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The Yoga Source, LLC

"The life force of a growing yoga community" 

2268 Fountain Square Dr.
Snellville, GA 30078




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The Yoga Source now offers two ways to take classes. Students may register for a series of classes or purchase a punch card and drop in to classes listed in daily class schedule.


New! Class Series


Foundations of Yoga Series I & II (Hatha & Vinyasa)
Recommended for those new to yoga. You are not required to attend all regular classes. [More Info]

>> The Yogi Way Lecture Series I & II [More Info]

The Golden Rules of Yoga Practice

  1. Breathe! Breathe deeply and consciously and ALWAYS through the nose. The breath is the bridge between the mind and the body.
  2. Listen to the signals your body is sending you. Don't ignore discomfort and push yourself into injury.
  3. Value the points of rest within the practice. That is when energy moves through the body and the real work happens.
  4. Yoga is meant to be non-competitive with ourselves as well as others. Strive only to be present within the moment.
  5. The great irony is that often the time when we need yoga the most is when we don't feel "up" to it or think we have time. Make time for yoga however and your time will literally expand.
  6. The effects of yoga practice are cumulative. More frequent practice - more strength, balance, and flexibility.
  7. Lifestyle factors (diet, caffeine, nicotine intake, etc.) effect a yogi's practice and may impede progress.
  8. Expect that yoga may sometimes feel repetitions, even difficult. Beginners may feel stiff after their first session. Don't give up! Yoga is discipline and a journy worth taking.

--Madhavi Marcia Scredon, RYT


Beginning Yoga Class Series

Foundations of Vinyasa Class Series

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