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If this Flag offends you ... You need a history lesson

1) The Confederate constitution prohibited the importation of slaves. Slavery was legal in the American colonies for 155 years under the British flag from 1621, when the first slave ship arrived in Jamestown, VA, until 1776.**********2) Slavery was legal under the US flag from 1789 until 1865 at the end of the Civil War, 76 years. It was legal under the Confederate flag for only four years, which was during the war.**********3) Ninety percent of the Southern population did not own slaves. Most slave owners had less than 5 slaves. Only 3 percent of the population owned plantations.**********4) The war was fought over greed, money and a cultural difference between the industrial north and the agrarian South. The South suceded because of high tariffs, taxes, Northern Oppression and aggression.**********5) The south was the cotton king and controlled all the seaports from Virginia to New Orleans and the Mississippi River. The North was not going to lose all this income.**********6) The South fought for freedom, liberty, and independance.