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Hi and welcome to My Family Page!This is a page about my life.When i was 2 and my brother was 1,my mom and dad seperated my mom signed us over to our dad under the agreement that he didnt sign us over to his sister and her husband which is my aunt aunt and uncle.But after she signed us over to him he turned around and signed us over to my aunt and uncle.I love them as my mom and dad not as my aunt and uncle.On my 16th B-day i got married and my husband was 23 when we married so when i got pregnant with our first child when i was 6 months pregnant he cheated on me with my 2nd cousin.Which he was wrong for doing it and i was wrong for things i done i would stay gone with my aunt and he told me "How do i know u wasnt cheating on me"? Which was a crock of shit,i never cheated on him.So we seperated for 2 or 3 days before he came to where i was and ask me to come back to him.Well 3 months later our first child was born we named him Alex Joshua, he weighed 7lbs. 8 oz.Here's a pic of him below.....

After he was born, things gotten better for us so im thinking we are passed it all.The past is the past,so when joshua was 2 yrs old i believe,I gotten pregnant again and i had a miscarriage i was only a week pregnant.Then later on it happened again,once again i was a week pregnant when i miscarried.So the doctor said for me to wait a year before trying again,so i we did and waited till.When i got pregnant again it was a closely watched one by my doctor he was seeing me 2 a week he was concerned due to the other 2 miscarriages so he had me sent to another doctor out-of-town because he told me he was concerned she would be a low birth weight baby so i went there and they said everything looked fine.So 5 months later i gave birth to a baby girl we named her Kimbery Michelle she weighed 5 lbs. 7 oz.,her pic is below.........

When she was a week old i carried her to a check-up.And her doctor had her sent to Savannah to a heart specialists there.They did a ultra sound to look at her heart and she had 2 holes in her heart,it really scared me and her dad and family he told us, that he would give her to be a little older and if it didnt grow-up that they would have to go in and closed the holes up.So we were taking her to him 2 times a month.When she was 6 months old i believe she ened up in the hospital she was then transported by ambulance to savannah i had went to stay at my aunts cause i had been staying at the hospital with her so her father had stayed with her and when me and my aunt returned to the hospital the next morning paramedics were in her room with the stretcher i was really scared when i seen that i thought she had passed away cuz i didnt have a clue what was going on ,but my other aunt had met me at the door she is a nurses aid and she told me that they think she was having respitory failure im really upset by this point so they got her ready and carried her to savannah and i went along with her in the ambulance they had a oxygen mask on her,she was in savannah hospital for i think 3 or 4 days and then she had gotten better so the doctor there said he could bring her back here and put her in the hospital so she was brought back here she was out the hospital within 3 days.So she continued seeing the heart specialists until she was 3 or 4 some where in there she didnt have to go back again the holes had grown up by themselves.Thank god for that!!!!

So when Kimberly was 4 i had gotten pregnant with our 3rd child.And when she was borned we named her Kayla Marie ,she weighed 5 lbs 8oz.i had a fever of 102.5 and kayla's was 99.5.I never gotten to hold her like i did my son and daughter when they were born.But she never gotten better so the day after she was born they had to transport her to savannah hospital so they sent paramedics here to take her up there and when they got here they re did the tube and punctured her good lung and it only made her condition worser by the time she was to be carried to augusta ga trauma center she couldnt even breathe on her own cuz it had wore her little heart out so she was put on life support they had her on several different machines and none worked.So me and her father were asked to go in a room where the doctors who were treating her had told us that they could put her on the echmo machine which is a artificial heart and lung machine it does the work that your heart and lungs would do.So we signed a piece of paper for them to put her on it so we did and on Tuesday Dec.28,1999,me and my sister-n-law were in the nicu where she was at when the nurse said the doctor needs to talk to u so a few minutes later the doc comes in and says Mrs. Sheffield i have some bad news for u so he told me the night before when we left to go stay at the ronald mcdonald house down there that they had did a exray on her brain and that the echmo machine had caused a massive bleeding in the brain.And she would be a vegetable for the rest of her life.So i just fell apart completely i was in the screaming stage just about i mean i cant lose my baby girl ive been through alot god why me why this was my question.So we had to get a hold to kayla's dad so we could let him know cuz he had went to work which was a good distance from the hospital.So when he got there we decided to take her off life support so they asked if i wanted to hold her while she was on life support or while she was offf because they wanted her to be held and loved while she took her last breathe so i wanted to do that she was after all my child and i never got to hold her so i did.She lived 30 to 45 minutes while i held her before she died i held her for about 20 or 30 minutes after she died looking back i think thats why its so hard for me to let go,i sometimes set back and ask myself was it right for me and her dad to take her off life support? I still dont have a answer to the question but i based my decision on she would have to be tooken care of for the rest of her life and doctor visits we couldnt handle it financially and to think how rude people can be in these day and time picking on kids who r disabled or retarded i couldnt bare to have that happen.So we buried her on Dec.31,1999.

So mine and my soon to ex-hubby's problems only gotten worser than they were so i eventually left him and never went back to him so i met someone else who is there for me and treats me like im worth something it continues on the next page..............