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TheRaven_au's Swat 3 Page

Main Page

This site is dedicated to the custom missions that I have created for Swat 3

I stopped making new maps due to the 'iminent' release of UJ. I am working on CS:CZ and HL2 maps at the moment but I might get around to making some Swat4 maps soon.

The 10_David file archive has all of my maps except "Mansion".

I set up links to my new sites with the files for people to download from but Angelfire screwed them up and lost all my maps!!

My "Mansion" map is still available on this site

I have used textures from all over the place in my maps and prefabs, so I'm sorry if I've used one of yours and forgotten to give you credit.
If you are in the habit (like me) of using textures from other peoples maps please feel free to grab any of mine (prefixed GC_ ), on two conditions:
-PLEASE DO NOT RENAME THEM ( its a bugger when I'm doing a scan for new textures in maps and I find out the one I've extracted is just one of my own )
-Please give me credit for my textures, some of them have been a lot of hard work to get or make.

**If you have downloaded my original "Warehouse" map please go to the Warehouse page and read the message**

Please let me know of any mayor bugs in my maps (or this site).

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