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If I Was Coffee...
You are a Black Coffee
At your best, you are: low maintenance, friendly, and adaptable

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you can get your hands on it

Your caffeine addiction level: high
What Kind of Coffee Are You?

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If Usher Was Asian...
He'd probably be this guy:

I mean, he's got the smooth as sssssssilk voice, with a very slight rasp that makes it ssssssso sssssssexy. *swoon* And he can dance (especially by Asian standards hehehe)! And to seal the deal, the man even likes to flash his abs at every opportunity. :P Incidentally, they've met in Korea haha, here's the video and evidently he sings Usher's songs too (though his backup singers are so-so), and finally here's another link to one of my favorite songs by Rain. Enjoy!

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Hunting for an Apartment
Orbitz and Captian Obvious would make a great partnership. First, off, they woke me up this morning at 4:30 am with a phone call to tell me that my flight was, ON-TIME. I freaked out at first, because usually, the airline will call you if something's gone awry. Nooooo, not Orbitz. They're much more helpful. On top of that, my dad somehow thought my flight was at 7:45, so he decides that it would be enough to drop me and mom off at North Springs MARTA station. Slow trains means we pretty much had to run through security. Huffing and puffing, mom and I made it onto the plane at 7:15am. Just in the nick of time, I think to myself. Oh the irony!!! 7:40 rolls by. Still chilling at the gate. 7:50 - the pilot says, "hold on ladies and gents, we're fixing one of the computers." 8:30 the pilot comes one again, saying "we've identified the problem, we'll be underway in about 5 minutes." 8:40 more bad news, "ladies and gents, the computer crapped out again, so, we're going to try to replace the other computer component." 9:00, "hello folks, please see the Delta counter agents to re-book your flights." So... about an hour and half later, I'm still in Atlanta. I turn on my cellphone and check my voicemail, and what do you know, the ever helpful Orbitz people were kind enough to call me at 8:15 to inform me that "flight 306 to Reagan National Airport is delayed." Thanks for the tip Orbitz, I'm sure without your awesome customer service, many people would never know why their plane is 45 minutes late for take-off. Gee... how thoughtful.

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Tina's Book Club
Hey, if Oprah can have one, why can't I? As my good buddies know, there have been a ton of books I've been meaing to read (and have read), and I've decided to put a list online, so that um, you friendly friends out there with copies of books might enter into a book exchange with me! That way we don't have to spend our fortunes completely on productive things (^_~ I mean, a girl has to save money for shoes and stuff too)! And Sung, you still owe me my America: The Book. *ahem* Hehehe. And in a somewhat related note, David Gray would be pretty sweet to listen to while reading hehe. Just heard "Hospital Food," and I'm glad to see that he's back from his "Babylon" days. :)

What the hell is wrong with Marcus Vick? So after he's kicked off the team, he's been arrested for pulling a gun on some teenagers. LOL is this guy intent on going to jail - perhaps we'll see a three-make of The Longest Yard?

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Further evidence that the Christian Coallition is full of kaka. Apparently, Pat Robertson doesn't think peace in the Gaza strip is on God's adgenda

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Hope You Liked Texas
Oh man, today's Rose Bowl game was prolly the best football game I've watched since OSU beat Miami to take the title. WOW. What kind of sick SOB runs 200 yards and passes for another 276? Compare this to the combined rushing effort from the twice Heisman-ed USC offense: 209 yards. Meeeeow!

In unrelated excitment, I've started apartment hunting! I stayed up until 5:15am yesterday fursiously pouring over apartment webpages. I've even played with floorplans hahaha. Here's what my apartment could look like, if all goes according to my dreams hehe.

It's an affordable, spacious, BRAND SPANKIN' NEW complex with high speed Internet access and cable already built into the cost of rent. Uhhhhh yes please!

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Happy New Year!
Welcome to the end of the year core dump

Just got back from snowboarding in Wintergreen, VA. Went with a great group of 13 people and had myself a rolling good time (sometimes literally). The right half of me is banged up and bruised purple - ice landings will do that. In sum I fell, I laughed, and I fell some more. I tore up my toes and toenails because the rental boots were too small, and my ankles were also bruised from the shape of the inner boot.

I improved a bit over the 3 days that I was snowboarding. Thanks to Michael Bidzos I think I finally managed to get off the ski lift somewhat consistently. Thanks to Jeff, Michael, Qing, Davis, Jimmy, and Eric, I finally went down a black diamond slope on a snowboard. I won't say it was pretty though, but that was a goal of mine! Thanks to Min, Qing and Davis I finally learned how heel-to-toe and toe-to-heel edge turning is supposed to work. Started to get the jist of it the very last two runs of the entire trip hehe, what a shame! There's always next time! ^_~

All of use were crammed into Jimmy's apartment. That was something else. I'm sure Jimmy will be finding little souveniers all over his place next week. I for one left my cell phone charger in the outlet. Oops! I think I managed to take all my socks with me though hehehe.

The best part of a successful trip though, is the people you go with. I met some new friends, but I also got to talk with old friends and get to know them better. Being able to talk freely, over practically any and every subject is a privilage that only good friends share. I'm so thankful that I found a couple more good friends over the course of this week. :) I feel like hugging everyone all over again!

People often ask why I don't drink. It makes me stick out like a sore thumb at most soirees. :p Well there are many reasons, and I thought I might break them down to save me a few minutes of explanation in the future.

The first is that I did drink before, a couple times late in high school, and a couple times freshman year at Tech. What I soon learned was that I never was cut out to be a heavy drinker genetically. I turn tomato red at the slightest whiff of alcohol (for instance, drinking amaretto coffee). I'll admit, I can be pretty vain, so I never want to be at a wedding reception for example, and be in this nice gown but my entire body is a flaming shade of red. All the time and money spent on the outfit, the hair, the makeup will be lost, as my reddness takes center stage. What a waste! I also had a bad experience with drinking too much. I felt extremely ill - massive headache within an hour of downing the drinks and then the loss of my vision for at least a solid five minutes. Going blind wasn't all the fun, I was fully conscious, and yet I could see nothing. So after that, I decided 1. drinking lead to an embarassing red appearance, and 2. drinking too much lead to friggin' scary blindness.

There's another reason though, and this one is the most important. It just seems easier to say "no thanks" rather than "I'm sorry" later. So, New Year's celebration, I'll allow myself a glass so I can toast to you. Perhaps at some special anniversary, I'll have a glass of wine with you. The rest of the time, I really don't mind passing the glass to someone else. You can happilly count on me to be the designated driver.

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What's My Motivation
The natural thing to do right after graduation is to become useless - at least that's my intention for the coming week. ^_^ I started today by watching Dr. 90210. (I'm not really sure why I watch it though, I always get ticked off after seeing it. Plus it's pretty gross watching how rough they handle your innards in surgery. That whole saying about surgical precision is load of crap). What really annoyed me were the reasons women were giving for having the surgery. It's like surgery is supposed to change your life, make you more popular, and give you confidence. First off, for one overweight girl that got lipo everywhere and a tummy tuck, my brother still couldn't tell the new her with the person before the surgery. As far as popularity goes... this is probably why teens and high schoolers really shouldn't get work done. Spending $6000 on a boob job to gain a few superficial friends? Do you really want that type of person as a friend anyway? What about the whole issue about ladies wishing men would talk to them, and not their breasts? After inflating those melons to a DD, would you still expect men to talk to anything else besides your massive hoohas? Doesn't that qualify for entrapment? If it's just your boobs that are keeping you from living a full life... honey the problem is above the neck.

It's funny too that 99% of the people going on the show are women. I don't think it's because we're more shallow as a gender. I think there's just more pressure put on women to look good, and less emphasis on their other achievments. You see rich ugly men all the time on TV, and we all know they're getting some too. I'm having trouble thinking of rich ugly women that get air time, and when the select few sneak through, I think they get more attention for their looks. Look at Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, Ashcroft, Gingrich. They're not exactly sizzlin' but you don't see them catching nearly as much flak as say... Janet Reno, or Linda Tripp?

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5K Anyone?
I just got an email about another 5K race at Calloway Gardens Jan. 29th. Anyone care to join me? Don't be shy now, there's still over a month to train! ^_~

So, I'm the master as wasting time (case and point with this entry...) so I picked up a copy of Harper's Bazaar and was reading up on holiday fashion when I came across a thought provoking article. Honestly, it was the last place I would have expected to find something of any nutritious value, but there was a well written article on workplace fashion for women. If you think about it, a woman's credibility is so much more dependent on her appearance than a man's. Ok, so you have basic grooming and hygene issues for both sexes, but beyond that, a guy has a pretty standard look: suit and tie or polo and khakis, depending on your office dress code. But let's face it. Walking into a men's shoe department, you realize that Kenneth Cole's black leather dress shoes are really not that visually distinct from the black leather dress shoes from Salvatore Ferragamo. There aren't sling-back, open-toed, platform or stilletto varieties of mens shoes. But, be honest with yourself, and admit that a female business woman wearing stillettos vs one wearing flats would come across quite differently. And that's just the footwear!

Simple studies have shown that the less fashionable a woman looks, the more "serious" or "intelligent" she appears to be. Its the same whether the judge is female or male - for some reason it's difficult for the world to accept the possiblity of an intelligent fashionable woman. It's a hilarious notion, but I am myself very conscious of this effect. At school, I've never worn short skirts, for instance, on days I know I have meetings with higher-ups. It's even tougher on women in the public eye - if they want to be taken seriously as journalists, scientists, or lobbyists, they have to look somewhat doudy, yet, no one wants to see them on TV when they're not hotter than the prom queen. *sigh* I guess flight attendents have it good in this respect.

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Sweet Videos
Check it out! Karate Master
Awesomest Birds
Muscles and Rhythm

The swimming pool has forever been ruined for me. One of the TAs I work with is on the Tech swim team, and during one of our grading sessions, a dreadful fact was divulged: swimmers pee in the pools all the time! Not only that, but the pool water hasn't been changed at Tech since the Olympic games in 1996! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm swimming in urine!!! NOOOOOoooooooo!!!

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Winter Advisory
How do you decide when winter begins for you? Back in Ohio, winter began Dec. 1st, just because Ms. Pewitz, my kindergarten teacher, had taught us that December, January and February were the winter months. I took her quite literally. Then I moved here to Georgia, and found myself running around near Christmas time in shorts, playing tennis with the old man. Winter definetly did not come in December in Georgia.

Instead, I welcome the season of hot coccoa and peppermint with my frostbitten cheeks. Butt cheeks. Truth be told, I know it's winter when sitting down on the porceline throne begins to feel like punishment for having a small bladder. Mornings are the worst - fresh from the warmth and comfort of 2 fluffy down comforters you shock yourself into wakefullness by sitting on a block of ice.

There's a flip side too. Heated toilet seats are freakishly warm, making you think thoughts about what business some phantom occupant had in the bathroom right before you. Even if you know no one else uses it, heated toilet seats are just plain weird. There's something to say about our societal association between cold and freshness. And it doesn't help that cow dung is oft described as "steaming." And let's face it, catheters are just tacky.

So one genius solution that our friendly Japanese inventors came up with, was these adhesive toilet seat covers - kind of like a post-it for the loo. The exposed side of the covers were made of a soft fabric, and it certainly took the icy sting away without overheating the seat. This only works great for females, men with extrodinary aim, or men with an extrodinarily habitual ritual of lifting the seat.

On an unrealted note... there are some students here at Tech who cheat on schoolwork/exams with such abandon it's astounding. I'm speechless. Is this meant to be a challenge to "the man" or something? I remember the good ol' days where you actually had to be smart, crafty and resourceful to cheat. Now it's like any dumbass thinks they can get away with it. I ask, where's the effort? Where's the creativity? Good grief, even the dishonest work is halfassed! Why the hell even bother with an education if writing your own friggin' name on someone else's paper is too complicated?

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Three More Weeks
Just three more weeks of this crap. Man I don't know what I was smoking as an undergrad... I acutally liked school back then. :p

I still have a butt load of work to do in these three weeks, and even more stuff I want to do besides work. *sigh* I have a bunch of movies I need to see... anyone else interested? Below is my To-See list, in no particular order:

My patience did pay off too at midnight madness 12am on Black Friday at the North Georgia Outlets. It took me 3 hours before I found something I needed/worth buying. New tennis shoes! I wear out the soles in about 3 months if I play regularly, so I hate spending more than $35 bucks on any given pair... so I didn't walk into the Nike factory store with high hopes. Boy was I surprised to find these babies:
on sale for $24.99.
It gets better! At the checkout they took another 20% off, making these the cheapest tennis shoe's I've ever bought. They're also the prettiest hehe. ^_^ I win! I win!

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Hello World
It's been a while since I've written anything there... and even longer since I wrote something that was interesting and remotely thought provoking. There was a time I think when the stuff I had to say in here actually had some value. But more recently my entries have gravitated towards bitching. So I decided that I wasn't going to post again until I had something better to write about. And that was two months ago.

So what will I write about? I don't know, because frankly, I haven't heard from many people lately either. I haven't been watching the news, or reading the papers. Even during the days, I feel like I'm still asleep. My eyes are open, but I'm not thinking. So what will I write about? The nothing that is my life right now? No wonder I look so much to the furture, to the time I'm going to have in about 1 month from now. To be done with school.

~ 11.11.2005
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Accoustic Guitars
Wow hotness...

~ 9.31.2005
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Who Am I?
I always saw myself as a "passive" type personality. Even though my scores were generally evenly split, I've always, consistantly, scored on the side of introversion on those personality tests. Yet, a close friend of mine insists that I have a strong, certainly non-passive character. Because...

So maybe I'm not as "passive" as I thought. However, I'm in leadership roles or at least the planner position partially because no one else takes the initiative to do anything. I'm also not sure if being in a leadership position at work actually translates to my inclinations in relationships. Historically I've hated being the sole decision maker in a relationship, but that flies in the face of the role I play in the workplace.

I feel misunderstood a lot. So when people critisize me, I feel that they haven't considered my side of the story. There are criticisms that are valid, though, I hardly ever openly admit it, I do try to change. But rarely do I find people that don't try to trivialize the things I'm going though. So I don't take things sitting down.

I'm usully the one that'll say something like, "but you know, you should also consider this counterpoint." Even when I agree with what is being said! But I do this because I don't want to be some boring yes-woman. How much fun would a conversation be if I didn't have anything to say besides, "yeah, totally..." The other thing about me is that I try to see things from different perspectives, so that comes out a lot in conversations too. Someone's got a point to make, and I like to throw in an alternative view, just to thicken the mix I guess.

So yes, I'm guilty on all three counts, but here's why I've seen myself as passive. Though you readers have seen me rant online, have any of you really seen me yell at someone face to face? Or lose my temper? I still keep a lot of things to myself. When I disagree with someone about what they're doing/saying, and I know that speaking up will truly upset them, I'll work to find some tactful way to handle it. I don't do hostile confrontations.

I let things go an awful lot. I have my feelings hurt a lot. People let me down a lot too, especially at work. But I try to see it their way, and often, while I still disagree, I'll let it go. In that sense I think I'm very passive. It felt like for a while I was being sexually harassed at work, I didn't go to the higher ups to file a complaint. Gave the bastard the benefit of the doubt, and decided that I'd minimize any opportunity for the harassment to happen. People have often observed that I don't speak up enough when it seems like I'm being taken advantage of, being used. That is why I feel that there's still a passive side of me.

~ 9.9.2005
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Venting Some Steam
On etiquette: As understanding as I try to be, it's someones hard to overlook broken promises. I think it's the downside to having a good memory, is that you often remember what your friend doesn't. And while your friend has simply forgotten unintentionally, it's hard not to feel somewhat betrayed by them. It's never fun being forgotten, and often it's tough realizing the place you hold in somebody else's hierarchy of priorities. For me, the most telling indication of my place is not in hardship, but in joy. It seems that people gravitate to me when things are going poorly and after a good cry on my shoulders I seem to matter less.

On condescension: I don't think some people realize the stupidity of their comments, nor to they really think about what they're saying before it leaves their mouths. Say for example, two recent "reassurances" I've heard: 1. "You should be glad you don't have the worries associated with having a car." 2. "You should enjoy it while you can" (refering to time being single). First off, I'm sure the motivation behind these words were purely for support and comfort. But it only serves in my mind to illustrate a disconnect that people have with reality.

1. Worries associated with having a car include payments, insurance, maintenance, people asking for rides, and fuel issues. Sure, these may be irksome at times, but consider the worries you have when you don't have transportation. Namely, not being able to go anywhere, or having to depend on others for transportation, not to mention being labeled as a bum by your own friends. Something as simple as getting groceries now becomes a task of either anticipating your weekly needs and then taking the bus to Kroger or... begging your friend to take you. Something as simple as running out to by headache medicine at night becomes a momumental task.

Simply put, don't tell me to enjoy not having a car or not having the comfort, security, and companionship of a significant other unless you would give up your car or your boyfriend. I suspect that given a choice, no one would choose to be in my position. So don't patronize me with things like, being single is so much fun, you don't have to be on the phone everyday, you don't have to worry about what someone else thinks. Who says that having a significant other means you have to be tied down? Aren't you supposed to want to talk to them anyhow? And worrying about what the other guy thinks is already such a big part of my consideration already, how does a boyfriend change any of that. Would you trade in talking everyday to someone who cares enough about you to ask you about your day, or would you want the "freedom" associated with well, no one calling to ask how you were doing? Would any of you give up your car so that you could finally say good riddance to your car payments? A car's practically a necessity in a place like Atlanta, and you dare to tell me that I should be glad I didn't have one and then call me a ride-mooch to my face in the same breath? Holy crap. What do you say to that?

The condescending nature of it all kills me the most. Obviously they feel that their situation is better than mine, and yet they're trying to "comfort" me. NEWS FLASH: I have no problem dealing with life as it is. I'm satisfied with the things I have already. While I may want some things, it doesn't mean that I don't live a full and happy life already. I'm in no hurry, and I don't have some sort of timeline to life that I'm sticking to. You think your fake pity really comes across as genuine concern?

~ 9.6.2005
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If You're Going To San Francisco
I didn't wear flowers in my hair, but I did have myself a roaring good time visting Kenny and Jesse in California. Got to play beach volleyball, got to dance a bit of salsa (or tried to... rather), saw the Palace of Fine arts (photos of that here) and got to hang out with some very cool people! Thanks to Jesse, Kenny, Ginger and Cindy for showing me around town, and making my weekend so much fun! They even got me a birthday cheesecake!

Now that I've seen what I'm missing, I've decided that I too will live in perfect weather and optimum convenience within five years! You boys aren't rid of me yet!!! *evil laugh*

~ 8.13.2005
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I often get asked by people - "what defines hotness to you?" Well, most of attraction is well... hard to pin point. However, I will say this: if you happen to play damn good baseball for the Mariners, you are hot. Ridiculously hot. Consider exhibit A: a compilation of the Madonna of baseball: ICHIRO.

The man's so cool he doesn't need a last name! :0 Note also that he can fly. Even homophobic men will agree that that is hot. If you don't play baseball, there is still hope - if you happen to be a midfielder playing Italian football. I present to you exhibit B: *swoon*

I think I may have a thing for Japanese athletes? Maybe. I won't go as so far as saying Hideki Matsui is hot hehe. But being an athlete is a definite definite plus. *smirk* I've just spent an entire evening oogling photos of these two hahahaha. But admist my oogling I did notice this rather interesting catch:

Note the looks on the fan's faces. Normally you'd think they'd be clamoring to catch a possible homer... LOL.

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Cell Phone Conumdrum
Have you ever wondered what the designers were thinking when they made cellphones? I mean, let's consider a scenario: you arrive to your class/meeting. Things go well until the embarrasing ring cuts through the conversation. You quickly put the call to your voicemail, and then you quickly turn your cellphone off or at least to the silent mode. But when you turn off your phone, it makes yet another noise - the T mobile models have this 2 second long ditty. Turning your phone to the silent mode is also a noisy endeavor. Why in God's name would you want a phone to make a noise when you're activating the silent mode?!?!?! Does that seem terribly ironic to anyone else? Maybe I think about this too much, but it happens all the time in my class - people silencing their phone actualy make more noise in the process.

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A Question of Serenity
For those of us that haven't heard the serenity prayer, it goes something like this:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Christian or not, I think it's content has merit. Life is about accepting our fates, but also doing our best to shape it. I have such difficulty with the last part though: wisdom to know the difference.

When is it time to move on? To abandon your hopes and start over? If you wanted a job in California, how many rejections could you take before you let go of that dream? Should you ever? I have a hard time letting some things go. Some things - it pains me to consider that perhaps it was never meant to happen. And each time I feel like I've smothered out the last ember, some gust of wind blows by and rekindles it just for a little bit. But so far I'm still riding along a road with high peaks and low valleys. I wonder when I'll finally be back on level ground again, no matter what the elevation.

I think the jolt into the "next step" is starting to be felt too. Jimmy, Kenny, and Jen Cho are leaving for other states this weekend, and it just seems like everyone's spreading out. I wonder myself what a new environment will bring, what new people I'll meet. I both dread and look forward to it. Hard as it is to believe you'll ever make friends as near and dear as the ones you have now, you'll more than likely happen upon people what will become your new confidants. It happens everytime you pick up and move - but to me it never stops being scary. I wonder who will still remember me 5 years from now. Will I just be a name? or will I still be part of a memory? Time will reveal my worth I suppose. For some people, maybe time is the only way they'll realize what they had right in front of them for so long.

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Tennis Outfits
You know, I've asked people what sport has the cutest girl apparel, and often tennis outfits are mentioned. I mean, come on, short skirts, fitted tops... and a girl named Maria with the longest legs I've seen that didn't belong to a spider. But... there are always exceptions...

Game, set, diaster
UNI Watch

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Dare to Dream
Have you ever been afraid of letting yourself want something, just because you knew if things didn't work out your way, it'd wound you? It's been a theme lately, with me and my friends. Fate is fickle.

I use to wonder where the saying "dare to dream" came from. I mean, dreams are dreams, right? You can imagine everything going your way - the dream world revolves around you. But we have to come back to reality sometime... and I suppose that's why dreaming takes some ounce of daring. In some ways, dreams remind you of what you don't have... can't have.

My personal experience has probably made me more adverse to hoping for things to work out in my favor. It's hard to step out there with the same gusto time after time, when you're being beaten up each time you get out there. Hell, if I was beamed in the face each time I was up at bat in baseball, you can bet that each successive time I stepped onto home plate I'd be more and more nervous. Forget hitting the RBI, I just don't want to get killed!

But then, on the flip side, nothing good will ever happen if you don't take the chance. But when do you decide to risk getting your face bashed in for a homerun? And when do you decide to find a different sport?

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Triumph is back!!!

I'm going to New Orleans today! Won't be back until the weekend pretty much, so call my cell if you need me! ^_^ Good times good times!

I'm getting new tennis shoes finally! And... it's not one of the shoes I had you all vote on a month ago hehe. Turns out that a $104.95 shoe is only 45.95 if you get the junior version of it. It's the SAME SHOE, just, made for kids hehe. I'm lucky my feet still fit into kid's shoes I guess. Here's a picture of what I'm getting:

Good news also in the fitness front! I did manage to survive my first attempt at triathalon practice ^_^ and this low carb diet has been successful thus far. I've cut down anywhere between 2-4% body fat (those body composition monitors at CRC aren't the most reliable) and I've lost about 2 lbs in the last 10 days. *grin*

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Does anyone feel like testing themselves this summer? I've never done a triathalong before, and I'm curious if I can finish a watered down version of one at Callaway Gardens the end of this month. ^_^ It's a quarter mile swim, 10 miles on bike and 2 miles running. Training starts NOW! Any suckers want to try with me?

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So three weeks into the summer semester I've build up enough anger to be spewing scathing vitriol about certain aspects of my life. I like to keep things general, which means the following paragraphs are likely to be extremely vague and incomprehensible to people besides... me. But I digress... onto the rants because I can hardly contain myself as it is.

You know what really blows? Feeling expendable. I feel like I've been very patient with people when they come up to me, wanting to acquire new skills. Literally I've put my own improvement on the back burner to let others catch up to me, even surpass me. That's part's cool, to see someone improve. However it's like once they reach a certain point, they leave you in the dust, and can't even wait for you to get your own bearings back.

The other thing that bugs the heck out of me is people who don't realize it when they're being hypocritical. They preach about proper behavior, the right way of treating people... but then when it comes to other situations, they're rude, discourteous, and inconsiderate. The worst part is knowing that bringng it up won't change anything, because they're so blind to where they've gone wrong.

What else is stupid? Let's explore a scenario, where you're trying to learn how to catch and throw a football, and yet your teacher keeps gunning bullets at the nearby trees. You think someone will ever figure out how the fundamentals work with this kind of coach?

Shitty nitpicky people need to be exiled. Especially when their shitt nitpicking actually complicates the original problem. It's a complete waste of energy. So I know one person who's taken shitty nitpicking to an entirely new level... and not only does he insist on having their way with wording, capitalizations, adding "clairifications" that actually obscure the meaning of the original sentence, etc. but also blatantly takes credit for stuff he didn't do... for example:

Bottom line, there are times when it would be pretty freakin' nice if people extend the same favor as I did to them.

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Finally An Update!
Yes, it's been 3 week since I've updated. Truthfully I have been blissfully away from the computer much of the time. That's the great thing about being at home: I have other places to be besides in front of the computer. Where else have I been...

Siesta Key! So, the one week that summer schoolers get for vacation, me Jimmy, Allen and Monica drove to Florida to dig up sea creatures and drink salt water. ^_^ I got baked (no, not by smoking doobies) so my mom's been getting on me going, "you're so dark it shines" and... she's started calling me "darkie." Hehe. But the benefit of being tan is that you do look slightly thinner. =P

School's been going on for two weeks now. Classes only on Monday afternoons. Hmmm... *grin* But... still have the old job to do, which means, on Tuesday and Fridays I've gotta truck to Tech on MARTA. Still riding MARTA...

But I did go car shopping today! Got my first taste of haggling with the car sales people too. Le Excitement! So, I manged to talk my dad down to agreeing to a Civic EX SE (two door!) instead of a LX SE sedan. I don't quite understand why I have such an aversion to full size sedans, or why my dad seems hell bent on getting one for me to drive. Hehe. The complication is that we're sharing the cost of the car. If he was paying for the whole thing, then well, I'll take whatever what I can get. If it were completely up to me... well I'd be shopping for Subaru Imprezas. I think I got a decent deal on the Civic too: $16,430, (or $17,773 after tax and destination charges). But... it's still a lot of money and it's still a car that makes my dad scowl with disapproval. My mom on the other hand is already smiling at me going, "2 door!" with her fingers in the peace sign. Hehe.

Daaah! The frustrations! Living with parents isn't easy when you're constantly trying to please them. It's like everything I want to do somehow disappoints them. But I also need to live my own life. How the heck do you balance such a thing without sacrificing too much of either side? Every aspect of my life is feels so controled still: my job choice, influenced by their enthusiams for me to accept! accept! and fix your relatives up with jobs too! and then the car... its been a battle just to get put to rest the possibility of getting a Camry. Sure a car's just there mainly to get you from point A to point B, and I'm not exactly asking for a Ferrari here, but everytime I bring up what I want in a car: sunroof, decent sound system, and something that's not so sterotypically a "mommy" car. Am I being materialistic? Probably. But I can't help it this time, not with the entire contents of my savings account hanging in the balance. >_<

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Help Me Pick a Shoe!
So I wear out my tennis shoes in about 6 months - thus it is about that time to find another pair! I'm not sure which shoe to buy, but I wanted to see what you thought about the styles I'm considering...

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Fast Women
As if we needed another reason to do the deed... apparently sex is a performance enhancer in female sprinters. HAHA. I read in's 10 Spot that a German running coach claims the hightened testosterone levels resulting from gettin' some led to better performance. However the converse is true for men (sorry guys, haha). Imagine the implications for warm up routines though... :-o

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Study Break
@_@ *blink blink* I really need to stop munching on things while I study... and I've had enough of dymamical systems, chaos theory, neuro-biological/neurophysiological explanations of reinforcement learning. Must... write... about... something... else for a change. But I'm not sure what. Unfortunately my lack of sleep and other forms of repose have taxed my mental facilities heavily. Just today I mistook a four door car for a two door, simply because I'm so used to climing in and out of two door cars. I felt momumetally stupid trying to climb to the backseat of an empty four door car through the unyielding front passenger seat. This mistake, of course, took place as we were getting back from the dim sum restaurant, and thus AFTER I had already mistook the car as a two door when I was picked up. God help me through final exams.

Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together" is a great single! Finally something that brings me back to timeless Mariah of old. *smile* It's goooooooooood.

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Guess Who's On The Juice
The last person I would have thought to be taking 'roids would be little 9 year old girls... but apparently, it's the newest thing in the quest for the ultimate body. You have to wonder though, what these little girls are thinking, juicing up for beauty's sake. You risk shrinking your boobs (think of the expenses you'll have to pay to get them done later!) growing chest hair, and oh... that, and it sucks for your health generally.

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It's that time of the semester again, where the academic world come crashing down on your feeble shoulders. *sigh* The coming two weeks are going to be rough.

This weekend was madness. I played 10 matches in two days for the USTA Southern Collegiate tournament. I am so broken, haha. I was so tired during the last matches both Saturday and Sunday that I could barely get the return of service back. I am in pain. Blistered toes, sore ankles, knees, thighs, arms, shoulders, mid and lower back. I feel like a useless lump.

There are some things that I still don't like about myself. I rediscovered some of these Friday... lingering issues that I didn't realize I was still holding onto. Two major hurdles to overcome: not caring so much about what other people think of my character, figure out how to be a good daughter and be happy at the same time. Both of these frustrations have similar roots: I'm worrying about pleasing others at the expense of my own satisfaction/freedom. Perhaps I am too careful. It's certainly been a theme of late - I have to watch what I say all the time. Can't let things slip because I've been entrusted with so much sensitive information, can't let on that I feel one way or another for fear of appearing bitter/angry/disappointed/, can't do everything I want to, or fully enjoy myself because I feel like a burden to everyone. Am I considering too much? I rarely feel fully relaxed now, always on guard because there's always something I can't let on. I'm just wondering when my life got so complicated.

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Yay For Random Quizzes!
Your dating personality profile:

Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.
Wealthy/Ambitious - You know what your goals are and you pursue them vigourously. Achieving success is important to you.
Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense. Style matters. You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about his appearance.
Your date match profile:

Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.
Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape.
Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Athletic
2. Wealthy/Ambitious
3. Stylish
4. Liberal
5. Big-Hearted
6. Intellectual
7. Adventurous
8. Sensual
9. Practical
10. Traditional
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Big-Hearted
2. Athletic
3. Adventurous
4. Conservative
5. Stylish
6. Outgoing
7. Religious
8. Intellectual
9. Practical
10. Traditional

Take the Online Dating Personality Quiz at Dating Diversions

And according to the OkCupid test, I am...
Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?

Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.

Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.

You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
UNBELIVABLE YA! Never thought Lego people to be the church-going type...

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EricCDenq (11:15:40 PM): hey tina should i just go with blue shirt black slacks
EricCDenq (11:15:43 PM): no tie, no jacket
TinaBoBina89 (11:16:43 PM): blue shirt...
TinaBoBina89 (11:16:53 PM): black pants... and a jacket
TinaBoBina89 (11:16:54 PM): no tie
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:00 PM): you can always take te jacket off...
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:05 PM): but it's nice to have at dinner and such
EricCDenq (11:17:07 PM): im too lazy to bring it
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:12 PM): TO PUT IT AROUND HER SHOULDERS fooooo
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:17 PM): she's gonna get cold
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:22 PM): ;-)
EricCDenq (11:17:23 PM): ill just drape myself over her
EricCDenq (11:17:26 PM): piggy back ride
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:33 PM): HAHAHAHA
EricCDenq (11:17:35 PM): lol
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:41 PM): just bring the damn jacket
EricCDenq (11:17:44 PM): i dont want to bring a jacket
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:49 PM): BRING IT
EricCDenq (11:17:52 PM): NO!!!!
TinaBoBina89 (11:17:53 PM): you will thank me

Hehe... Eric hasn't yet learned the dao of wooing. *chortle*

ahhhhahaha. poor eric. give him to me for a few days. i will show him the ways. rather yet, give him to mike. he'll definitely learn to score under his teachings. hehe. =P
~ sungerrr

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Man, so week two of my "lean machine" program has taken a painful turn. I've been poking around the past couple days with a really sore right calf and a bum left knee. I have no clue why bruises have to turn splotchy yellow and raseberry red, but that's my knee, complete with brownish scab. Oh yeah, and because of the twisting action that caused the bruise on the inside of my knee, the surrounding connecting tissue is sore too. My back still smarts from last week's workout and Monday's swimming. And I sliced my thumb and rolled my right ankle this morning. Yay. I also got my test back - which wasn't pretty either. >_< I can't ... just can't ... do it anymore. Too tired, too sore, too lazy, too apathetic. I just want this semester and all its misery to end.

There are ironies of this world that I will never fully be able to appreciate. I feel tortured by the very same circumstances that I've been accused of torturing others with. And there is nothing more I can safely say. I am alone on this one, truly alone.

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I have a tendecy to start laughing... and not stopping. It hurts my tummy. Hmmm but along that vien:
The Cavaliers have signed Cub Cadet Lawn Equipment as the presenting partner for the team's potential four rounds of playoff games. The deal includes a clause that if the Cavs fail to reach the postseason, the lawns of company execs will be mowed by LeBron James.
Teeheehee. You know the world is going down the crapper when even Cookie Monster has to diet.

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A Fashion Conumdrum
Well, as it is, I get the randomest thoughts when I'm supposed to be focused on something else... but the weather's warming up quickly (I hope it'll last too) and I'm trying on the Abercrombie cargo shorts I bought during winter break ($9.99 if you can believe it). And yes! They fit! Hehe. Well that wasn't want got me scratching my head. Either I really don't have any hips at all, or this low-rise craze has gotten a touch out of hand. I can remove these shorts without unbuttoning or unzipping anything (which, by the way, is only supposed to happen with elasticized waistbands, not khaki material). Just one good purposeful yank and well... but I remember a time where this only worked when you tried on something that was 3 sizes too big. Low rise pants are meant to sit lower on the waist (that was back in 2000) now, low rise means it sits on your hips, and SUPER low rise means if you're not careful, you won't be wearing pants on your hips. I mean, I think we're finally reached the limits of "how low can you go" in fashion, cuz I think any further and it'll be physically impossible for your pants to stay on.

Speaking of pants, I was riding my bike Saturday, pedaling with all my might up the hills to the IC building when RIIIIIIIIPP! The gears caught the hem of my cargos, and tore a 7 inch gap. Later, on the return trip, another smaller hole was cut into my right trouser leg... so I will be getting real acquainted with my sewing kit this weekend. *sigh*

Arg... soreness hits again! I think it was from Friday - went swimming and then at Relay for Life, spent a good 45 minutes throwing a football around. It's got my mid back muscles in a knot! But one discovery is that I'm better at throwing a sprial when the distance is say, more than 15 yards. Short distances I tend to throw weak wobbly junk.

Exercise! It's good for you! Here's the latest in weight loss: Get Your Groove On

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Hahaha I got to see Russel Peter live last night. Aside from many belly splitting laughs, I also learned that chances are... your name means "penis" in some other language. Wow. Another highlight was him picking on Dan, Ye and Fabian. I always wondered about some comedians if they really do pick on random people, or if they kinda plant friends in the audience. Russel does it for real haha, it's the first time I knew the people he was joking about. =P Good times good times!

Well I am feeling better, still worried about the semester, but at least I got a lot done this weekend, figured out some crucial aspects of my design project, and got the computer science lab out of the way. *whew* I just wish ... I would care about all this after May. It's all so mindless to me now. I panic to the nth degree now, but once the semester ends, not much of what I've accomplished really matters to me. It just feels like I'm rolling boulders up hills at this point.

I finally tried out the sample packet of Avon Whipped African Shea Butter lotion today. It's supposed to be super moisturizing and it came well recommended by the Avon recruiters who gave it to me. Well... it is moisturing... it is easy to apply, BUT I smell like buttered popcorn. Dude, I didn't think it was literally BUTTER. MMmmmmm ... some nice images come to mind as I'm sniffing myself... greased up pig, mashed potatoes, Orville Redenbacher... *sigh*

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I Have A Problem
For the past few semesters... I have a severe panic attack about two thirds of the way through the semester. A deep sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, where the only certainty in my life is that I don't want to be where I am. I'm always a hair away from bursting into tears... the revulsion to my circumstances complete. It's dispair, and it hits every semester. What the hell is wrong with me? Can't I learn from past missteps? Can't I realize that I'm just freaking out for no reason? Regardless, I find myself in panic. Part of me wonders if I'd ever get anything done if I didn't have these anxiety attacks. They seem to hit every semester, and I can't even guess as to what sets it off - I just hit a certain point in the semester where nothing feels right... and *wham* I fall into madness. Right now, I think I'm finally over this semester's episode, having gone on a 8 hour work binge. *sigh* Progress has to be made somehow, right? Just why does it have to be such a painful, recurring process? I hate feeling this way, this fear, dread, and anguish over something so trivial as schoolwork.

When you feel deeply that what you have to do is so completely opposite to what you want to do, it's hard to keep smiling. It just feels like what I want and what I'm getting are so disparate. More tantalizing is that what I want is constantly dangled in front of me, but despite my damndest efforts, I just can't reach it.

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A Trip of Firsts
My first trip out of state by myself began as I stepped aboard the smallest plane I've ever ridden on, and discovered that "1D" meant I was going to be flying for the first time by the window seat. For the first time I drove a rental car, a flaming blue Neon, on my first solo long distance drive to the Cheasapeke Bay. For the first time I got a Hotel room all to myself. This weekend, I took a miniature step into the rest of my life. And it went well! ^_^

Maryland has a surprisingly mild climate, I think the winters are only slightly colder (and snowier!) than Atlanta, and the summers average a comfortable 76 degrees. Not to mention there are canoeing, kayaking, jogging, biking, camping, and other outdoorsy opportunities. And, I'm only an hour away from DC and Baltimore. So... I'm thinking it's not so bad. I'll have access to the military base, where I'm privy to cheap gym membership, access to a relatively private beach, lots of paid vacation time and every other Friday off. The downside? Probably a little less pay, and I won't know anyone here. I'll be hours removed from friends and family. That's HUGE though, I'm at a loss as what would be the better choice.

Being alone gives you a lot of time to think. About the past, the future, failures and accomplishments... and about relationships. I don't think I was ready for one three years ago. I've been asked several times about what went wrong... and I never was able to fully answer the question. At least not to my satisfaction. But I realized a key difference between me three years ago, and me today. I had other things to attend to, different priorities. Now I keep thinking of things I would do for someone, if, well... if I had someone to do them for. It's like this more creative (and *gasp* even romantic?) side of me that was almost unavailable back then has somehow found an outlet - in my imagination. *blush* Now, if I could get past this "friend" image... hehe it seems quite funny to me that few people can even imagine me in any romantic capacity. I'm friendly, easy to talk to, I'm good company, but me? doing something lovey-dovey? People wouldn't recognize me. =P

I'm so easily slain by accoustic guitars and a butter-smooth voice. In some hormonally imbalanced moods I'll cry to the lyrics hehe. There's something about the Jason Mraz's, John Mayer's, Ryan Cabrera's, Don Mclean's, Dave Matthews's, etc etc etc etc... that just put me through such an emotional trip. There's something really appealing about a guy and a guitar and some heartfelt lyrics. Ahhh be still my heart! Gosh, some things, like sappy romantic comedies, really get you in a gushy temperament. *giggle* Why I keep doing this to myself I have no clue. Anyone else have a tendency to watch/listen to stuff like this when your reality is the exact opposite of what the plot/lyrics describe? Ohhhhhh what a feeling!

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Donate To the American Cancer Society!
Relay for Life is only two weeks away! Please contribute to our fundraising efforts by going to this webpage! Any donation amount would be greatly appreciated!

Why am I participating in Relay for Life? Because I don't want to have any regrets sometime down the road... it very well could be me that gets cancer. I've also lost a co-worker to breast cancer, saw my aunt go through uterine cancer, my grandmother survived stomach cancer, my best professor still is battling stomach cancer, George survived leukiemia, and I also know two good friends of my family that are cancer survivors. That's 7 people in my life of 21 years. So the question is... why wouldn't I do Relay for Life?

T H A N K     Y O U ' S
Jennifer Lee

~ 3.15.2005
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Ergonomically Speaking...
You know, one of my biggest gripes about the world is about reading. More specifically reading in bed. You know, on the surface, it sounds like a grand idea. Pretty relaxing way to work right? Especially since getting my masters has meant an eye-watering amount of reading. I'm always thinking to myself, "well, I've got about five chapters to finish by the end of the week. Maybe I'll take Wednesday night and read in bed." *ahhhhhhhh* Sounds great on paper... but I found that when I tried this, one thing always got in the way: my arms. Holding up the book over your face means you're fighting gravity. And even if the book weighs only half a pound (that's being conservative, or course... my Companion to Cognitive Science book is about 3 pounds), after about 15 minutes, its hard to keep the book steady. I could try to sit up a bit... but herein lies my room's limitations. I don't have a thick enough pillow that'll support my lower back in a half lounging position. I must dig up those arm-chair pillow thingys from home. Sitting at the desk in reading doesn't quite have the allure - and consequently it explains why I put off much of my readings.

GAH! I totally know what you're talking about with the reading thing. I usually end up on my stomach with my arms propping up my head, or on my side with my head on one of my arms. Either way, either my arms get tired or my back gets tired. But... even so, it's still peferable to reading at my desk, at least comfort-wise (definitely not productivity-wise)... Hope you're doing well, Tina!
- Jennifer
~ 3.15.2005
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WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!??! You're supposed to be friends! We're ALL supposed to be friends! And some stupid little thing that someone might have said, might have done, might have thought is putting a whole bunch of people in difficult situations. What ever happened to getting over stupid petty shit? I'm so fed up with this crap.

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What The...
Perhaps I've been in the dark. I mean, it's not that much of a stretch... but I saw the 4th quarter of the Lakers - Dallas game (which was quite exciting I might add), and it took me a good minute to reconsile the LAL on the scoreboard with the light blue jerseys. WHEN DID THIS TRAVESTY HAPPEN? WHY WOULD YOU GIVE UP YOUR BRAND, YOUR CALLING CARD? I know it's a new team, but did they need new jerseys? Someone please explain it to me. @_@

I had the most bizzare dream today too, as I was napping. I woke up because the stupid fire alarm went off again, but I decided I was too tired to run outside. So, I was in this purgatory between dreaming and waking and I "saw" a pack of balloons float through my window with a photograph of me tied to it. Behind the photo a message was written - "Tina I realize you don't like me, so have some balloons." It was creepy, like a stalker-ish thing. It was an ugly photo of me too hehe. Ah well. That stupid alarm ruined my rest. I feel really weak, like my legs are going to collapse. *sigh* But the bright side is: I'm not going to need my legs this weekend, I'll be stuck behind a computer for most of the time. =P

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10 Top Reasons why Email is like a Penis ...
  1. Those who have it would be devastated if it were ever cut off.
  2. Those who have it think that those who don't are somehow inferior.
  3. Those who don't have it may agree that it's neat, but think it's not worth the fuss that those who have it make about it.
  4. Many of those who don't have it would like to try it (e-mail envy).
  5. It's more fun when it's up, but this makes it hard to get any real work done.
  6. In the distant past, its only purpose was to transmit information vital to the survival of the species. Some people still think that's the only thing it should be used for, but most folks today use it for fun most of the time.
  7. If you don't apply the appropriate measures, it can spread viruses.
  8. If you use it too much, you'll find it becomes more and more difficult to think coherently.
  9. We attach an importance to it that is far greater than its actual size and influence warrant.
  10. If you're not careful what you do with it, it can get you into a lot of trouble.

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Reading Orgy
I've logged about 600 pages this week just reading up on Sears, Kmart, Target and Walmart for a midterm exam worth 50% of my grade. It's insane, I admit, but part of this frenzy of reading is because I have no clue what I'm doing. Modeling these retailers' multi-attribute utility functions based on their decisions? @_@ Oh lord. But all this studying/working/reading/obsessing will pay off. Beyond a more promising grade outlook:
Top 10 Reasons Studying is better than sex
10. You can usually find someone to do it with.
9. If you get tired, you can stop, save your place and pick up where you left off.
8. You can finish early without feelings of guilt or shame.
7. When you open a book, you don't have to worry about who else has opened it.
6. A little coffee and you can do it all night.
5. If you don't finish a chapter you won't gain a reputation as a "book teaser."
4. You can do it, eat and watch T.V. all at the same time.
3. You don't get embarrassed if your parents interrupt you in the middle.
2. You don't have to put your beer down to do it.
1. If you aren't sure what you're doing, you can always ask your roommate for help.

So last week and this week haven't been my finest. I've been in an irritable mood and my sense of humor hasn't been at normal levels. I was tired, angry, disappointed, and frustrated. But at least one part of my life has never wavered: the support of my friends. Thanks for the encouraging emails and unconditional listening.

My stupid leg keeps giving me problems - it's holding me back, cramping my style, literally. Even as I'm typing my thigh's cramping up in short spasms... it's distracting! The tendons at my left knee are still sore - it hurts even when I'm sitting now. Grrr. I've been staying away from running-type sports the past week, and instead working on my abs, back, arms... so now they're sore as well. After reading a zillion pages, my eyes are sore, my head hurts, and my nose is still a bit drippy. GAAAH! When it rains it pours. Where's a hug when you need one?

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The Trouble With Wellroundedness
There are many things I still don't understand. One of them is the phrase... "Oh it's his loss," said to comfort someone after they've apparently been spurned. His loss eh? I bet if you took a quick survey of the two, only one person would actually feel like a loser, and it sure as hell isn't the one doing the rejecting.

Who really wants the "total package" anyway? You see it everyday - the option to choose a well balanced meal with a little of everything - and yet most of the time people are just there for the meat, or they're vegetarian.

I've realized that what I am simply isn't good enough. Can't think of anyone that felt lucky to have my attention. Perhaps the curse of being wellrounded is that you don't have any points with which you can make an impression with. (Unless, of course, you've got a personality of a wrecking ball...) Has a pearl ever outshone a diamond? You think someone would pay 6 grand for a pearl engagement ring? You need edges, sharp corners in your characteristics to have that mesmerizing, light flashing fire. I've always been the one that rolled past quietly, forgetably... a dull glow the most I could muster because nothing about me really stood out.

Little pearls, I guess, have a place in their clam shell, alone.

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As a post script to the previous post, after more thinking, I did come up with one instance where breast implants might mean empowerment: massectomy patients. I could see where a woman might rebuild herself after beating something like breast cancer, almost like an "up yours" to the lump that cost her her natural breasts.

Coconut is a natural laxative.

People shouldn't be taking dance classes when they are so sick they can't even talk. There was one guy that I was partnerned up with yesterday that had no voice... only this wheezing noise would eminate. And of course, by Sunday evening, my throat felt funny. This morning was quite miserable, but I think I'm on the mend already, having taken the afternoon off to nap. I just hope tomorrow I'll be back to normal. In the mean time... where's my OJ?

Asking for advice is an interesting enterprise. No two people will tell you the same thing, and they often contradict. No wonder I feel lost.

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Empowering Your Mammories
Gosh, I spent all of Friday talking about myself! I managed to get 3 more interviews from the career fair, which I didn't even realize was happening until my buddy Adam asked me the night before if I was going. Funny how things turn out eh? I'm happy with the way the interviews went as well: I don't think I could have done much better. ^_^ If I don't get a second interview from Caterpillar, NASA or Navair, well, someone else was just too darn good. And there isn't anything I can do about that. ^_^

Just a random thought: as I'm watching this "before and after plastic surgery" show on TLC, I've got to wonder where the notion of female empowerment via breast implants came about. I mean, is there a correlation between women with big knockers and women in power? Hillary Clinton didn't look like a double D, and neither does Condi Rice. So what's this whole deal about empowering a woman by inflating her boobs? I think empowerment is the wrong word to associate with breast implants. Enhancement, maybe, and even that depends on who you ask... but empowerment? Sure, to some women having those larger assets may increase overall confidence, and surely it'll garner attention, but unless you work for the entertainment industry, does having melon sized breasts actually have a benefit? I would have figured empowerment meant that people would look at your face when you spoke rather than your chest, that people would be paying attention to what you were saying rather than the undulating motion of your mammories. But hey, maybe I'm just thinking this because I belong to the caste of smaller boob-dom, and I simply can't fathom the glory and power of being a much bustier woman.

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Pick Me Up
Right after I finished my web-tirade (the previous entry) things really started to pick up. It's amazing how the highs and lows hit. =) It all started with a box of chocolate covered strawberries - the best tasting ones I've had. The chocolate coating was just the right sweetness, a hardened shell around the berry, not a runny goo. Also, the strawberries were really sweet on their own. Wow. And then after the most delicious dessert, I found out I made it to the second round of the hiring process at Epic Systems. I have to take a test to determine my aptitude for programming and math, and logic. I also heard back from AMD, inviting me to apply to the co-op program in Austin, TX. And then, catching dinner with the girls, and getting on of my favorite foods on the house! Deep fried Chinese rolls! Delicious! Ok, the good fortune didn't stop after last night either. I landed an interview with Georgia Pacific at the internship fair this afternoon, and all I did was hand the guy a resume! After that, I walked up to Skanska, and the lady hands me a magic 8 ball. Hehe, I've always wanted one, ever since I was in 2nd grade!

So some things just fall into place, while others... well, try as you might, just won't happen. The most frustrating aspect of it all is that history seems to repeat itself. All my successes keep falling into the same basket, but I've got other baskets I want to fill.

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Just because I don't lash out whenever I get angry doesn't mean I'm incapable of rage. I thought my friends would understand that about me by now. Most of you have never seen me upset, and that's merely because I vent off the steam before I take action. Do you really think that within the past semester or two that I have managed to change so drastically my personality?

Lately there have been people out there whose character I seriously question. An ant has a more developed sense of responsibility. I've never seen an ant put his own comfort and convenience above the needs of his colony. I can't say the same for the people I work with.

When some idiot decides he has better things to do than what he's supposed to be doing, I get stuck doing his work. Be nice? Stay calm? Apparently this is supposed to be my "advantage", my "edge." It's not like I'm going to blow someone's head of with a 12 guage shotgun, but I'm through with the niceness. Being nice hasn't made my life easier or better, and it sure as hell hasn't changed the laggard's behavior. I don't get more respect for being nice. My voice isn't heard when I'm being nice. Half the time I'm not even appreciated for being nice. The only nice thing I'm going to do is warn this shithead that he should be expecting a repremand from the ones in charge. I don't need this shit. I've earned the right to be angry. Don't tell me that expressing my frustration and anger in PRIVATE is not healthy. I could pretend that nothing was wrong, but that would be the most unhealthy thing to do: not dealing with my problems. I'm furious, but that doesn't mean that my formal complaint will need the embelishment of loudness or choice words to get the point across. The kind of ghastly behavior that I've put up with will speak for itself. But you're asking too much of me if you expect me not to be incensed by such a lack of personal accountability.

~2.14.2005     Happy Valentine's Day
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Battle Wounds
You know you've done it before: brag about the sprain/bruise/cut you scored the other night. It automatically adds like 10 points to your credibility as a sportsman. Not to mention the attention it draws to your supreme macho-ness. Yep, there's nothing like a good scar to build character. There was a girl in my high school that used to come to class some days with a plastic cast strapped to her leg and crutches to feign an injury. A few days later she'd miraculously recover and demand to be put in as #1 girls singles again. As dumb as that sounds it certainly got the boys to the yard...

But I got the most worthless "injury" yesterday. I got clawed in the face, but it wasn't a long enough claw mark to look cool. It's deep enough to provide a vexing sting everytime I wash my face, but it looks more like a busted zit than anything else. Grrrr! Well, at least I've got a finger-nail shaped etching on my left forearm to show for my season. I've got a couple of bruises here and there too, but I'm not sure if those are from trying to grab loose balls... or running into things. *shrugs*

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Uncanny Resemblance
My friend is a tennis superstar! I mean, can you tell them apart? I can't. Irene, your man's been hiding his second life in the ATP tour...

Speaking of uncanny resemblances... take a gander a this gem of a photo! Hehe, it's one of my personal favorites. *smirk*

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Yes Sunlight, No Sunlight

Preliminary research shows that exposure to sunlight in melanoma patients actually increased their life expectancy. How, what?! It's hard to reconsile, since getting way too many rays is what gives you the cancer in the first place, but that vitamin D you start pumping when you step into the sun seems to inhibit cell proliferation. Weird eh? Medicine is so full of contradictions. Got a snake bite? Doctors will inject more venom. Vaccines are the same way... to avoid getting a disease, you have to "catch" it first. So, two wrongs sometimes do make a right.

Man I'm old...
You Are 27 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
What Age Do You Act?

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Better News

Things have perked up a bit in the news department. First off, dad found a job! Yay! Secondly, friends of family got married! Yay! Thirdly, I might be getting a new car before year end! YAY!

I noticed a strange yet entertaining phenomenon this past Friday: most of my friends seemed to have a twich in their face... causing them to wink or grin suspiciously at me. 0_o Hehehe... okay guys, cut it out before your face gets stuck that way...

Culture night was last Friday too. I had some fun catching up with some people, and also trying to play in a poker tournament. Though there was one guy at my table talking up a storm of hot gas. I mean... I win one hand (partially out of luck, and partially out of the 2 ppl that were helping me hehehe) and the Helmuth poser pipes in with "You can't trust a girl who's good at poker, it means she's deceptive." WTF mate? What's that supposed to mean? Also featured that evening were some fantastic musical renditions done by our very own CSA members.

Thanks to Stephen, I finally got to watch Napoleon Dynamite! ^_^ Great movie! I was laughing until my tummy hurt... and then some. Also because they named a llama after me, and kept yelling at it to eat. HAHA! As if I needed further goading. =P

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Unexpected Goodbye

I've always felt like I had three sets of parents. My biological parents, my mom's 5th brother and his wife, and then my mom's 3rd sister and her husband. The latter two couples never had their own children and have unofficially adopted my brother and I as their "kids." They've been helping us out a bit by loaning us tuition money, and giving us a place to stay when we go back to Taiwan or Japan. I really am close to these particualr aunts and uncles. With that comes some responsibility to take care of them should they need it in the future. But I'm reminded of this responsibility much earlier than expected, because I just learned of my uncle's passing (3rd sister's husband) due to complications from a ruptured aorta. I honestly don't know how my aunt's going to get past this on her own... she lives in Japan, where all she can do is pretty much food service or customer service in dept. stores. She's swimming in debt from medical bills and previous loans. All this after losing her companion of over 20 years. I don't know how to comfort her, I don't know how to make her feel better when she's half way around the world, alone in her empty house. She's a phone call away, yet there are no words I know of that would truly make a difference.

My uncle Teddy... or Teddy Uncle as he liked to be called, was a goofy Japanese man who'd learn a few choice phrases in Chinese or English just to be able to chat with Eric and I. We communicated like neanderthals since we didn't share a common language, but you always knew he cared because of what he did for us. He drove us everywhere we went in Japan, waited patiently, sometimes the whole day, watching TV in the car as the rest of us went around shopping, site-seeing. Back at the house, he'd make sure my brother and I had plenty of everything even though he didn't have many material things he could give. What a pure heart my uncle had - to think that it was what betrayed him in his last weeks is a cruel irony.
Teddy Uncle, life was never kind to you, but you always smiled back.

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New Week

So, a new month's arrived, and I'm finally around to making another post.

February is fitness month apparently... at least to the CRC. They're quietly holding some events throughout this month, the first of which happened just yesterday: the President's Challenge. This was a flashback to high school PE, where they have you do the mile run, the shuttle run, pushups, situps and the sit and reach to assess your general fitness level according to national norms. So, having a free afternoon, I ventured in to see where I stood. Hehe. I came out alright, scored in the 80-85 percentile in most events... but I flunked situps. However... I did manage to bust some butt on the mile run. So before Feb. 22nd rolls around, I'm hoping to be able to do 10 more situps, 5 more pushups, increase my stretching by 2.5 centimeters, cut half a second off my shuttle run, and of course, shave 15 seconds off my mile.

I think there's a strategy too, to completing this test. You gotta do the shuttle run first, because you need fresh legs to do a sprint. Then, I'd probably opt to do the sit and reach, to stretch out my legs. Follow that with the mile run, and then the situps and last, the pushups. I felt that even the push ups hurt me in the mile run, because about half a mile into the course, my arms felt like they were going to fall off. That mile took so much out of me, I had to take the entire rest of the day to recover. I was still coughing from the phlegm that built up from over exertion. That mile hurt, but I pulled through in 6.35 seconds - a personal best!

Ok, so fitness nuttiness aside... what else have I been pondering in my ample amount of free time?
  1. Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved" is such an awesome song. The lyrics are so sad to me, but I love them partly because of it. *sniff* Poor guy.
  2. I have a love hate relationship with sappy romantic movies. On the one hand... I get all teary eyed and gooey over it. On the other, I get all green with jealousy. =p
  3. Where I'm going to run into another student. I just found out tonight that a guy on the intramural team we lost to last night is one of my students. AHHHH!
  4. I really am more muscular than I was 4 years ago... and I have photos to prove it!
  5. I really was well taken care of when I was deathly ill last year around this time. My roommate, whom I hardly knew, cooked me several dinners and gave me a fistfull of ginseng tea when she heard me coughing/dry heaving in the mornings. Sung came by with Korean cough drops and throat coat tea. Jimmy got me a bunch of meals from Woodruff too. So far this year I've been able to escape the bug; hopefully I'll be there for those unlucky ones the same way my friends were there for me.

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Denial and Servitude

I feel like I'm trying to plant roses right before the frost of winter. Am I being too selfish, to want roses in my garden, if only for a short while? I could very well be deluding myself with hallucinations of possibility. Am I worth it? The answer may have been no all along, but who wants to accept that kind of reality? Everyday eats away a little more of the hope I have for seeing flowers.

It's not to say that my day hasn't gone well. I was treated to a yummy lunch, got to play basketball and tennis, got treated to dinner as well, and then watched the Jackets redeem themselves by edging out Wake Forest in OT with my basketball teammates! I couldn't have asked for better or more generous company these days. Everyday this week, people have offered to help me, invited me out, treated me to freebies in bowling, fooding and the like. It's my own insecurities that're getting to me. I hope my buddies who read this understand how lucky I feel to have their friendship. What other girl has seen this kind of generosity lately?

On a lighter note, I think I should just accept my life of servitude to MANkind...
sungjinGT (9:10:00 AM): fallen, eh?
sungjinGT (9:10:05 AM): *kick kick*
sungjinGT (9:10:07 AM): get up woman
sungjinGT (9:10:13 AM): and make me breakfast

EricCDenq (2:13:43 AM): *clap clap*
EricCDenq (2:14:03 AM): juice and muffins woman!
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Daily Epiphany

Well, today marks the first time I've ever had to appear in court. I was called to testify as a character witness for my good friend who was involved in a horrific accident four years ago. No sweat really, just sit there and tell the jury about the time we spent together, before and after the accident. She and I haven't seen each other for over two years (our busy schedules never seemed to mesh) and I lost touch with the details of her day to day life. Talking to her the past few days has made me realize just how daunting her future seems now. She'll eventually have to let her right ankle fuse, so that the joint won't move anymore.

I had only seen her during the recovery phase... where things really could only get better. Now, the road leads downhill. Her ankle right now is arthritic, but still mobile. But by the time she's having children, she'll have a permanent limp. Remembering the hospital visit after the accident on the stand, I got choked up, just considering how much was crushed that night. Flesh and bone and dreams. I don't know what'd I'd do without my ankle. No more tennis, running, basketball, volleyball, softball, frisbee? Dragon dance, salsa? Forget it. All of my activities of late - gone and out of the question? I had a month-long taste of that over the summer, and I just about went mad. Facing a lifetime of this kind of limitation? Unimaginable.

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Ahhhh... the sweet pain of exercise! Dragon dance practice and tennis. My arms are dying, my back is complaining, but my mood is merry. Nothing like exorcising your frustrations by flogging inanimate objects.

I managed to visit the Lord & Taylor department store this afternoon, to check out their going out of business sale. It was a mess in there, but I guess you get the sense of a treasure hunt. Amid the myriad sizes and styles, you have to find that perfect dress, yours, for 20% of the last marked price! Sadly, I spent more time standing in line for the fitting room, watching as the five ladies in front of me nearly get into a catfight. *sigh* It felt weird, being the mature one out of a group of middle-ages moms. People being inconsiderate of others by having a runner go to and from the fitting room, bringing more and more clothes in, and stalling the line. Another lady thinking she had priority over others because she only had four items as opposed to the 8 or 9 articles that most others had. "Shouldn't there be an express lane here?" she quipped. I also overheard that a girl was encouraged by her mother to try on bras out on the store floor, instead of waiting for a room. What? What? That must have been some show for the husbands left carrying the bags (and trust me, these shopping bags were 30 gallon trash bag sized). Relax ladies! It's the weekend, and you're out here practically robbing a defunct department store. There's no reason I can see to get so worked up over a few t-shirts. Or bras.

What happened to patience? Consideration? Class? Decency??? It just shows how hard it is to be a good person all the time. It didn't take much for normally decent people be become uncivil. And though I kept my cool today at the back of the line, I know I've blown a few gaskets in the past over some stupid things. But, when you do run across people who are able to maintain their sense of class and consideration for others, it's refreshing and very impressive.

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Weaknesses of Yours Truly
It seems that lately I'm reminded daily how much of a clutz I am with relationships of the romantic type. I feel like I'm making pretty big gestures, but in reality it probably doesn't show. Maybe the only real difference between how I treat one particular guy and the friends is a figment of my imagination. The irony? It just may be that the other guys know where my affections are, but the one guy doesn't. Damnit. So I'm incapable of acting differently despite feeling differently. Curses!

I'm thankful for the guidance I've gotten from various friends lately, or else I probably would never had realized my lack of demonstrative action. My ineptitude is boundless. I suppose I should just pray for lightning to strike.

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The Ratio's Good at Doane
So a lot of hubbub in education these days. Yesterday I read an article on about some Texas elementary schools wanting to add body mass indexes to report cards so not only will the class bully torment your fat kid, the teachers will also get to join in on the fun! This is all at the same time that more and more schools are relinquishing the PE requirements in school, or simply letting the PE curriculum turn to crap. Makes perfect sense no?

And now.. on Doane College's recruitment postcards, they're enticing high school boys to "play the field," a point emphasized by a picture of one guy surrounded by available looking females. Wow, I wonder what they're hinting at... playing the field of intellectual opportunities! Exactly. Not premarital casual sex, or course not!

Not to mention the Georgians are now in some uproar over some stickers in science textbooks. Evolution. Tricky matter this is. It's pretty silly watching a mob of grown people fighting over some disclaimer in a book the kid's not going to read anyway. But beyond that... why is it that these stickers were school board approved while a Muslim girl had to go to court to be allowed to wear her headscarf in school? You'll learn more about bigotry in school these days than you'll learn about Darwin or world theology.

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Captian Obvious to the Rescue!!!
No shit Sherlock... See for yourself

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Calm Before the Storm
Being in school is all about goals isn't it? You have to be self motivated to some degree to do well. So what are my short term objectives this spring?

I need to figure out a tough decision and design a decision support system for it. Decisions... I know it's not a tough question, afterall, all of our actions are based and a decision we made. But how does one go about designing an interface that helps you decide what to cook? what to wear? or what job to take? Comparative shopping software is already so prevalent now, I'd feel like I was reinventing the wheel if I designed something that helped people decide what car insurance to buy. Headaches!

Other academic goals: make it to class on time and stay awake and focused. Get homework done before the "last minute" and really understand the matieral.

Fitness goals: Shave my 5k time under 25 mins. Improve agility and tennis-shot-saving ability. Not develop man-legs while gaining that speed. Cut body fat down by 4-5 percentage points. (Can you believe that I'm practically 1/5 lard)?

Personal goals: Quit over-analyzing things. Believe in myself more. Quit zoning out during conversations. Drink less coffee. Learn to salsa again. Get a blazing TV in my room before I turn 90. Cook more. Spend less.

Ahhhhh. If I manage to accomplish half of these, I'm sure the little piggy plush toy in my room's going to fly circles around my head. It's already got wings though. ^_~

What would I do to be able to read people's minds... *sigh* Maybe in another lifetime.

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Another Year
I'm kissing 2004 good bye happily. I hasn't been an easy year, filled mostly with small disappointments and waning enthusiasm. I'm at the point in my life where I'm asking myself, "what next" a whole lot. I don't feel like I've grown much either in the past year. Sure, I graduated, but I don't feel any wiser. Sure, I made new friends, but I don't feel like my old friendships got any stronger. Sure, I've taken on a more independent role, but my parents still treat me like I'm 15.

I've been stuck in this pre-teen quagmire with my parents ever since college started. I actually felt more free, more trusted while I was in high school. Isn't the converse supposed to be true? That your parents, having seen you live on your own and handle your business, would entrust you to make your own good decisions? Will there ever be a point in my life where I don't have to ask my parents for permission to go out for dinner? I've always maintained a respectful ear for their opinions, and take into consideration their thoughts when I make my decisions. What I can't stand nor understand is why my opinion, my view, is never relevant. And then they feed me this crap about being "open minded."

Aside from not being trusted by your own parents, I've also had my heart stomped on, my feelings trampled, and my self esteem pummled. I've had to walk funny in public, forgo social vitality, and swallow my anger in the name of filial obeidence. This was the tragic year Bush was re-elected to office. The year I got a first person glimps of sexual harassment. A new year is about often about rebirth, rebuilding, and renewal. Nowhere is this reality more devasatingly evident than in southeast Asia. I'm not sad to see much of this year gone. I look forward to 2005 with much hope.

In 2005, my parents will be forced to trust me with my own life. In 2005 we will see at least a part of the global community work together, though violence will continue in the middle east. We may even see the US acutally donate more than their pocket change to the tsunami victims. 2005 is a hopeful year because I will not be as shy as I was in 2004. I will be in better health and in better shape by next year. My mom's health will no longer be a mystery, and a path to recovery might be charted finally. 2005 will be a better year for me because I know what I have to do to secure my future.

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Happy Happy
Lots of things to smile about lately! Just today Jen Cho turned 22 at Rusan's, giving me yet another excuse to sneak out of the house towards the company of my good good friends. ^_^ I was able to drive to Rusan's too... marking the first time my dad has agreed to let me behind the wheel since May. Yessss! I got my license renewed... finally today, and I'm even satisfied with the picture! *gasp* Holy hell? What?!?!?! I'm not photogenic at all, and I'm happy with one of the most notoriously bad photos a person's forced to live with in society? Miracles happen baby, when the weather gets chilly.

Speaking of miracles, my grades, which I've finally been able to check, came out nicely. ^_^ I had no idea what to expect in two of my four classes this semester, but I guess I must have done something right at the end. The last two weeks of school were excruciating... almost unbearable. *wink* Almost. Teeheehee.

Just got back from snowboarding (yes, cross that off the list of things to do before I die!) Wednesday. Had an amazing time, despite another scare with the bones in my right hand. Falling on my hands repeatedly, day in day out turned out to be a bad thing for my wrist... as I took a bad fall on the first day. The ski patrol medic didn't know if it was a sprain of a fracture without x-rays, and recommended that I just watch the hand over the next few days. Luckily, by day two, it didn't hurt as much, and I decided to snowboard some more. All went well until the very last run, where I busted and landed flat on my back , slamming my wrist into the ground in the process. I slip about 5ft. down the slope head first before I could get myself together. So, the third day, I watched as my wrist ballooned in size. Like before, the swelling subsided after a day, but now... my hand, though back to normal size, is now a deep shade of pinkish purple, especially around the knuckle area. The whole back of my right hand is a bruise. Gross! But, I have to say, the trip to West Virginia was a lot of fun, and I have so many great memories to look back at and laugh about now. ^_^

Now that I'm back at home, I don't quite know what to do with myself. I'm trying to stay on a consistent running regimen. Need to get fit for basketball next semester! Plus, I'm still lookin' for that flat tummy, and smaller arms. Looking in the mirror tonight really scared me. My arms are getting huge... and the creepy part is that it's not all fat... I have biceps now? While I do want tone, I don't want to inspire memories of the She-Hulk. I haven't done weights over five pounds on my arms, and I haven't done any weights for weeks. So, I'm at a lost at how to trim these ladies up, short of quitting tennis. *sigh*

I felt really taken care of the past couple of weeks of school. I always had someone to talk to, to cheer me up, and get me out of the dark dorm room. Always had someone keeping me motivated. I'm so grateful that I had that kind of support!

~ 12.17.2004
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I Lack Discipline
As further evidenced by the fact that I'm updating at 4:30am instead of either studying or sleeping. Which would be the only reasonable thing to do at this hour... right before finals no less. *sigh* But I had so much fun this weekend. I can't help but feel like I'm going to pay dearly for it later. Yipes. Oh well. I think so far it's been worth it. I bowled 158 yesterday, I witnessed the destruction of the Dawgs first hand tonight, and watched Love Actually on HBO! I love absolutely love that movie. *grin* Watching it made me feel happy, all warm and fuzzy. ^_^

~ 12.5.2004
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Dead week blew major chunks. @_@ I've never work this hard for mediocrity.

Why can't we all just get along?

Birthday shoutouts to Kenny and Shoe!

Not strong enough to kick the habit? Try the the nicotine patch!
Not horny enough? Try the sex patch!

~ 12.4.2004
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Performance Review... According to CatBert

According to Catbert, Evil Director of Human Resources, (a.k.a. StePHen):
Catbert Review

~ 12.1.2004
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I'm Too Sexy...

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 93%
Kissing Skill Level - 49%
Cudding Skill Level - 11%
Sex Skill Level - 92%
Why They Love You You are too sexy for words.
Why They Hate You You are too sexy.
This Quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 552295 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

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