The Evil B!tch Is Here!
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  • Role Play Title:Raw Is War!
  • Roleplay Number:Raw Rp # 1
  • W/L/D Record:How Dumb Are You?
  • Achievements:Nothing Yet!

    ...:::...Scene 1...:::...

    +=+=+ Josh Matthews standing in the bulding, ith his mic as he is waiting for an arrivial, then moments before they show that, a long white limo comes pulling up to the side door of the bullding, the limo driver gets out and he opens the back door and NIDIA gets out of the back door and she looks at him with a pissed look on her face and she slams shuts the door and she points to the back for him to get her bags and she begins to make her way inside of the building, as her grabs her arm and he looks at her as he trys to hand NIDIA her bags but Nidia raises her eye brewl and she looks at him and she almost begins to laugh, and she smiles and she says this to him +=+=+

    |Nidia| Are you crazy? Are you nutts? You are the limo driver Mr! You are the one who does everything for this limo, you don't touch me I am not your wife or anything, look at you who the hell would want you anyways. But that is not the point, we are late and I don't like being later, this is my 1st show, it's Raw and I was late, how do you live with your self huh? But anyways next time you get me here on time and don't touch me and maybe I would of gave yoy a tip. But the dumbest thing you ever did was trying to hand me by own bags, what do I look like? That's what I am paying you for jack ass, so you take your behind, in the bulding and take them to my dressing room and then you leave, because I don't want to see your face any more today unless I need a ride NOW OPEN THAT DAMN DOOR!!!

    +=+=+ The limo driver opens the side door to the federation and he makes his way down the hall to her dressing room, and he comes back real fast by NIDIA as she is by the foot court geting a bottle water, and she looks at him, and he puts his hand out for a tip, and looks at him and she slaps him right across the face and she smiles, she makes her way down the hall. She truns and goes right and she see's her locker room with a big yellow star that says "NIDIA" and takes the handle, and some one grabs NIDIA'S arm once and she turns around and it was Josh Matthews and she puts her arms down from hiting him in the face because she thought he was the limo driver and then Josh backed up and he says this to NIDIA in the hallway of the Federation +=+=+

    |Josh Matthews| Nidia, welcome here to the Federation, we have been waiting for a while for a diva to arrive and now you are here we are all so happy that a diva has finally arrived. But enough of that, I wanted to get a few questions in and I will not take up much of your time. I wanted to ask you this, why did you pick this Federation to join up and also what do you think of this Federation as you have been here are you sorry that you have picked here?

    |Nidia| Josh, hold on with the questions, you just asked me like 5 questions in one, now hold the hell on. Now that's right I did have finally arrived and I know that you are happy and so are all the fans, because they love me so damn much, but anyways, too your question. Why have I picked this Federation? I have picked this Federation because I was asked, and I heard it was great and I have not even been here a ful day and it seems wonderdful, and don't ask me a dumb ass question like, am I sorry that I picked this Federation, well how the hell would I know that? I have just arrived. But anyways, I think this federation will be good because I have arrived.

    |Josh Matthews| No need for that, but anyways I am glad that you liked it here, but I don't know if you have check the board where the matches are and all, but you have a match with Sable it a Tourney Match for the Women's Title, now I know how you are going to take this match, but I wanted to go and ask you a few questions about this match, how do you think this match will go down and are you ready? Are you ready for your 1st match on Raw is War?

    |Nidia| What do you think dumbass? Who are you today? You are like dumb, also what did I tell you about asking me theses dumbass questions, but I guess I will answer them sence I have nothing else better to do, Yes, I am ready, I am ready to kick some ass, I am ready for this match with Sable. Yes, I do know Sable and Sable does know we, we have worked together and we will not be working together in this match because we will be faing. How will I take this match? I will not take it easy, I will show everyone where in the Federation what the hell I have and show all the divas that I am not some one who just gives up because Josh, I am not like that at all!

    ...:::...Scene 2...:::...

    +=+=+ In the backstage area it shows NIDIA walking back to her locker room and she goes inside and she is going threw her bags and she gets out some pick dress or coat or what not, and she goes to put it on then 5 seconds or less she comes out behind her dressing screen and then, a cell phone rings and she runs over and she picked up her cell phone and she turns it on and she says this hello and she smiles and it seems to be some one she knows and she smiles once more, and she its down on the leather couch. +=+=+

    |Jim Ross| Lawer, who is Nidia talking to on the phone? She looks so happy, maybe it's her boy friend Jamie, or unless she has some other man in mind, I don't wanna just say, but I sure as heck hope that this leads to something, I wish i knew what the hell she was talking with because she looks happy King!

    |Jerry Lawer| I am not sure who is on the phone Jr, but I sure as heck like what she has on, that pink thing looks so good on her, why did she have to get dressed so fast, but anyways as ou said she does seem happy but wait I think she is begining to talk on the phone with lets seen if we can hear her.

    |Nidia| Hey, Yes, I am here, I am finally here. It's so nice and cool and it's so huge, oh you really, did you see my interview? Yes with Josh I know he is such a dumb ass he don't know shit. But that don't matter the fact of the matter is that I am here, I am just got dressed, and I was about to go to the ring, oh no that's nice it don't really matter. Oh I am going to face Sable, I don't know I have never faced her yet, but I am sure as hell ready. I know what it takes, I am though I have been in the ring before, yeah huh. Oh really ok talk with you later bye.

    ...:::...Scene 3...:::...

    |Nidia| Well, I just wanted to tell every one that I am here! I am ready to do what ever it takes to be here, you may think I am a bitch, bitch is not a word it's a lifestytle and if you don't wanna hear any of that then it's to damn bad! I am here, and I am ready to kick some ass, but I will get to my match later. I wanna talk of other stuff, I just wanna say that this time around this match is going to be great, I know what the hell I want and I know what the hell i need to do. I will not allow any one push me around ever. If any one thinks they can do what every they want when they want, well that person is me because I will do that. I will try to be the best, and I will do what ever it takes to be the top person what ever it takes. But the fact of the matter is that when I become the top diva here, I hope the women don't cry and bitch and do what ever, because I really hate to say the saying 'I told ya so' but if I must, I will sure as hell use it. But also, I am looking for any diva backstage to team up with me and become the most powerful Divas team! Also a male, I wanted to know if any male backstage would like to have a manger like me, because I will be sure that I will make this life time so great, and we will go farther then any one has ever done and I will make sure that we kick ass and I will not bail on you, I will always be their, and I wont bitch or nothing and I wont let you down, ONLY if it does for the same for me, but don't just come up to me and tell me that you want me to be your manger, you better show me what you can do and how you are able to do it, and all of that good stuff and I just hope you are ready for the nasty bitch to come your way guys! So that's how most of the way of that will go, but I just want to let you know, nothing bull go past me, because I know what the hell I want and I know what the hell that I need and if any one here thinks they can act of away then they better show it because I am here for anything and everything. I also wanna go more then the womens title, I wanna go for any titles but the title for the men, and the men will not face for the women, so if their are tag title, I would like to go with them and face for them because I want to get an Stable and I want to make a best team ever, only great werestler may come in this stable, I am more then ready for anything to come my way because i'm ready and I am set for everything that comes this way.

    But now, I wanna go on, and I want to go and talk about this match that I am going to have with Sable. Now, Sable you was a great wrestler back in the day when you was out their, I am not puting you down like that. I am not saying that you are a bad wrestler, but I am going to say this, we are going to face and I want to win this match, just like you do. And if you think you can beat me that's great. But I am going to do more then try to beat you, I am going to do what ever it takes to win, 'when you have a chance you should cheat' that's what most of the times that happends 'I will do what I want when I want' and that's not a saying, that is a fact and I sure as hell hope that you can just live with that. Sable, I don't have nothing against you at all, Sable You are the one up with your body hitting the floor! Because I will make sure of it, I have heard many of things but I am not going to bring up that point, because I am rude, but not that rude to go that way. 'You know, you start off with a small, little pile of garbage. And it's small enough to where you can simply ignore it. But then that pile of garbage begins to grow, and grow, and then it starts to stink Really bad, until it's such a problem that you can't ignore it anymore! The time comes when you gotta take that garbage out! So, tonight, I'm gonna take out the biggest piece of trash I've ever laid my eyes on!' that was a great saying and Sable that's what the hell will happen no matter what you do or try. I want to do my best in this match, Sable when I get in match you will see what the hell I am able to to, and what I am not able to do, I will not give up I will keep on going and going until their is no more of me. Sable, you are great, but are you great enough? are you sure that you can take me on? I am sure you can but are you able to win? , I don't, I don't blame you. I mean, the truth, the's ok, it's ok, I don't blame you. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow because if you think you can beat me well you must be crazy, you must be taking crazy pills, Sable it takes more then a pretty face ans a nice body to make it here in this federation and I have more then that. And Luck just don't work here, you need more then luck to win a match, you win a match by skills and power, and when you know more about somthing you can either make it right or wrong, for this match Sable I will be sure that I will make it right because I am sure as hell ready but are you? But that is not the point of the problem, their will be not problem 'you should not even be in the same ring as me, or even the same state' for you Sable, it just don't matter your comments don't matter, mine don't matter either, the ONLY thing that matter is when we get inside of the ring and see what we are able to do, and I know what I am able to do, no I was never in playboy or any of that, to me that's your own thing kinda sick to me, but hey that's only me. You might like that type of stuff. That's why you did it, but anyways Sable in this match 'I am going to kick your ass to one side of the ring all the way to the other' I am not afraid of any one, quitefrankly I am not afraid of you, I don't know why the fans boo me, I just THINK its the ladies, they are jealous, but they may be me, but Sable the fans don't bother me, the only thing that does is you, because if you are in this match. I hope you give your all and if you don't I will be sad because you did not come up to your best, but Sable do you want me to be sad? I have worked my ass off! 'I will give the fans a great show' I will work my ass off in this match and I will never give up because I just don'r quite so Sable this match is not for weak of the heart, and I know that you are not that, and I am not either but I am here to do my best, 'they save the best for last' but I know what needs to be done, and I know what I must do and their is no way in hell that I can allow people to stop me because I am just so damn good at what I do and that is nothing but the truth, I will never lie so trust in me and you will see great results so Sable I hope that you 'bring it and bring it all' because you will need to bring everything that you have to beat me in this very ring that I stand, I hope you don't take me as a joke, because I am not one and I never will be on ever!It is all about power! By the end of the night, their will be one winner in a match and one loser, and IN a match their is only one room for one female in control and in power and in this match that female will be me, with no problem, like I have said before Sable I don't know how good you are, and you don't know how good I am, or how far I am able to go but I will go far as I need to, to win this match and face the best out of the best so I am ready to go and kick some ass on RAW!Monday night is going to be Huge! I have to take on Sable in a match and its one of the biggest matches in my life and to tell you this because it shall be my 1st match. I am a little nervous about it. Look at the spot I could be the womens champ soon enough. I am fighting infront of the fans and their is no way in hell that I will allow my self to let them down ok. Well, I know that this match is going to be great! I know that it will be I can't wait for this match to take place, you see in this match I am going to show all my fans one hell of a match, it's going to be one match they have ever seen in their life. I will bring pain and take some pain, if you think I am playing some games around here well I am not. I know how to take this match and how to end it. This match will not be easy with Sable and me in here not knowing what the hell they are doing. But I what I, Nidia am made of But do you wanna know? what I want is to win this match I wanna kick more ass, and I wanna be the best. I will be the best because no one else can be. I am not playing any more, one I get inside of this ring and the bell ring it will go all down hill, i will NOT give up until I beg for mercy, wait I said that the wrong way, because I will not beg for mercy because I will be the one who is going to win this match. I am more than ready and I am ready for this match I will have to bring everything that I know, well not eveything because you men don't understand what the hell I can do, but I will be sure to kick some ass because their is no way in hell I will walk away.Anyways I know what I need to do for this match and I know that I will kick ass in this match so their's nothing any one can do. Because I know what I am able to do, and I will sure as hell do it with no problem at all and I am ready for this match so are you ready to face me in the middle of this very ring?

    ...:::...Scene 4...:::...

    =+=+= The camera comes on in the backstage area and Nidia is seen backstage and she goes inside of her dressing room and in 15 mintus she comes back out, and is in some short and a red shirt and she is seen walking down the hall and she comes down to this locker room and some one taps her on her sholder and she truns around and she seen who it was and she rolled her eyes and the men comes even closer and it's Josh Matthews the fans are going wild, and she begins to walk more, and he stopes her and he looks at her as he has a mic in hand +=+=+

    |Josh Matthews| Nidia can I get a few words with you about a few other things, sence you have some free time, now you just went and talked about a few things in the ring you did talk about your match with Sable then you talked about teaming with a diva and wanted to be a manger of a male, now what do you really think of this match and what do you of Sable, and her in this match on Raw Is War! How will do be ready for this match with her? After all that you said, what happends if you lose, are you sure that you are able to take Sable on? Also, we all wanted to know when we seen you in your dressing room, we seen you on your cell phone who was you talking to because it looked like it was some one imporant to you so who was it that you was on the phone with?

    |Nidia| Do we have to do this now? I think this match is great, because I can show all the fans what I do have inside and their is so much more then meets the eye. I might look like I am not able to do nothing but I can and I will, I will do some damnage in this match and I hope every one respect that, but now of Sable, Sable she is pretty she is nice when I seen her once, but it don't really matter what I THINK of her, because it don't really matter, she don't care what I say to her because what I think to her don't matter, the ONLY thing that matter is who is damn better IN the ring and soon enough we will see, we will see because I will show her.Oh my God! Who do you think you are, why do you care who I was talking to, to me I don't think it matters to you, it was a close persona; friend ok. Lets just leave it to that. Now what if I lose? SO what if I lose, I will lose my 1st match and after all I said? You acked like I went to the ring and cuss out Sable when I did not, I am more then ready for this and I am sure that I will not let my fans down and I am sure as hell ready for this match and I will be sure to do what ever the hell it takes to win, because I can not allow to let my 1st match go down hill because I have worked so hard to get where I am, I went threw so many things and my God I will do it ok, so their will be no way that I will not give up I will give it all that I have. But anyways, I want to do my best in this match and I will sure as hell do it, I will never give up. I will not even beg for mercy it might be the other way around for the person I will be facing, I will not give up until Sable begs for mercy, I know what it is that I need to do, and I will sure as hell do it I know what needs to be done and i'll sure as hell do it with no problem okay.

    But Josh you don't think I am able to do this match, who was the 1st women to win tough enough, I mean their was some tough I am not half of a women, I am all women and I will sure as hell prove what it is that I have I don't think any one knows what it is that I am able to do. I don't think what I can do, I just do it, you see I am not too proud for anything, it don't matter what it is that I can or can not do. I am here to do a job and I will sure as hell do it. The fact of the matter is that I will go more to the extreme then any one. Josh, I will put my body on the line, I will show you why I am a nasty bitch! I will show you why I won tough enough I will show you why I COULD be the best in the damn I don't dout my self, I am a great wrestler a great person and i'll be great womens champ but that all don't matter until I prove what the hell that I have and I sure as hell more then any one can prove, I know what I can do and I will do it so Josh, if you think any one else could be better then me, then we will see because I can't let anything let me down. I am not just a set of this or that more meets the eye I have more heart then any one ever knows and I sure as hell will show you what I mean here. People try to put me down, just because I did this or I did that, but hey thats what I did, or they do this how I dress or how I look, that don't matter the only things that matter is what I have inside, and I have more then pretty look and a tight nice ass and big boobs, I know what I am able to do and I have said that many times but it will be back to back and I will raise up and I will but it in my hand, I will keep going to the stars and when I get their I will finally be at the top of my game, just liked I wanted to be always Josh, you will see just open your eyes and you will see just what I will do in this match on Raw Is War!!!

    ...:::...Scene Ends...:::...