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This site is best viewed if sofachrome and goodtimes fonts are downloaded on your pc.
Below are the files for them. Right click save, and extract to: c:\windows\fonts.

-sofachrome.. (Grand Am Font)

-good times.. (PONTIAC Font)



These are some flyers Alex (Vipergtsr_500hp) and I made to pass around our towns
hopeing to advertise a little more. If you have any flyers you would like me
to post, email them to me and I'd be happy to. Click the links below to download.

-Willie's Flyer

-Alex's Flyer


Yahoo Skin

Here is a skin to spice up your Yahoo messenger expierience.

If you installed Yahoo in a directory other than C:\Program Files\Yahoo!, you'll need to manually select where to extract the files to. To Install the skin, Go to Login => Preferences => Appearance and select it from the drop down list. You can change the text color if red is hard to read on your monitor.


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