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Once upon a time there were two cat brothers named Al and JT.One day they decided to go play at the park with their freinds.Then this fine ass pussy (cat) walked by.She was waggin her tail all sexy and shit, and the two brothers were immediately aroused.Al decided he would do anything to get that pussy while JT promised himself he would remain loyal to Al.Later that day, Al pushed JT into a creek when he was not looking.JT could not swim and immidiately started to drown.What have i done! shouted Al, trying to get the attention of that pussy.However, the pussy was a good citizen and without a second thought dove in to save JT.She brought him to surface and gave him mouth to mouth.Al got so jealous that he tried to drown himself because he too wanted his mouth on that pussy.But the pussy was to busy making love to JT that she let Al drown.