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Life is a pain in the butt!

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Elizabeth Yang
. . . Kissable
14 and going up :D
Single . . . just chillin
Braselton, Georgia

my likes and dislikes
- CANDY!!! YUMMY *_*
- Guys that treat me with respect :P
- likes them hmong booties LOL!
- I dislike haters....and liers...players...many more..
- Hate bugs!!! or any insects ewww!!!
- internet! its tkaing over my life ahhh!!!
- likes going out and having fun
- can be stubborn
- can be selfish
- gets jealous easily
- gets pissed off easily
- i love people who can make me laugh
- you can judge me from what you see but dont run your mouth like you know me

Forget him Forget his name forget his face forget his kiss his warm embrace forget the love that you once knew remember he has some one new forget him when they played your song remember when you cried all night forget how close you too once were Remember he has choosen her forget you memorized his walk forget the way he used to talk to you forget the things he use to say remember he has gone away forget his laugh forget his grin forget the dimples on his chin forget the time that went so fast forget about that love that moved its past forget he said he`d leave u never remember hes's gone forever


Kazoua Thao Yang Little noodles yang love yahs!
Nancy xiong yang lol lovin yah gurl!
shoua thao LOvin you alot girl keep up the faith.
Zoua chang no worries he'll be there :D
Melissa Moua gurl im down with you gurl be lovin you :D
Steve moua haha im down with you tite liek that haha ^_^
nagar haha well thansk for being a bro to me :D lovin yahs
cher xiong yo dude we down like that i think? hahaha
kali yang god luck with cher guh :D
KS down wit yah folkz! :P
My nerd where you at kev? man dude i thought we was like that what happened? man i thought we was tite? still love yahs :P
Ohh nou NIGGA! better take kare of kazoua my sweetheart...still love yahs big bro :P haha
wis peeps need more chillin
mainhia thao GUH!you are soo gay you are soo much better then ELI! LET HIM GO! GOLD DIGGER HAHAHA
Yoojyim take good care of shoua and be pacient :P
Daniel dan haha you a great frined good luck in the furutre :P
wally dude you are funny! you crack me up! haha just wanna shout out to you haha!
solomon boy! dang its been nice knowing you all these years...haha good luck wit katie :D
steve steve haha too bad we didnt get to hang out much but boy thanks for being a cool great friend :D


July 19 @ 7:01pm haha lets say prok ribs um....chicken wings hahaha! yup today i went with my family up in helen georgia. It was great cause I got to know my brother micheal better and get to spend time with my family. We had a picnic and went tubeing! it was fun it was like 2 hours tubeing man it was fun but man i got stuck soo many times in the water....arge! hehe well then thats all i had planned for today hehe :PBR>

min (a korean guy) cute! :D

my perfect outfit

hehe so comfy!

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