Who is Brandon Mullino

I am a 20year old college student who goes to Middle Georgia College who majors in Secondary Education. I run track and crosscountry professionally my best 5k is 16:49. I live in a South Georgia town called Hawkinsville. My birth city is Atlanta Georgia. But the truth of the matter is I truly don’t care about all of that stuff any more. My most important goal is to get into the kingdom. This website is about THE TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ. Now of course everybody says that. The Methodist, Baptist, Pentacostal, Catholic and many other religions claim they have the truth. So how do we resolve this. Well we can read one scripture and interpret it many ways BUT if you look up the words in the scripture then you cannot have contradiction. Well my website does just that, if you notice the numbers and definitions on this website you will see how serious I am when it comes to looking up words to find the true meaning to something. It just so happens we do this at school and college so the Bible is not different. So you cannot have a debate over a definition. I do not claim to be a prophet. I just take the Bible seriously. I study the Bible in the Hebrew and Greek with a Strong’s Concordance, The Strongest Strong Concordance, The Vines dictionary and The Greek, Hebrew Interlinear Bible. I do not rely on pastors, deacons or scholars to tell me this is right and that is wrong. But I will listen and check to see if that information is true or not. Didn’t The Apostle Paul said “study to show THYSELF approved” not the pastor nor the deacon but you! So likewise I challenge anybody who comes on my website to check it out and see if I am wrong to anything I am saying. Do not take my word for it. Study for yourself because you will see and know the truth. It is all in the Bible.
