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Cut Footage

I finally got my hands on the uncut version of
the movie, so I've put together a section of all
the cut scenes and shots from The Return of
the Texas Chainsaw Massacre in script format.

Cut Scene: Jenny's House [ evening ]


Jenny: [ pulling up her dress ] Mother!

Door slams open.

Stepfather: "laughs strangely"

Jenny: [ crosses her arms ] Get out of my room.

Stepfather: What are you afraid of, huh? All I'm askin' is for you to be a nice girl, no big deal, huh?

Jenny: Even if you weren't a slimeball aren't you forgetting that you're married to my mother?

Stepfather: You shut you're damn mouth, I think you want it! [ pushes her against the vanity ]

Jenny: Mother! [ screams ]

Stepfather: Who the f*ck do you think she's gonna believe anyway? Sh*t, either way you f*ckin' lose b*tch!


Mom: Jenny? Jenny?


Stepfather: [ slams Jenny against her door ] One damn word outta your mouth so help me God, bitch. If that's what you want honey bunny, have it. But if you know what's good for you you'll keep your pretty damn mouth shut!


Mom: Jenny?


Jenny: [ comes out of her room ] No Mom, it's okay, nevermind.

Mom: You sure?

Jenny: [ nods her head ] Yeah.

Stepfather: Sh*t, what do you need, a sworn affidavit, God.

Mom: No, I just thought...

Stepfather: You don't think, you're too damn stupid to think.

Mom: Jack!

Door bell rings.

Mom: Oh, that must be Sean!

Stepfather: Hey, answer the goddamn door.

Cuts to Jenny and Sean getting pictures taken by Jenny's mother.

Cut Scene: Barry's car [ night ]

Heather: Barry, I saw you, you were kissing her.

Barry: I wonder why? What am I supposed to do, jerk off for the rest of my life? It's not my fault if you're frigid.

Heather: I am not!

Cut Shot: The House - [ night ]

There is a longer shot of Heather and Barry walking towards the house until we get the close-up of them on the porch.

Cut Scene: The House - porch [ night ]

Barry: [ slams door in W.E.'s face ] Dumbass!

Barry pauses for a bit.

Barry: Heather? [ moves towards the door ] Where's the phone? I'm callin' the cops.

W.E.: Boy, you are as dull as dishwater!

Barry: Yeah right.

Cut Shot: The Woods - [ night ]

Waiting for Heather and Barry to return, Jenny sits down in the dirt in a somewhat confused state. This scene is right before Vilmer drives up to her in his towtruck.

Cut Scene: The House - bathroom [ night ]

Darla and Jenny are having a conversation in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

Darla: They've been doin' this kind of thing for like a thousand or two thousand years, I forget which, and nobody, I mean nobody knows their names, and that's who Vilmer works for.

Jenny: Oh, that, that's really interesting. What did you say your'e name was?

Darla: Darla. Well, I've always hated that name.

Jenny: I, I'm Jenny.

Darla: Well, I'll tell you miss Jenny, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Jenny: Is there maybe somethin' I should know, that I can do?

Darla: Well... with Vilmer I guess it's always a good idea to keep you're mouth shut, do what he tells you. Oh, don't make him mad.

Jenny nods her head.

Cut Scene: The House - Dining Room [ night ]

As Rothman begins to lick Jenny's face, rock music begins blaring in the background.

Cut Scene: The House - porch [ dawn ]

When Jenny escapes the house and runs out the door, Vilmer sends Leatherface after her. This scene was tinted blue.

Cut Shot: The Woods [ dawn ]

There was a shot of Jenny running through the woods before she ends up at the road and chases after the RV.

Cut Scene: The Woods - road [ dawn ]

The scene where Jenny is running after the RV and Leatherface is after her was tinted orange.

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