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(im keeping the old logo)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004
well.. trying out a new style of life.. trying to get rid of my immense levels of hate.. i love my friends.. bah. well.. oo! im a mod of me friends guild now.. yay for my, i hold rule over the writing sector.. well, later.

march 8 2004
im sitting here in class with a big dickhead sitting next to me, pretending he knows how to write lyrics. its not that bad, though, i suppose. stupid dustin, hey dustin, say 'hi' (he said hi..) well.. lets all go masturbate now..

03/27/04 Whats the fucking point of all this bullshit. I don't know.. maybe there is no meaning to life, maybe the point is just to die..

Or perhaps there is no point at all! That would make more sense, and its easier to be|lie|ve, too. *Sigh.*

I wrote a poem, use it to help you through your day, I guess.. Criticism is always welcome. I put the poem in 'Rage', as I dont really feel like formatting another useless page.

march 13.. 2004.. bah..
Alright.. another restart.. the newsletter, it died a long time ago.. but im keepin the site name.. might change it later.. but it would take to long to change now..
Anyways.. i suppose the will just be an 'avatar' of my life now.. just a place of solace.. of comfort.. where i can pretend people actualy care.. eh..
i supose i should go a fix the place up.. get rid of all sorts of garbage..
september 10 2003
Lusec put his bio in 'The Losers..' and i added a new section to the site, 'Rage', its where we can go to bitch about stuff that pisses us off..
september 9 2003
ok, doing a little better, making room on this page by putting 'The Losers..' on its own page to provide more informative info about us.. but im all thats there right now.
also, im working on getting a decent forum for the site, even though i doubt it will ever be used.. so far all i can find is ezboard.. but my dad gets pissy when i change the account on its.. so i dont want to screw with it.. e-mail me with any suggestions, unless you dont want to..
september 8 2003
yea.. just restarted this site.. trying to remember HTML so i wont be lowered to using a site builder (shudders..) anyways.. yea.
The Links To Other Places

The Losers Who Run This Joint

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