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Our New Garden
Our New Garden
The Garden in March after felling 3 Trees and the Hawthorn Hedge at the bottom of the garden and before the bonfire
Ben & Lawrie 'slacking'!!! I got the whip out soon after this.
Ben & Krys seeing the end in sight after 20 tons of top soil. The heap had covered the wheels arches of the Red Car!
My 'Fairy Path'
What to do with the soil left over? Put in another heap.
Geoff, Krys' husband. Both 'Dug in', brought a barrow and spade and helped.
The start of my flower beds.
Still too much shade here. All the conifers have to be lopped. That’s my next job!!
A beautiful Sunset at the beginning of June
Conifers are lopped! Someone else tidied them up
My Lilies
Same lilies different angle
The Veggie Patch
The View from the Patio
What a difference a lawn makes