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Orlando Club Newsletters Nov/Dec 02

Nov. 2002

Hello Everyone

Well, we had another great Saturday for our monthly meeting at Warren Park. The main topic of discussion was of course the Gold Show at Gainesville, GA. the weekend of Oct. 19th and 20th. A great time was had by all that attended. The $50.00 U.S. Gold Coin, the beautiful Quilt donated by Steve's wife, and the 1932 Fisher Metal Detector were well sought after items for the raffle. Our own treasurer was lucky enough to win the Metal Detector.

A lot of nice items were obtained for our monthly meeting raffles. There are some really nice GPAA T-Shirts, Camouflage Caps, GPAA Caps, Autographed gold pans by the Massie's (Tom, Perry and Wilma), Gold Ore, Pouches with little gold bottles, Snuffer bottles, and other miscellaneous items. Also, quite a few names were received at the show from various towns in Florida. We would like to welcome them to come to our meetings.

The location for the Christmas Party was voted on, and will be held at the Golden Corral-2328 S. Semoran Blvd.(436) Orlando, Fl. on Saturday, December 14th at 1:00 p.m..A map will be enclosed with this newsletter via Snail Mail. There is a banquet room, and of course the meal will be paid for for each member and spouse. We especially need a count of all who will be attending, so please email me at or call (407) 671-2918. Please leave your name and spouses on my voice mail if I am not at home.Also there will be a Secret Santa Gift Exchange. One (1) gift per family, Gag gift or Conventional gift. A minimum of $10.00 for the gift is requested. I understand this is a lot of fun, so please do your best to attend. There will also be door prizes.

There is a New Chapter starting in Delray Beach on Dec. 7th at 9:00 a.m. I believe the location is Morigamy Park. Would be nice if some of us could attend this meeting for some moral support and to share some of our club's experiences and ideas with them.

A Pot Luck Breakfast was voted on for our January 2003 meeting. Sounds like a great way to start off the new year. Sausage, Gravy, Biscuits, Fruit, Rolls, Coffee and Juices are on the menu.

For those of you who were at this meeting, my son who got stung by that ugly looking caterpillar, ended up going to an urgent care center on our way home. His blood pressure and pulse were elevated, and we were told he was having an allergic reaction to the venom. An ice pack, a shot of Benadryl in the tush, and a prescription for pain took care of the problem. All is well on the home front at this time.

Here's hoping that all of our members will be able to attend the Christmas Party, but for those of you who can't, we all hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

See you at the next meeting



Hi Everyone,

This Newsletter is a little late getting out due to my work schedule and the routine Christmas chaos.

Our Christmas Party was held Saturday, Dec. 14th at the Golden Corral complete with the Raffle of the large bag of Gold (won by Pattie Taylor), a Door Prize for each attending family, and the Secret Santa Gift Exchange.

A lot of good food, conversation and fun was had by everyone. Attendance at this meeting included a couple of members who had not been heard of in a while.I can hardly wait to hear what good fortune Pattie found when she panned that bag.

The business portion of our meeting was opened and led by Patrick Kennedy, V.P. Discussions of the meeting included the possibility of an Outing to Dahlonega, Ga. this coming year. More info can be obtained by visiting the website at (I believe that is the address). Also to sweeten our monthly meetings, a Cookie Cookoff has been suggested. Each month a different flavor Cookie recipe will be judged. We are going to try to start this in February with everyone's favorite, Chocolate Chip. March will be Peanut Butter, May will be Oatmeal, there will be a PotLuck in April.

Our January 2003 meeting is going to be a Breakfast Meeting, complete with Sausage and Gravy Biscuits, Juices, Fruits, Rolls, etc. and Coffee. Here's hoping that Nature's weather will cooperate with us, NO 30* temps. The meeting will be held at our usual location, Warren Park at 9:00 a.m. If anyone would like to add to the menu, please feel free. Remember, there is no electric, so campstoves and or the provided grills will be the only source for hot items.

Well, that's about it for this month. For all of those who could not be at the Christmas Party, hope you had a Great Christmas, and I surely hope everyone has a SAFE and Happy New Year.

See ya' in January


Jan/Feb. Newsletters

Jan/Feb. Newsletters
Newletters 2004
Treasure Stories 1
Treasure Stories 2
Treasure Stories 3
Treasure Stories 4
Reading A Stream
Member Pic Page
