By Brandon

Yes sir this is it. God’s Wrath is being poured out on America. Yes ladies and gentleman America is in the scriptures. Babylon was a city and a nation mixed with confusion and Was against God. The prophets of the Bible also talks about a future Babylon in the end times. Now a lot of scholars believe it is Europe but you decide Babylon must fulfill these conditions (all): surrounded by water, richest nation in trade, best airforce program, A nation or city made up of every ethnic group, south of Russia on the globe, very rich in soil and a lot of resources, known for her idols such as worldly things, world leader in trade and a whole lot more parameters. Now some countries fit (some) of these descriptions but not (all). Now America fits all of these conditions. What happened to New York is nothing to what is gonna happen in the future and Revelation speaks about this. This is only a bite off the pie!!!! When you see Babylon it means New York City and of course it could be a double reference at the same time to the past Babylon. Here are some scriptures to prove we are in the last times!!!!!!!

And I will punish Babylon(NewYork City) and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he had swallowed up:and the nations shall not flow together anymore unto him: yea the wall of Babylon(New York City) has fallen.
(Jeremiah 51:44)

Thus saith the Lord of hosts; The Broad walls of Babylon (New York City) shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire and the people shall labour in vain and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary.
(Jeremiah 51:58)

Now I’m pretty sure the walls The Bible is talking about is skyscrapers. I wonder could it be referring to the twin towers (World Trade Center) which fell down. Coincidence or just Bible prophecy!!!!!

One post shall run shall to meet another post , and one messenger to meet another, to show the king(mayor) of Babylon that his city is taken at on end!!!!!
(Jeremiah 51:31)

Post<7323 roots-to run for whatever reason implieing to panic; divide speedily; footman; guard; bring hastily; run (away through)

Now doesn’t this sound familiar, the twin towers were destroyed and people running everywhere and one messenger to another to show the king of Babylon (New York).You have to look at the Bible and see what it is saying we don’t have kings but we do have mayors!!!! Notice what the verse says at the end he says it is taken at one end!!!!!!
Now wasn’t the twin towers was a part of New York City The worst is yet to come!!!!!

For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon is like a threshingfloor, it time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest has come.
(Jeremiah 51:33)

And I will send unto Babylon (New York City) fanners, that shall fan her, And shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.
(Jeremiah 51:2)

Fanners<2114 zoor-to be a foreign, strange, profane.

Man Man do you see what the bible says about foreigners (terrorists) come and fan New York City, we know terrorists from another country had to do something like this!!!!!
Get this, it was done on the 9th month of the 11th day!!!!!!!!!!
911!!!!!!!!! Do you see how these terrorists work on date setting.
This was planned and implemented months ago probably years!!!!
And it so happens the world leaders just left the trade center a day or two before this event happened!!!!!! So I am not surprised they had this planned from the get go. Don’t you see if you can cause a Major crisis then you can get the people to bow down to the way you want to run the government. Perfect plan!!! And this plan is the New World Order which the antichrist shall come from!!!!!!!
Now having said that this is not the world war three because America has not been hit by Russia, (Ezekial 38,39),
(Isaiah 47,48)
And a whole lot more prophecy!!!!!!!

For in one hour so great riches is come to nought (nothing). And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea stood afar off, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying What, city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying alas that great city, Wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! For in one hour is she made desolate!!!
(Revelation 18:17-19)

Now wasn’t the twin towers burning!!!!!!!! And fell down!!!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen please I’m begging you to watch out because the time is at hand!!!!!!!! Remember when I sent the paper about aliens well the last page spoke about New York City getting hit!!!!!! Now this verse really shocked the mess out of me!!!!!!
And the woman (Statue of Liberty) which thou sawest is that great city (New York City), which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
(Revelation 17:18)

Now a lot of people are saying right now that the world could end right now simply because we are at war. God is coming God is coming!!!!!!! Save yourself!!!!! That is utterly false and people who are saying that do not know what the world they are talking about!!!!! I don’t care who he is T D Jakes, Billy Graham, Creflo Dollar. It is all false!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s see what Christ had to say:

And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet.
(Mathew 24:6)

Now it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure it out we are on a time line which means that Jesus Christ cannot come back at any time, if he could why would he make the statement the “end is not yet” which means he has an appointed year, day and hour. Keep preaching Christ!!!!!

And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
(Mark 13:7)

But when you shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified:
for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not yet by and by.
(Luke 21:9)

Now isn’t it quite interesting that there are 4 main gospels of Christ ministry (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). Now why would Christ repeat himself only three times about war in the first three gospels that are in the exact order. Could it be Christ is trying to tell us that there would only be three world wars. Why Christ did not mention it in the book of John. I will tell you why John is the Book of (Agape)love which symbolizes rebirth, born again, which means the believer is not of the world anymore. Now the holy spirit showed me something else that’s very remarkable after Christ made those statements, about war notice what else he says right after those same remarks in the three gospels:

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. These are the beginning of sorrows but the end is not yet.
(Mathew 24:7-8)

For there nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginning of sorrows
(Mark 13:8)

Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom:
(Luke 21:10)

Now nation means “ethnic group” and kingdom means “rule or realm” so Christ is saying literally countries against countries. Now notice in the books of Mathew and Mark Christ says this is the “beginning of sorrows” but in the book of Luke he does not say this. Could Christ be trying to tell us that the first two world wars are just the beginning of what’s really going to terrify a whole lot of people and could it be that those two wars are just the bite off the pie!!!!!!! Because if you notice in Luke, right after Christ mentions wars he says this startling statement:

And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven
(Luke 21:11)

Fearful<5400 phobetron-a frightening thing from 5399. 5399 phobeo-alarmed; to be in awe of
Great<3173 megistos-fear, high, loud, large, mighty
Heaven<3772 ouranos-heavens as the abode of God
Sights<5400 phobetron-frightening thing

Now let’s think about this what do we be amazed of in the sky certainly not planes but certainly UFO’s. Now notice what Christ says “from the heavens” which means in the Greek from the “abode of God.” Now we know war planes do not come from where God sits, but we do know Satan and his angels (aliens) come from there. The holy spirit showed me something else very remarkable, Christ repeats himself three times dealing with WARS, EARTHQUAKES, PESTILENCES (DISEASES SUCH AS AIDS) AND FAMINES. But he only says “fearful sights in the heavens” once after the third time he talks about war in the book of Luke. Why did Christ not repeat that statement three times like the others. Well it is quite simple Christ is trying to tell us that there will be an Alien invasion after the World war 3 but it will come right after the antichrist and Christ says this in the next verse:

But before all these, (alien invasion) they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues (church’s), and into prisons,(concentration camps) being brought before kings and rulers(Antichrist) for my name’s sake.
(Luke 21:12)

Now do you see Christ makes the statement “before all these” so hence we know these events are gonna happen right before the Alien Invasion.
So you see Christ gives us the best sequence

  1. WORLD WAR 3-“wars and rumors of wars”
  2. ANTICHRIST-“delivered you up to be killed for my name’s sake”
  3. UFO INVASION-“fearful sights in the heavens”

Now remember the antichrist will come right after the world war 3 then the Aliens.
Speaking of Antichrist, modern day Christians say we will not see him well let’s see what Christ had to say:

And he (Jesus) said unto them, These are the words which I spake Unto you, while I was with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses (first five books of the bible), and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
(Luke 24:44)

Didn’t the prophets Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, and Isaiah prophecy about the Antichrist. Now what Jesus Christ said that ALL things must be fulfilled dealing with the prophets. I’m just getting started, Jesus preach for us:
Verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass, till all things be fulfilled.
(Mathew 24: 34)

Now before this verse Christ mentions everything that must happen dealing with the wars and Antichrist. So see he tells us that all these things must come to pass. But the preachers and pastors of these days leave out the modifiers such as and, but, if might, except, all. You see how the delusion is, people fall for it.

Now having proved that Jesus Christ cannot comeback at any time let’s continue the matter. New York City is the great city that Revelation prophesy about. Now the Bible says that Babylon is a she it describe the nation being represented by a woman and eagles wings. Well look on the back of your dollar bill and you shall see an eagle on the U. S. seal. Now the Bible says that Babylon is a she nation, it just so happens America is a she nation and also is called a daughter, thanks Mitch for helping me organize it.

Isaiah 47:1 “O virgin daughter”
47: 5 “The lady of kingdoms”
47:7 “I shall be a lady”
47:8 “not sit as a widow”

Jeremiah 50:3 “against her”
50:3 “her land”
50:15 “her round about”
50:26 “against her”
50:29 “she hath done”
50:29 “she hath been”

Revelation 18:7 “I sit as a queen”
18:8 “ her plagues “
18:9 “ she bewails her”
18:9 “her burning”
18:19 “she is made”
18:24 “And in her”

Now we now for a fact that Babylon is a she nation and like I said America is a she nation to. A lady greets all people who enter the nation via the New York Harbor, and New York City is the center of World Finance Trade and World Government. Statue of Liberty given to America from a French Mason in 1886 which makes her a masonic statue that represents in reality the mystery Goddess Isis OR QUEEN OF BABYLON. God said America laboured in the occult from her youth, and the Mystery Religions are her Guardians and hidden rulers. These people in America does not realize this but it is the truth!!!!!!!

Could This Be The World War 3???????

Well I’ve been asked by a whole lot of people, could this be the World War 3 the Bible talks about. Well first we must define what is a “World War”. World- means every country War-countries fighting each other. Now notice Bush keeps saying we are at “war” but he points out just terrorists. Terrorists are not a country, just only a group of people who terrorize countries. Now Bush also said that he would get the countries who harbor these terrorists, which are not many. Now the Bible says that Israel and the rest of the Middle East start up a World War 3. The Bible says America (Babylon) (sheshack) will be involved only when she gets hit by Russia (Magog). The reason Russia does this is because Russia knows America protects Israel. That’s why Russia surprises America so she cannot strike back. Now the question is when will this all happen????? Well before Russia can attack Israel, Israel must be fighting the palestines (Arabs) which was prophesied in Isaiah 14 and Psalm 83:1-8, which is now happening. Next in sequence is the destruction of Damascus, Syria this is prophesied in Isaiah 17, it has not happened yet but it is near!!!!! Then comes our invasion of Russia, which is prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39, when she goes to Israel and then America. Now a lot of scholars agree with everything except America being hit. But let’s prove to people that the Bible says this is going to happen dealing with America!!!

And thou shall say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates.

(Ezekiel 38:11)

Now notice this the description of another nation saying “I will go UP”
Now where would Russia go up to, no other place but the north poles. Because the word “Go up” means OVER THE NORTH POLES TO ANOTHER COUNTRY NO OTHER PLACE BUT AMERICA IF YOU ARE NOT STILL CONVINCED LOOK AT THIS DESCRIPTION OF THIS SAME COUNTRY:
Now does this verse applies to America well let’s break it down

  1. “Land of unwalled villages”
  2. “Them that are at rest”
  3. “that dwell safely”
  4. “dwelling without walls”
  5. “having neither bars nor gates”

Now let’s look at these comments and see if this is America that is gonna get hit:

“Them that are at rest”-means the people are not at war at this time and have been dwelling for sometime in peace and rest. Rest means to be at peace. Notice the verse says “it dwells safely” Safely means secure and assurance. The next phrase means “dwelling without walls” we know it is not talking about Israel because Israel have walls but America does not!!!!!!! It says this nation does not have “any bars or gates”!!!!!! America does not have any Of these qualities but dwells safely as far as being a country with peace (most of the time) as far as war is concern Now this verse is not talking about street violence but war, America does not fight in war everyday so this must be America which is gonna get hit by nuclear war heads!!!!!!!

Who is behind all of this Terrorism and does this leads to the Antichrist?????????????
Now let everybody think about all of this. If the Arabs, which are Afghanistan, Sryria or Iran and Iraq hits America with Nucleuar war or say terrorists attacks. Where in the world are they getting their weapons from? Or in the matter where are they getting their money from to have such nuclear weapons!!!! Well it just so happens the Bible says that these so called countries are owned by Russia via money!!

“Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them, all of them with shield and helmets” “Gomer and all his bands, the house of Togarmah (Turkey) of the north quarters, and all his bands; and many people with thee (Russia)”
(Ezekiel 38:4-5)

  1. Persia-Iran and Iraq
  2. Ethiopia-Ethiopia and Syria
  3. Libya-Libya of today
  4. Gomer-East Germany
  5. Togarmah-Turkey
  6. and many other countries!!!!

Now it says in the Bible, which the Holy spirit has just shown that all of these countries are aided by Magog (Russia). Russia supply these countries with nuclear weapons to go against America. Russia has always hated America and for that fact the best way to get rid of your enemy is through secret attacks by another countrie or countries!!!!!! Via terrorism!!!!!!!!! Now I know in the news they say Russia is aiding us but it is just a front and Russia is going to do what they do best is try to get rid of America.

Now just think what this terrorism has just caused over 20,000 Jobs lost dealing with airplanes and hotels, The Stock Market is going down by the minute, people are crying peace and safety, there are riots in other countries against America and most importantly there are more security measures to protect people. Now just think if Bush said “we must make sacrifices” Just think what this is leading up to. People trade their freedom for Peace Security. Because if you keep having Terrorist attacks then people are gonna get fed up and do anything to protect themselves. Now just think all this peace and security will lead to people getting scanned to see if they are a threat. Now how can you get scanned by having a chip in your right hand!!!!!!! Now we know if you don’t take this chip what will happen. And just think people want peace and security and will do anything to protect themselves via a mark in their right hand. You see the rich men of the earth(Rockefellers, Rothschilds and many more) plan these attacks to bring in their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WHICH THE ANTICHRIST WILL COME FROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU SEE HOW THIS PLAN WORKS IT IS VERY SIMPLE:

