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About Me!

A really long survey I've filled out about yours truly!

Photos of me and the people I know!

Some randomness for you to enjoy!

Here's how you can contact me!

Hey! Welcome to my site!!

Hi, this is Carah! I was born in the great state of Texas (The Lonestar State), but raised in the glorious state of Virginia. This site is brand new, I hope ya like it! I'll be updating as often as I can get Rebekah to log onto it and play around with it! Of course, sometimes I'll get on and play around with my own site, LoL. She is my official webpage designer and consultant so if the site looks dinky, BLAME IT ON HER!!

That picture of me was taken at my cousin's wedding in Hawai'i! That's the correct way to spell it, dontcha know! LoL, but anyways. I was the junior bridesmaid. (Note from Beck: BLUE EYES!)


  • June 6:My About Page is finished! Rebekah finally stopped working on hers to mess with mine a bit! Hope ya'll like it... if not blame her. hehe
  • June 21:Finally getting Rebekah to get on this thing again... she is going to work with random things on the site... so just look around (and be amazed).
  • September 16:Okay, Rebekah has finally started working on the site again and she has decided to stop slacking off!!! LoL, she's going to try to get it finished, so she can make her way down her long waiting list. Almost all the links work now!!