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U wish this page was urs!!

Hello everyone! This is one of Mikellas few friends. I am gonna take over her webpage! Doesn't that sound like fun?! Yes it does. What should I write about to make Mikella feel stupid? Umm...well her nose flips up at the end like a ski ramp and she sings. Singing is fine yes but the fact that Mikella can't sing and knows EVERY SINGLE SONG! Yea well thats a problem, but I shouldn't be talking because I can't sing either BUT then again I don't sing that much! Other defects with Mikella: shes psycoctically messy, immature, unorganized, lazy, and loud...but shes FUN!! lol! Well theres others but I dont feel like sitting here and typing them so I'm leaving. Good-bye!


Nicole~ You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Hehe...X it out and zip it up! Butterflies and bulletin boards! Great dancing! White Water rocked my face off I had sooo much fun. We are backseat buddies, Princess and Mikiki. Oh yeah, Becca and Superhero Dan. YAY!

Lauren~ You're THE COOLEST! I wish I could be like you! Ahhh! I LUV CINCO DE MAYO! What do u get when u hump dust?...MICROBABIES!!! CHOCOLATE BUNNY!!!(MOSH PIT!) Dont let that guy shove his tongue down ur throat! Why can't u just disown her? Dear God please give me a new set of parents! You know what? You can get high off GS cookies!!! I need a new mom. Where do u keep getting this stuff from? Your room? Really?Hehe---Lighty lights,Retarded wagons and elephant squirtguns 4eva! NEW YORK!!! WHOA! BAMBOOSA! Messed up keychains with the bamboosa!

Rachel~ You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! I can't blow 'em but I can eat 'em! Hmmmmm....Sorry bout the door! SUPER AWESOME!Maybe it's fate, maybe it's chance maybe its luck! Ur church directory ROX!! Russian,Communist, Nazi,POTATO! Chocolate Bunny! Thats y I have a Mexican friend!AWWW MAN.....y are u always right??? Jordan is insanely hott! MIMES IN THE BANDROOM!But he was the cutest one! UGH! MAN! Y did I have to see him again??? Micro Babies!Play big and bad and loud ok?? I swear i dont like Jordan as hott as he his....!!! The NFG concert was killer.

Emily~ You're jealous too because you can't be as cool as Lauren!!A really big piece of poop! Cuzza duzza we don't know if we're homosexuals!Emily pretending like she cares....

Kelsey~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Get back on ur liiiiiiiine gurl!

David~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! U can keep the change...if there is any!

Jared~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! U HAVE A PERFECT SMILE! Ur fat but we dunno it!

RJ~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Rocketboy! YA'LL!

Tony~ You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren!BODY ROLLS!

Danny~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! We rock at pool!
Kent~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! U poser! Ugh!

Mallory~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Mal Mal Moooo COW!

Melany~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Did you know u can blow those up?

Ashley~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Haven't known u too long but u are very cool! Watever happened with the purple link!

Garrett~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Ok u are on here now! Lol....I still want to kiss your hand!!

Joey~You're a loser and you're just jealous cause you can't be as cool as Lauren! Ok here u are in a "random place" are u happy? I hope so because I don't want u hacking into my page again!!

OK! Ummmmm---my friends are dorks---here are some of the funny things they say.....DON'T WORRY IF U DONT GET THESE!! You'll drive urself nuts if you try and figure them out!

"Is there a duck in your phone?" ~Rachel
"I'm like your little buggy!" ~Rachel
"OMG!U broke my femur!" ~Rachel
"Watch out for that Noxema tingle" ~Lauren
"OMG!We can make him talk!!" ~Lauren and Me
"Mikella, I hope you get braces and they get stuck together and your nose gets stuffed up and u die!" ~Sarah
"Oh...I just got it cuz it was the same color!" ~Mallory
"If I were a gurl...." ~Me
"OMG....Lauren you bit J.J.!!" ~Me
"Yah you piranha! U bit me!" ~J.J.
"OMG! Cinco de Mayo is my new favorite holiday!" ~Lauren
"Ok he can be your man but he's my sugar daddy!" ~Lauren
"....and everyone made fun of me cuz I called them rockachaws!!" ~Rachel
"....just tell him u are going over to play with her nifty gadgets!" ~Me
Me-Do ur parents like u??
Josh- Yah but not as much as yours do!
"I want a quote!" ~Rosanne
"I dont roll 'em I just make 'em BIGGER!" ~Emily
"SUPER AWESOME!" ~N/A (yah rachel)
"P.O.D----P.O.M same thing!" ~Rosanne
"I was just a sperm of the moment type thing!" ~Me
"U big dummypants" ~My Dad (hehe)
"You can make up any song if you sing it slow enough!!" ~Ms.Julia
"I think they dropped the day after they seized it!" ~Rachel
Rachel-"That note should be flatted."
Me- "Don't you mean flattened??"
"....and she was like, "If I start to get electrocuted, just beat me with this stick!" ~Hannah
"Once again Rachel's too high!" ~Me
"Get high Mikella, GET HIGH!!" ~Rachel
"He is so far in the doghouse, he is UNDER the doghouse!" ~Adrian
"It's a person! NO! ITS A DINOSAUR!! She said it was a dinosaur! BUT IT LOOKS LIKE A PERSON!" ~Me and Ricky "I can't blow 'em but I can eat 'em" ~Rachel (ABOUT THE BUBBLES! I SWEAR!)
"Play it as an "A" normal!" ~Me
"Shut-up and rub my feet" ~Ms. Julia
"I am addicted to boogers...I think I'm gonna get the patch!" ~Me
"It's 12 minutes past 12 minutes ago" ~Mr. Ray
J.J.~I wanna invent a vibrator w/ DISCO LIGHTS!
Adrian~ You wouldn't be able to see the lights!
J.J~ Yah Idk maybe they'd shine out the back or sumthin.
"Terrance wants a package of...TYLER!" ~Me and Tyler
"Whoops!" ~J.J. "BAMBOOSA!"~Lauren
"I am soo HUNGRY! I can't wait until Friday!" ~Mallory
"Frolicking FRUITS!" ~Mr.Campbell
"I don't think I wanna be around when Mikella starts to paint." ~Matt
"My name is Mica-ica-ica-ica-hael" ~Michael
"That was aquarium like!" ~Lauren
"That was kinda squeaky!" ~Katie
"Look this is a fish!" ~Lauren
"POOR!!" ~Wes
"Grand? I don't think I can beat grand. But I'll work on it!" ~Josh
"YAH! I used the PINK soap!But...I can't smell anyting!" ~Wes
"You know, I was thinking...why are there animals all over the world if Noah only let them off in one place? Maybe he dropped them off at different places but I dunno!" ~Tyler
"Call him Jenny" ~Emily
"Anything you put in your mouth or snuff up your nose is food!" ~Lauren
"Who the hell doesn't make gravy?" ~Jimmy
"I dunno many girls who'd run in an oil filled ocean to grab a bunch of birds!" ~Wes
"Why be a ping pong player when u can be a killer?" ~Me and Lauren
"Are u okay up there?" ~Rachel to the Light
"Umm, I think the pizza box is on fire." ~Me
"If u dropped dead right now, I could rescue breathe you!" ~Me to Lauren
"Ummm...I would be dead!"~Lauren to me
"Then I'd do it for the fun of it!" ~Me to Lauren

BLINK 182 IS THE BEST EVER! U knew that right?

Greatest song in the world.....

San Dimas HS Football Rules

Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,
Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line.
I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars
I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms.
We hung out at the rainbow where we drank til' half past two.
Nothing could go wrong anytime that I'm with you.
Like crashing a hotel room or leading up to that first kiss
Or searching for a high school that you know doesn't exist...
These are the things that make me free
I feel like I'm stuck in "stand by me"
This night was too good to be true.
Today I woke up alone wishing you were here with me,
I wanted us to be something that we'd probably never be.
Today you called me up and said you'd see me at our show,
But now I'm stuck debating if I even wanna go.
Whitney, don't you understand that what I say is true?
I just want you to know I have a major crush on you.
I'd drive you to Las Vegas and do the things you wanna do
I'd even have Wayne Newton dedicate a song to you.
I only wish that this could be
Just dump your boyfriend and go out with me

By: The Ataris

"Don't take life too seriously or you'll never make it out alive!" ~Van Wilder

"Always say what you want and be who you are, because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind"

Ok I put one on here by The Ataris so I knew I had to have one by goes.... I talk to you every now and then
I never felt so alone again
I stop to think at a wishing well
My thoughts send me on a Carousel
Here I am standing on my own
Not a motion from the telephone
I know not a reason why
Solitude's a reason to die
Just you wait and see
A school life is a
It is a woken dream
Aren't you feeling alo-o-o-o-one?
I guess its just another
I guess its just another
I guess its just another night alone
Now as I walk down the street
I need a job just to sleep in sheets
Buying food every once in a while
But not enough to purchase a smile
A tank of gas is a treasure to me
I know now that nothing is free
I talk to you every now and then
I never felt so alone again
Just you wait and see
A school life is a
It is a woken dream
Aren't you feeling alo-o-o-o-one?
I guess its just another
I guess its just another
I guess its just another night alone


GOT AIM? Talk to me....I'm Wonderchica22

Things that are good!

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