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Laws of Rathlorin

1) We are a peaceful kingdom, please keep fighting, conflict and tension out of the throne room. If you have a problem with someone, please take it out of the public eye. This is common courtesy, and I doubt you would want your disturbance aired for all to see.

2) Visitors will be treated with respect and courtesy, until such time as they commit an act which will abuse that hospitality. These acts include, but are not limited to, a) attack on someone within the castle, b) rude, crude or lewd behavior, c) theft, or d) vandalism.

3) We ask that you keep all weapons sheathed, unless necessary to defend yourself. This is for the safety and peace of mind of all involved. We do have children running about.

4) We are a sanctuary for those who seek such. Please respect that sanctity and do not attack anyone within our walls who has sought protection there.

5) The king and queen are not the only authority within the kingdom. They do need their time together, please respect this and do not swarm them like ants to a sugar spill. There are others who may be able to help you. For citizens of the kingdom, please go through proper channels. For visitors, please wait to be announced.

OOC Rules

1) We try to keep this a pleasant role-playing atmosphere. I do not mind action story lines as long as they meet a few criteria. First, they MUST, repeat MUST be approved beforehand. It is far too hard to have 7 or 8 storylines going at one time, and if they are not arranged, people tend to start too many at once. The throne room is a meeting place, please take your fights to a private room. We do reserve the right to refuse play to any who violate these laws.

2) NO modern weapons or technology allowed. This is set in a medieval time frame. Please respect that. Also, if you really want to "attack" the castle, at least get permission from the leader and a layout of what a common person would know. Do not assume to know where all the "hiding spots" are.

3) There are wards that are set on the castle. These were rped out long ago when the place was created. There "are" magical wards to protect it, along with a ward against theft. Any stolen goods turn to manure if taken off the premisis.

4) The royals are empathic... as are many there. Get used to it. They has been given many gifts, and some of those are protective to them. We will use them.

5) Dont get offended if you are not acknowledged immediately. We are only human, and cant do everything. Some of us often field up to 10 IMs along with the room. So please, be patient. And if someone else can help you, please allow them to do so.

6) If you want to meet people, you have to talk to people. Sitting in a corner, leaning against a wall, moping somewhere.. these wont make friends. Being outgoing, being happy, being helpful... these are the things that make friends... take it from someone who has been there.

7) Please do not use abbreviations (How r u?). They make you appear (whether you are or not) either lazy or immature.