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| R e e s e W i t h e r s p o o n |

[|] Their has been roums that their is going to be an arrivial of a blond princess but they are not sure who else could join this great fed. They already have Torrie and Sable and Stacy and Trish and Miss Perfect and all of them, but they are not sure of who is teh other beauty that will be coming their way. But we are not sure who and will this diva will arrive or come of until she show. WCWF camera comes on in the parking lot, the fans are waiting to see who or what is going on here. Then a care comes pulling up. And the fans are waiting to see who this beauty is, she pulls up in her car and she has a smile on her face and the fans and even King and Jr don't believe that she is driving her own car, she has a smile on her face as she is wearing her hair up and it's curly with pink sun glasses. And a light pink leather dress, and she get out of her car, and she closes the door and many people and reporters are trying to get interviews and geting pictures and questions in, and she says ''no comment'' and she smiles and still begins to walk down the path to get inside of the building of wcwf. Then she comes to the main door, and it opens by it self on the left and right side, she makes her way in, in the clear clean white sparkly hallway. Then she makes her way down the main hallway and she comes to a door with a big yellow star and Reese read it and it says ''Stephanie McMahon'' the fans boo. Then she went to open the door but she backed off. Then she took a deep beath and she fixed her slef up a bit. Then she knocked the the door once and some one yelled ''come in'' and Reese does and she goes inside the office of Ms. McMahon and she truns and look scared as she shuts the door behind her and the fans boo as the camera fades to a commercial break from the wcwf camera room for that time of the day.The camera comes back on in the clear hallway then the camera stopes at a office door of 'Stephanie McMahon' then the door opens and Reese comes out and the fans are going wild. Then she shut's the door behind her and she has a smile on her face, she makes her way back out of the main hallway and she looks really happy and she made her way back by the ladies locker room space. Then she was looking around she see her locker room was by Lita and Trish and Sable and Chyna she was just looking around and she seen her's was all of the way at the end, she sighed then she opens her locker room and and she went to go inside and she sats down, then she decited to get back up and walk around and she got up and she did just that then she made her way out of her locker room door then she ran into Trish Stratus in the hallway she smiles and she walks uo over to her and she says this to her with a smile upon her face[|]

+|+Reese Witherspoon+|+ Hi Trish!

+|+Trish Stratus+|+ Hey Reese, what are you doing?

+|+Reese Witherspoon+|+ Hi, nothing much I just came from Miss Mcmahon's office, and I got a job here as a pro wrestlers, well as a diva! I can't believe it! I am just so happy, you don't know how happy I am! This is just so great because I get to meet so many people like; I got to meet Ms. Mcmahon and get to meet you, I want to meet so many other and I know that I will. I just wanna take it kinda slow here also. This is just so wonderful, I am sorry if I am kinda out of it, it took for ever to get here. I had to drive here on my own it takes to long, I would of got a plan ticket but then I would of not has my car and I would of gone crazy like where is it I need it. I need this and that. But anyways it's just so great to be here and everything else.

+|+Trish Stratus+|+ Well, I just wanna say that you look great and maybe some time, you will get a shot at this women's title that I hold, ha ha. Well I think it's great we have another blond diva here. It's great well I hope that you are ready for everything because it's not as eazy as it look. It takes hard work to be here day in and day out doing this and doing that, it takes so much. I'm sure that you know this, but I just wanted to tell you this, but most of all you should have fun, i'm sure you will. You look like the fun type because I have seen you out their girl but you can take it because you sure as heck are real strong and I know you can take it mental because you are THE BLOND!

+|+Reese Witherspoon+|+ Trish, Look at you then looking at me. You are the champ around here. I know that you will do great. I love watching you proform in that ring infront of all them fans that gives you all this support! I want that I will need that. That's why I will give the fans what ever the hell they want. This was fun Trish, I think I better get going so good luck at the PPV with Chyna I know that you will kick her but all across that ring! Well this was fun like I have said before but I really do need to get going so I will see you later I think I will go address the fans now but kind of nervous!

+|+Trish Stratus+|+ Reese don't even worry of that because you will be great you will be fine, because you are sweet and caring, I mean you are just like Ele Wood! By the way I love that movie, you should promote that in the ring, that would be real good but anyways, that was my point. My point is that you will be great and the fans will love you as you love them and I know that you will be ready, and I am sure that you will just be able to kick any ass that gets in your way. Reese I wanna be the 1st person to wis you luck! So Good luck on your 1st day here in the wcwf! I know that you can do anything that sure as heck comes your way because that's the type of women you have become and you will got for anything that you want because that's you!

+|+Reese Witherspoon+|+ Well thanks a lot Trish, I hope that you and me could become real close friends because you are so nice, you are just like the women back in the wwe/wwf in the storylines but any who, Trish I also; I know I did this already but, I wanna wish you good luck vs your match with Chyna, good luck i'm sure that you wont need it as a great as you are. Anyways I think i'm going to get going okay see ya.


[|]WCWF camera comes back on, the fans are waiting to see what will happen next, the camera comes on the fans and they are going wild puting up their signed and all. Then pink and hot pink fire works go off and then the fans are going wild and some classy music plays over and the fans are going even more wild then they was because they knew who it was, then the tron turns cloudy and pink and Reese comes on the tron with a smile on her face, siting back in her locker room. The fans begin to get quite and smiles once more and she will begin to talk soon and she does and then with a smile on her face and then she says this to her fans[|]