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Sonshine's E-haven

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Here is a poem I wrote several years before my wreck, I thought id like to put on here too!

Underneath the cross I sit, as HIS blood rolls down my back. My savior has been crucified, & the sky is turning black. Far off in the distance, I can hear the angels cry. The crowd stands there screaming, as their savior slowly dies. People call him names, not knowing what they've done. The ground begins to rumble, for now the time has come. "Father, why has thou forsaken me?" the LORD began to cry. Helpless, there's nowhere to turn, my savior soon will die. GOD didn't send his son 2 die, & let that be the end. He sent his son 2 die 4 us, & save us from our sins I ask u all, great parents of the world, if the fate of the world was on your shoulders, would u give up your boy or girl? "The time has come, my son, u must leave ur earthly cover." "U see I'm only doing this, so u won't have 2 suffer." We are the ones who killed this man, with our overbearing sin. He's prepared 4 us a place on high, an ETERNAL resting place. A place where sin is never present, & we can touch his face. If life seems 2 be 2-much sometime, & u feel like u could bust, Just stop to think about JESUS CHRIST, & what he sacrificed 4 us When pressure from the world weighs down, & u think ur about 2 crack, Sit under the cross, close ur eyes, & Let HIS blood roll down ur back!

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