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yI'm using AOL and I can't hear your wavs?

 AOL does not recognize compressed wavs. If you try to open the file in AOL it will not work. You can play the wavs in AOL chat rooms if you have the wav in your AOL directory or your windows directory.

The AOL wav player says 000 and does nothing?

 AOL does not recognize compressed wavs. The wav is there but the AOL wav player shows 000. Use the windows wav player to hear the wav or place the wav in your AOL directory to hear it in chat rooms with the {S prefix.

Why are the wavs compressed then?

A normal pcm format wav can be reduced up to 75% by changing the format to mpeg. Visit Joy's WAV Compression Help Page to learn how to change your wavs and save lots of space.

Are the wavs .mp3 or .wav files?

 All wavs are this site in with .wav. The term mpeg refers to a wav format not an mp3 file. Mp3's are on average 3 or 4MB and are ripped off an audio CD. There are so many disclaimers needed to post mp3 files I will not be adding these types of files. Many of the songs on my site were originally .Mp3's but I converted them to .wav files and compressed them. 400kb downloads faster than 3mb.

Why don't you have more full songs?

Update - I have joined a full song wav list so I will be adding more full songs periodically.

I don't like your site at all!

That is your opinion. Just don't come back. I don't understand why you would leave nasty messages in my guestbook - just close the browser window or hit back.

I like your site but....

I love wav files and I enjoy making web pages. Feel free to send suggestions but the purpose of this page is my enjoyment. Hence the title 'Catlyn's Favorite Wavs'. It's great that other people like the wavs or the site, but this is not a web site designed for the users. It's just for me.

 I want to make a link to your site on my web page!

 Please use this url to link to my page:
If you'd like a button save the one below to your ftp space and link to it directly. Please don't link anything to my site as it is subject to change.

Who are you?

I'm a 28 yr old female from Georgia. I finished my degree and took a few months off - now I am looking for a full time job in the accounting field. I'm married to a great guy and we have 5 cats.