecies about individual tribes prove difficult to apply with a specific meaning...." Which current country is associated with which tribe?

Prove the scepter-kingship symbolism any Church of God groups contend, based in 49:10.

Didn't New Testament writers refer to their time as "the last days?" (e.g. Heb. 1:2, I Pet. 1:20, I Jhn. 2:18) If so, would this dismiss the "scepter line" continuing all the way to the second coming?



B.R.P. notes about a listing of Israel's sons: "interestingly not by order of age, but listed according to the sons' mothers." Yet isn't this similar to the listing of sons in Gen. 35:23-26?

Do the Hebrew midwives prove you can lie and fear God (1:19-21)?


Did Moses "drift" downstream to be discovered (2:3-5)? Or was he merely left "along the bank of the Nile?" (2:3, NIV)

Was the death sentence removed from Moses when the expelling Pharaoh died (2:23)? Exodus 4:19 indicates it was.


The B.R.P. says of 4:24:26: "God was holding Moses responsible for circumcising his son, but Moses had delegated that to his wife, Zipporah, who was objecting to doing it. She finally did it, but with reluctance and resentment, calling Moses a 'bloody man.'" Is it presumptious to think Zipporah had the circumcision role delegated to her? "Her words are more probably of relief and gratitude that her marriage.... is thus renewed." (New Bible Commentary: Revised, 1970 ed.)


What is the extra significance of Reuben's sons, that the Bible lists them twice? (Gen. 46:9; Ex. 6:14)


The B.R.P. says of 7:20: "Whether the waters were turned into actual blood is unclear. It is possible that the waters simply appeared this way." Why would God turn water into "artificial" blood? Would that not bring questions later about the blood of Jesus?

The B.R.P. suggests "geologic upheaval" occurred during the Exodus period. Did that have to occur to make room for the Red Sea to split?


If the Bible says"all the livestock of Egypt died" in 9:6, yet livestock are still alive in 9:19-21, does this set a precedent through the Bible that "all" does not mean all -- it only means SOME?


When Moses left Pharaoh in anger in 11:8, the B.R.P. called it "the final confrontation between the two (compare 10:29)." But didn't the two meet again in 12:31?

The B.R.P. indicates in its notes on 8:26-27 that Moses would go out to sacrifice sheep. So hw could Moses say he didn't know what to use to worship God, in 10:26?

Was the 11:2 command for "men and women" to plunder Egypt an expansion of 3:21-22?


The B.R.P. contends about 12:6: "In the 'twilight' portion of the evening that began the 14th day (literally 'between the two evenings,' which, though disputed, is commonly understood to mean between sundown and darkness), they were to kill the lamb " How is Job 3:9 in KJV understood compared with Exodus 12, in terms of "twilight?"

If the day after the Passover meal was a travel day for the Israelites, as B.R.P. indicates, why is that not considered "coming out?"

Is it acceptable to remove unleavened bread ON the first day of Unleavened Bread? (12:15-16) To require it out earlier seems to violate what the first part of I Cor. 4:6 says -- as opposed to the "puffs up" part! (Note KJV words, in quotes in NIV)

Wasn't Pharaoh's "summoning" of Moses and Aaron (12:31) a last face-to-face meeting? (See notes on chapter 11)

Does 12:43-49 indicate parts of the historic Passover were done incorrectly? Why tell them this afterward? Were people coming out who were not supposed to be, resulting in the "mixed multitude" of 12:38 (KJV)?

Earlier in the B.R.P., this comment is made: "Biblical chronology indicates that Israel was enslaved for just over 200 years. The 400 years appear to date from Abraham's death to Israel's possession of the Promised Land (though there are other possibilities)." Prove the slavery was for 200 vs. 400 yrs. - especially in light of Acts 7:6.


Was God correcting Moses's "stand still" statement as wrong, in 14:13-15?


Given Miriam's example as a "prohpetess" in 15:20, can women in the church "prophesy" today?


The B.R.P. states in this chapter: "God's laws and statutes were in effect well before the Israelites even arrived at Mount Sinai. Thus, the Old Covenant is not what brought those laws into force...." Was the law kept in full pre-Sinai? Or only certain parts? Examples: Passover and Unleavened Bread (chapter 12), lying (chapter 1), having children through maidservants (see notes on Gen. 30).

Why did God wait four weeks after the Passover (16:1) to test Israel with manna regarding the Sabbath (16:28-29)? Why not do this at once? Does it indicate the Sabbath was only introduced to Israel at that point?

The B.R.P. claims "keeping the Sabbath results in real blessing." What are some examples of this?

How could Israel worship on the seventh day if "no one is to go out" from their homes (16:29)?


B.R.P. calls the Amalekite attack on Israel "a cowardly move.... from the rear.... God regarded this act as dishonorable and despicable." Why is an attack from the rear considered not to show "fear of God?" Is a head-on attack NOT cowardly? (And how can we be sure it was a rear attack, if the text does not say so?)

Why do Churches of God in general not follow Moses's example and "lift holy hands" (17:11)?


Did Moses accept back his wife and sons from Jethro (18:5-6)?

Jethro suggesting beginning a "captain" system of delegating authority, if God commanded it (18:21-23). Does Scriptural silence = Godly acceptance, in things such as this captain system? (No verse says He commanded it.) And haven't Churches of God preached against listening to ministers of other denominations?

B.R.P. states Moses "later commands that 70 elders be chosen from among those who are already 'officers' over the people (Numbers 11:16)--i.e., having been declared so through the captain system." Were these elders necessarily chosen from the captain system? (They apparently weree selected by Exodus 24:1.) Could not leadership have been shown within families or peer groups?


B.R.P. cites "Jewish tradition" in mentioning God may have given the law on Pentecost, "which can occur no later than the 10th or 11th day of the third month " Why should UCG hold to and affirm "Jewish tradition" while dismissing those of other cultures, when Jesus seemed to speak against ALL tradition (Mk. 7:5, 8)?

Does the phrase "on the same day" (19:1) relate to the same day that Jethro departed, or the same day of the week that the Israelites had left Egypt?

Did the Old Testament "church in the wilderness" begin with Sinai -- or the departure from Egypt? (Especially if the Lord led them out to begin with?)


B.R.P. contends "knowledge of God's laws was clearly available earlier (Genesis 26:5)." Which "laws" were known and kept by Abraham? Could it be argued the ones about false witness and adultery were not?

If the giving of the law was "a tremendous event" as B.R.P. says, why was this sort of thing not recorded when it was given to Abraham?

Why do Churches of God in general not make "altars" today, as Israel did in 20:24-26?


If Moses was given a "complete spiritual law" as B.R.P. says, with "no more" added (Deut. 5:22), why were rules added immediately -- including some based on the heart of the violator (21:13)?

B.R.P. says in this chapter God "had already given capital punishment in Noah's day." Is this referring to the flood, or something else?

Why were the instructions to punish "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" (21:23-25) not supposed to be considered literal -- while "life for life" could be, according to B.R.P.? (Especially in Old Testament times, cf. Mt. 5:38-41)

The B.R.P. says this section of instructions "are not old, worn-out, outdated directives that do not pertain to us today." How do the slave directives of 21:2-11 apply to us today?


B.R.P. declares in this chapter: "God has not done away with these principles." How can this be said, when Aaron was allowed to live after making the golden calf? (Ex. 32 vs. 22:20) Also with giving God the firstborn? (22:29-30; also compare the notes on Ex. 24.)

Why does sunrise determine bloodshed guilt in defending your home (22:2-3)?

How do 22:16, 25 show God KNEW people would sin, as B.R.P. contends? (Note the word "if" is used, not "when.") Especially if He (supposedly) didn't know Adam would sin at creation, as some Churches of God have claimed?


B.R.P. declares the land Sabbath (23:10-11) "an act of faith--as the Israelites had to trust God to meet their needs during the year they neither planted nor harvested crops." Was it more an act of stewardship than an act of faith -- preparing storage in years five or six, against no crop in year seven (similar to the collection of manna)?

Does the B.R.P. commentary violate 23:13, by listing many Egyptian "gods" in earlier chapters of Exodus?

Pentecost and the Feast of Tabernacles are first mentioned are first mentioned in 23:16 -- so is it fair to say they were NOT kept before this time?


If Christ "terminated" the Old Covenant, as B.R.P. says in this chapter, how can UCG and other Churches of God say the laws and rules of chapters 20-23 are still binding?

Does 24:11 show it's OK to eat and drink during a worship service?

Don't 24:1, 4, 15-18 show God accepts worship ANY day of the week? (Does the first part of this chapter imply a Monday, after "Pentecost Sunday" receipt of the Commandments?)


How did Moses remember all the details of God's tabernacle pattern? Especially given his surroundings at the time?

EXODUS 26-27

B.R.P. warns when it comes to God's righteous laws, "Mankind is not to add to His laws or take away from them " Have not Churches of God been guilty of "adding to" God's laws with some rules? Examples: knee-high socks for ministers, whole-wheat bread, submitting "tithe of the second tithe" for the Feast, no late-pregnancy women at the Feast -- and even leaving the last item on a food tray at a snack table, uneaten?


B.R.P. warns against casual worship by stating: "When we come before God today.... our dress and grooming at worship services should, to the best of our ability, be of the highest standard." Were the women who worshiped Jesus shortly after His resurrection in Mt. 28:9 in THEIR "Sunday best?" (Of course , they weren't expecting a worship service that morning.)

B.R.P. says God "sent His Spirit to guide the artisans in fashioning the priestly garments." This seems logical - but who HAD the Spirit, to effectuate this? (See the answer in Exodus 35.)

Regarding 28:6-13, B.R.P. says: "David consulted the Urim and Thummim concerning whether King Saul would come down to the city of Keilah and destroy it lest the residents betray David into his hands (1 Samuel 23:9-12)...." Did David necessarily "consult the ephod" here? Could he not have prayed separately, with it brought to him just in case he was told to put it on for battle?


B.R.P. interprets 30:30-33 to mean "only ordained elders today can anoint the sick with oil." Then was Mary wrong to "anoint" the feet of Jesus (Lk. 7:46/John 12:3)? Or was that different from anointing for sickness? Also, what about "scattered brethren" in places with no elders -- do they go without?


B.R.P. says in this chapter: "all people must become part of spiritual Israel (compare Romans 11:17, 24; Galatians 3:28-29; 6:16)--and that is defined as those who obey God's law (Romans 2:25-29)." Isn't the context of Galatians 6:16 about being a "new creation" in Christ -- exclusive of law points such as mandatory circumcision (6:12-15)?


God let Moses see His back (33:23), which B.R.P. claims proves "God does have form and shape, even as a Spirit Being." Cannot God move in and out of "form?" What sort of form did He have at the burning bush, earlier in Exodus (3:4-6)


Explaining 34:26, B.R.P. says: "Orthodox Jews will not eat meat and dairy products together at all.... Abraham, who kept God's statutes and laws (Genesis 26:5), had Sarah prepare meat and milk products together to serve to God " But how do we know the milk and meat products in Genesis 18:8 were "prepared together," and not separately? Could it not be argued that this instruction had not yet been given, so no statute technically existed?

Should the "old covenant" be defined as the Ten Commandments? (34:28) "The 613," as WCG called it in the 1990's? Or something in between?


B.R.P. suggests 35:3, "occurring at the beginning of Moses' relaying of the instructions for building the tabernacle, is most likely referring to tabernacle construction.... No doubt some minor smelting was done in individual homes, which was also forbidden by this proscription." But would EVERY Israelite house be smelting? Couldn't 35:3 be broader, in connection with 16:23? (N.B.C.)

Was Bezalel given God's Spirit solely to build the tabernacle? (35:30-34) Did he teach others only about crafts work and construction -- or did he have God's Spirit to teach spiritual things by example?


B.R.P. contends modest dress described for the priest in this chapter "communicated to the Israelites that human sexuality could not influence God. That idea was a central feature of Baal worship...." If sexuality could not influence God, why would "nothing obscene or unseemly" be allowed? Would it not rather mean anything was permissible, since it didn't influence God's decisions?


Is the priesthood still "everlasting" today? (40:15) If so, how? In Jesus? (Heb. 6:20; see also B.R.P. notes on Lev. 1)


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