RealWorld Half-life
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10.2.02 - Site up!



Big News Update - Monday November 4, 2002
Due to the absence of updates on our site, this doesn't mean this mod is dieing or anything, we have just been working in silence. We have a new modeler and hoping to find more, and 2 new mappers to the team. Please email me, if you want to apply for a job. Our Coder has most of the coding done but since we have decided to add more into the gameplay he will have more coding to do....there won't be any pictures of the coding since that really isn't interesting but we will have pictures of new guns/player models and maps.


About Lock 'n' Load - Tuesday October 8, 2002
Click here for more information about Lock 'n' Load


Post on Planethalf-life - Friday October 4, 2002
We'll after e-mailing Planethalf-life they posted this mod in there news update. After a rebuilding stage of RWHL, we are coming back. I'd like to thank Planethalf-life for supporting us in our return.


Site up! - Wednesday October 2, 2002
The site is finally up. Real World Half-Life's release date is still yet to be announced. We need a few(3)more mappers, and some modelers (2-3). If you feel that you are qualified please contact Steve with a sample of your work. I hope your excited in seeing and playing RWHL soon. Screenshots will be posted soon but none yet so far. Thank you.

Latest Information

Site up - Search for a modeler goes on



©2002 Copyrighted by Daniel Garcia and Real World Half-life
All images of this site are prohibited to be used without consulting Daniel Garcia.