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  • Hide PL/Stats: Allows user to hide a portion of PL/stats at will. Original PL/stats can only be detected by the Detect PL/stats move. During fight the opposer gets the % of the current PL even if this move is in effect. User is allowed to hide as much PL/stats as he/she wishes but can not excede the PL/stats allowed by the X of move.
  • Takes 1 turn to "power up" and get amount of PL/stats you wish. (X1=25%, X2=50%, X3=75%, X4=100% as much as u want but cant go below 1000/stats can't go below 25)
  • "Speedy" Power-Up: The ability to double your PL before you perform a move (You send me both moves, ex. Speedy Powerup-kamehameha). Can only be learned/used if you have the hide PL move and cannot give you more than your full PL. To Power down you must take one full turn. Allows your sparring partner to recieve % from your full PL without revealing your hidden PL. Also allows you to use your full stats in a fight without revealing them.
  • Detect PL/stats : allows user to detect the true PL/stats of opponent at will. (takes 1 move to use during battle and can be done outside of battle)
  • Bukujutsu: The ability to fly with one's ki. (automatically dodges attack that was used before it and adds 10 to speed)
  • Iroke Kougeki "Sexiness Attack": An attack in which the attractive assailant removes most of their clothes in order to stun their opponent, works same as solar flare.(only works against opposite sex)
  • Kaiten Kougeki "Revolving Attack": One of the many, "one-timer", attacks used during the 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai. The user spins around furiously and can't be touched. The downside is, when the user stops revolving, they're incredibly dizzy and pass out (dodges attack but loose 1 turn)
  • Irome-An "attack" performed by Bulma where she flaunts her butt at the opponent to try and tempt them into letting her go free(only works on opposite sex)
  • Heal: Ability to heal a teammate (For every stamina you put into this move, your teammate gets 500 HP) Can be done in or out of battle.
  • Namek Fusion: Works as regular fusion but the fusion lasts as long as you wish. (Must be Namek to use this move.)
  • Bitch-Slap: Taunt move (hits with 1/3 of your strength)
  • Energy rings: You fire rings at your opponent. If Opponent doesnt dodge, rings disable opponent for three turns unless opponent does a ki move or your strength is > 500.
  • Evil Energy: Large ball of energy. (Level 3)
  • Evil destructo disk : Same as regular destructo disk except if opponent dodges you have 2 more chances to hit him (Acts as three moves with 3 different roles in three consecutive turns)
  • Tri-Form: Splits your body into three different bodies. You play each of these bodies as a different character. Stats remain the same in each character but your current PL is divided between each body. Hitpoints are divided between the bodies as well. When one body loses all of its hitpoints your body with the most HP absorbs it and gains its PL. To go back into one body it takes 1 turn per body.
  • Chobakuretsumaha: Done when you power up the blast between the palms of his hands in front of his chest, then release the blast. (level 2)
  • Kaifuku Power "Healing Power": The ability to completely heal people near death with hands (can be used on oneself)
  • Eye Beam: It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes. (level 1)
  • Fusion: This technique is used to fuse two people into a single person, and give the fused person a huge power boost. Anyone can do the fusion, but you have to have close to the same PL as the person you fuse with. Fusion lasts 10 turns. PL and Stats added together. HP is the HP of the person with the highest HP. If you die both people die.
  • Gekitotsu Buu Buu Volleyball: After trappingsomeone with Renzoku Super Donuts, you beat the ball around before spiking it into the ground. (Level 2)
  • Kokusanyudokodan: Fires many ki bolts around the opponent, surrounding them, then controls the bolts so they all shoot towards their target. (level 2)
  • Kyodaika: Grows your body to a huge size making your blows more effective. (doubles strength)
  • Makankossapo: A photon drill beam shot from two fingers. (level 3)
  • Mystic Attack: Extend your arms at the enemy from a distance thus surprising them. (lower defense chances by 5% and counts as 2 punches)
  • Renzoku Energy Dan: Fires many ki bolts from your hands continuously. (level 3)
  • Tsuihidan: It is a ki blast, and it tracks its enemy.(level 1)
  • Chou Kame Hame Ha: supreme Kamehameha attack (level 4)
  • Gallic Gun: Large beam similar to Chou kame hame ha use to try destroy earth.(level 3)
  • Genki Dama: Spirit Bomb does half damge to neutral characters and none to characters of pure heart (level 4)
  • Hasshuken: Move your arms fast enough so they are like 8 arms then attack with all eight arms at once.(counts as 8 punches)
  • Jen-Ken Punch: Three different types of Jen-Ken punches. (counts as strong punches)
  • Kaioken: Adds 500 to PL and 5 % to strength, speed, and stamina. for every X add 500 to PL and 5% to stats (exc. Intellegence).(15 stamina for each multiple)
  • Kamehameha: It is a ki blast. (level 2)
  • Kiaiho: An invisible attack that knocks your enemy back. (level 1)
  • Kyoken: You scare your enemy by rushing him and barking then jump behind him and kick him. (opponent can't block attack)
  • Renoku Energy Dan: Ki bolts shot continuously from the hands. (Level 2)
  • Saruken: A distract and avoid technique. (adds 50% to dodging attack)
  • Shunkanido: A teleportation technique. (used out of battle to get to other planets)
  • Taiyoken: The solar flare attack. Can only be blocked by covering wearing sunglasses.(Automatically allows you to run away)
  • Zanzoken: Use moves fast enough to leave an after image and attack from another point. (adds 50% to countering chance)
  • Energy Blast: Imense ki bolts shot from both hands. (level 2)
  • Dragon Fist: User transforms into a dragon raising PL.(adds 250 to PL and 20 to strength)
  • Big Bang : A move used to finish your opponent off. (level 2)
  • Ki Shield: uses Ki to from a forcefield around the user an it reduces all hits by 25%
  • ultimate kamehameha(level3)
  • Destructo Disc: Focuses your energy into a giant disc that can cut almost anything into two . (Level 3)
  • Control Oosura:Allows you to choose what attack you want when you are transformed into an ape. Doubles all your stats and PL. When you turn back your stamina is halfed(automatically used when you transform)
  • Moonshine Blast:Allows you to transform into an ape if you are a saiyin. Lasts 2 rounds.
  • Breath Cannon: Stinky breath (level 2)
  • Tail Swing: Knocks opponent down with tail. You have to have a tail to use this. Opponent loses one turn if this is successful (Level 1)
  • Transform: See control Oosura except works for Frieza's and Buu's race.
  • Saiyan Scream: Takes the damage previously delt to you and deals the same amount to your opponent. Can only be used once a round. Can only be dodged by getting the difference from you and your opponents Intelligence and using the number as a %. Can be used if you are solar flared but only have a 50% chance of it succeeding.
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  • Double team moves
  • Double beam: both charge up a move together
  • Canon swing: swing teammate by ankle and see him fly like a canon ball towards the opponent.
  • Ally-oop: Give partner a super boost to give the opponent a super head-butt.
  • Rapid fire X 2: both partners shoot beams rapidly at opponent
  • Double Hasshuken: rapid punches from both partners making it seem like there are 16 fists.
  • Missile Punch: Both fly towards opponent to land a punch from each in the same spot.
  • Ring-around the rosie: partners fly around opponent so quickly that his speed drops by 10% for 2 turns.
  • Monkey in the Middle: spike opponent around with Buu Buu Volleyball for 3 turns.
  • Hot Potato: Juggle opponent between a beam and a pound attack for 2 tur
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  • finshers:pl must be 50,000 to have a finsher
  • black bomb kamehama ha
  • death ball
  • true spirit bomb(only learned from king kai)
  • big bang
  • final flash
  • one-handed kamehameha