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SimSational Sims

Sim Fans,


Welcome to SimSational Sims. We are proud to announce our first day open!
YEAH! There are many downloads waiting to be downloaded so please feel free to browse around

and download whatever you like.SimSational Sims is a free site so have fun!

Oh and one more thing if you are looking for a simsite to join go to the forum or go to join us.

Hope you have bunches of Sim Fun! You can now visit The Sim Land

September 20
Sorry for the long delay I have been going back to school and still try to find a staff the update from tonight comes from a skinner,crystallh,thankyou and welcome!If you want it its a gap out fit now you can download on the site! Thanks to crystallh! Dowload this yellow outfit by crystallh>
August 14
Sorry guys no update today. I havn't had anyonw WANTING anything. :( Oh by the way I have added 3 linked sites they are Center Stage Sims,Sim Surfer, and Cottage Industry Sims. They are all such good sites.Center Stage Sims has lots and lots of walls and floors, Sim Surfer has well everything, and Cottage Industry Sims has everything and has some really BEAUTIFUL house the are so pretty!Bye for tonight. :)
August 13-night
Ok heres a cute little wicker chair with a cusion. I'm not sure if I will make a set form it. As always e-mail is at the bottom of the page and if you want it e-mail me!Also I added a cute and home decorating blanket holder!
August 13-evening
Okay Simmers Brace yourself here I have I'm pretty sure the first bunkbed that I've ever seen!If you want it e-mail me and I can get you the zip file in less than 1 day!Probably hours I hope I get alot of e-mails for this one cause I worked hard-lol.Okay here it is...(drum roll)
August 13-morning
Hi and Welcome again. We have one new update under apartment. Hope you like it.If you decide to join our site you won't be paid, you'll have your name in lightsNow back toSim Business Besides the pictures under Apartment today I have made two great objects it's part of a set I'm working on called the Butterfly Set,it's for a childs Room.Aww how sweet heres the pictures...the sea rocker there will be more!!
Here it is if you want the zip file e-mail me at This was made by Kristin.

Your sim buddy,


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This page was created by Kristin and staff. We ask that you not use any of our
objects on your page if you contact us first and get permission.Thanks!
E-mail me if you want to make a request or need help.Happy Simming!

This page and design © 2002 by Kristin.

© 2002 by Kristin

.::*SimSational Sims*::.