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McDohl MR's AIM Quotes

(The newest quotes are located at the top.)
Last updated on 9-1-05.

Top-Secret FF7 Planning Meeting


(About Love Hina)

Zabi: What would you do if you took charge of the Hinata Inn instead?
Virtual Energies: Burn it.
musouka: With the girls in it.
Dinozore: Evict Naru. IMMEDIATELY.

TheBoognish: Make sweet, sweet love to the flying turtle.
Mr B10nd3: WIN <(-Ώτ)b


Pot: Pot to Kettle, come in Kettle. Over.
Kettle: This is Kettle, over.
Pot: You are black, over.


(About World War II)

I don't see how you could not have learned a thing from it. I mean it's simple, here's a summary:

omg n0ooo germany is eval!!! their atakin teh JEWS!

hitler: i am hitlar i hate jews! RAaaargh!

jews: oh no!~ we're bein killded! gah!

amerca: i am teh u.s. i shall single-handedly destroy teh evil germin armay!

teh world: hooray for america!

ameryca: hooray for us!

hitler: oh no! america has come to kill us insteed!

germany: ow we're being kilded!!!!

amerca: oh no! japan has attacked si perl harbor!

japan: kekekeke j00 be deaded

america: *destroys japan*

japan: X_X ... kawaii, ne?

amerca: now to destroy axix powers!

germany: im destroyed!

THE END! Hooray for God AND AMERICA!

For the land of the free, and the home of the brave! Etcetra etcetra...


ElricVanClaus: I had kind of lost hope in that new season, especially after that little "Jiraya gets it on with kittens" scene.
Mr B10nd3: And that's how I learned to never enter topics with a spoiler warning.


Jyagan, you're overthinking. This is the internet. Trying to find someone's reasong for liking a certain type of porn is about a futile as finding symbolism in Spongebob Squarepants.
     --Kid Notorious67


GreenWings09: How's "He is My Master"? I like how it looks but how is the show itself?
Lord Kefka: You ever taken a dump and watch the poo swirl around and go down into the abyss?? Now... imagine watching this on TV for 20 minutes.

(Side note from me: It's actually a pretty funny show.)


Disperse, loyal battle monkeys! Do my bidding and bust a cap!
     --Zetta, Makai Kingdom


well i diddnt cry, but i had a definite lump in my throat, then i told the milk man to go away........
     --Vampire Werewolf


The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I'll never be as good as a wall.
     --Mitch Hedberg


KenshinsFantasy: Whats the difference between male chars and female chars? (other than the peepee)
vLSeph: The boobies.


We live in a world of cheap guns, drugs and sex, where if it doesn't moan or go boom, or give a sense of unnatural euphoria, it isn't worth existing. When people are digging through the filth of modern 'culture', when they find precious, shining gems like Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars, they either throw them away or sell them for a few pennies, when they are worth more than all of the shrunken, blighted souls of a thousand mindless fools who refuse to realise that there is more to life, and more to a game, than explosions and endless bloodshed.

(Note from me: o.O )


Ichijin: Because in today's politically correct day and age it's only racism when a white person says it.
Dash X: That sounds about right.


A Monster: Fuu takes the hard way in looking sexy in Samurai Champloo. She shows no skin. No skin!!! And yet she's still HOT and SEXY!!! Keeping in mind that I do not have fantasies about female anime characters unlike some others I can name.
Alfran: Of course not.


In the beginning, there were no NIS games of note in NA. Then Atlus saw that there was Disgaea in Japan and so they licensed it and said Let There be Disgaea in NA. And it was good.

After the joy of Disgaea spread far, far into the land of NA, an entity called Mastiff saw that Disgaea was good. They saw that Atlus was right and saw that before Disgaea in Japan there was LaPucelle. So Mastiff licensed LaPucelle and said Let There Be LaPucelle in NA but it must be known that it is an SRPG so let it be known henceforth that this game shall be named LaPucelle: Tactics. And a great fear shook Mastiff as they contemplated the wrath of the mighty soccer mom who doth scorn the usage of cigarettes, crosses and transparent stockings. And so Mastiff wielded their mighty pen, which hath higher stats than any sword, against these evils which they feared, banished them from the game and released it imperfectly.

Then news of a new game spread from across the sea and it was called Phantom Brave. Many entities desired the license for the right to release Phantom Brave into the land of NA, but NIS was not blind and saw that these entities would make profit from their own work so they sent forth representatives into the land of NA to establish a stronghold of their own there. And then they paid contractors and they hired translators and in a short time they said Let There Be Phantom Brave in NA and it was released into the land of NA and the inhabitants of the land celebrated joyously and lived happily ever after. The End?


I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.
     --George W. Bush


Then we have Crimson Hero. . . . It's about a girl who looks like a boy and this dude who gropes her. Then they play volleyball.


White Wolf Kiba: HOLY CRAP!!!! Everyone watch The Snow Queen NOW!!!! It's a must!
Alfran: Are their boobies?
omega117: yes, thousands, as far as the eye can see.

(Disclaimer: There are no boobies in The Snow Queen. You pervert.)


Xbox: The Halo T.V. adapter
     --The Sarrow


Go find something long and flaccid to suck on.
     --Goldberg On Phonics


Anth411: If u could have sex with any woman in the world who would it be? / where?/ position? . . . mine would be Sarah Michelle Gellar on a grassy hill in missionary
g3cn: It was Professor Plum with the candlestick in the observatory.


BladeofGenesis: How Difficult Would It Be For Me To Go To Japan And Be A Succesful J-Pop Star? Seriously.
OneUPkid: First you need to start at the bottom, wang modeling. After that it's easy.


(About H-games on the DS)

I would buy a ds for that...all them digitized boobies...rubbing the stylus over them...licking tha screen....


Azuli: reincarnation is a beautiful thing
CrazyCelt: Wanna bet? It's time-consuming and you have to go through puberty again. :P


User 12: Sakura(naruto) vs. 50 Cent . . . Who would win?
AzureRaiden: 50, he was shot 9 times and survived in the original. In the dub, he was just "knocked out".
Zechs Merquise: But 50's no match for Fista cuffs, He got shot in his ear 9 times
                         FC: Turn My heads Phones up! Turn um up!


Sirius: Anybody here reading manhwas? (South Korean mangas)
minoruk197: They don't make manwha in North Korea?
Tivor: They're too busy making nukes.


(About Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, 1st Episode)

Gincarnated: I have no clue wtf this is but already 5 minutes into the episode I was hoping for the girl with the red hair to get hit by a bus.
Me: Oh, the irony...


TheCoolFriend: wat are good hentais beside bible black becos i dont like the fact their ribs stick out and this one girl has a wang
*Various ridicule ensues*
TheCoolFriend: no im not watching it i am studying it to become a good artist
Shadow Dino: Well, THAT'S a new one...


Funkymunky4444: I didn't know Ganondorf was a pig???
xxx402: Quick! We must summon Luca Blight!


(About "chaos" from Xenosaga.)

Moonstone 04: The only thing I really feel like predicting in this area, is that he may finally lose the bodysuit in ep3.
DPV111: Ya, loose the suit, RELEASE THE BULGE!
theriddlemaster: The buldge holds his power.


cade: How awful
UltimaterializerX: How pathetic.
Do not even ask: How strangely erotic.


Too predictable. I mean, I saw that plot twist coming 25 years ago!
     --Zasraik, about Star Wars Episode III, May 19th, 2005


Jaffar7: Why would ANYONE vote for Master Hand?
Asian the Saiyan: HE'S A ****ING HAND! Where is the personality in a PALM and 5 Fingers!!!

                           *Thinks for a second*

                  I know why he's winning >_>


Ansem looks like Sephiroth and George Hamilton's love child.


Poor kid.


IonMonkeyStorm: Purity > Experience
MightyMeMighty: Purity = f'ed up sheets and a lot of crying.


Those cause reverse know...where it makes you into a female somehow.
     --TVthePunisher, about these pictures:


raptorsclaw37: Guys, Ridley is the captain of a group of priates. How could you vote agaist pirates?
Dilated Chemist: Mexicans love Diablo.
cheekyboys: mass mexicans = instant win


Armedias: Who is Mother Brain again? I know it from somewere but i dont know were its from anymore.
The Popo: Barbara Bush?


After centuries of literary works, television shows, and comic books, there's no such thing as an original character anymore. It's basically a game of "Pick your cliche"
     --The n00b Avenger


Zeikar: Without Star Wars Saga, The X Series wouldn't be what it is! . . . but look at this Zero would suck with out his saber and Sigma in x1 would not have had one either...
BattouArwix: Star Wars were not the first to come up with the laser sword idea.
Zeikar: What before 1977 came up with the laser sword idea?
Da Dood: The Bible. Lucas 19:77, "... And God said: Thou shalt hold it and *tzzzziummmm*."


Daimen: Really though THF/NIN is great at soloing
Daimen: At higher levels they have nearly 300 Evasion
Stiroch: Wait, 300?
Stiroch: Jesus
Daimen: Yeah, near 300
Stiroch: You could dodge Moses with that
Stiroch: And Moses is packing Hauby, Snipers+1 AND sushi
Stiroch: Though he always equips a Water Staff...
Stiroch: Don't laugh, he capped his "Lead Isrealites" skill
Daimen: Moses synthesized a Miracle+1.
Daimen: Moses's Lead Isrealites skill rises .3 points.
Stiroch: Damn, he can HQ AND skillup on the same item
Stiroch: Moses is just that 1337 I guess
Daimen: Duh, he had Image Support from Mt. Sinai
Daimen: ADVANCED Image Support
Stiroch: Meh, that's nothing
Stiroch: Jesus capped his Walk on Water skill with nothing equipped but a Robe and Sandals
Daimen: duhh that's cause Jesus is 75WHM
Minagichan: Wine tasting skills +10
Daimen: he was too HL for agro but then he used Cure IV too much and got agro
Stiroch: Yeah, but his Reraise takes 3 days to kick in
Daimen: luckily he had reraise
Daimen: Jesus had 100 Woodworking too
Stiroch: Duh, he was a carpenter


Disgaea pwned my girlfriend O_o'
     --Karmic Dragon2003


AussieKev: Is it just me or do the teenage boys in here not realise Nel isnt real?
durias42: Most people here have about as much chance of coming in contact with Nel as they do with someone like Pamela Anderson... thus I don't see how obsessing over one is any worse than the other.
Royboi: lmao durias... thats some wrong thinking. You see, Pamela Anderson is real... Nel isn't...
Eternals: Pamala Anderson isn't "real" either. Or at least parts of her aren't :P


PrettyBoyMarth: Did you guys hear? some guy just invented the WHEEL.
musouka: pics plz k thnx


*sigh* You know what? We need an anime about a secret organization of schoolgirls that use mechs to fight soccer moms and save the universe from political correctness.


I would imagine if you understood Morse Code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy
     --Mitch Hedberg


Her fault for making her hobby public. The true way to be an anime fan is to keep it hidden and be ashamed of it
     --x Row x


This idea alone could be how the PSP will be better than the DS...

With the DS, youre touch the screen... but with the PSP, you're touching yourself.
     --BADGE, about porn on the PSP


Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Fcuknig amzanig huh?


btw, the reason i have found that most melee dont pay attention to AM burst is because once a melee gets 100% tp they get excited. excited like a mithria's boobie just poped out and she dident notice XD ^^ =)


"The power of 1337 compiles you!"
     --Kris R.


"Ooo! I want an Indian name! ... Not Stormy! I'm 'He Who Smokes Bitches!'"
     --Stormy Waters, Sealab 2021


SsjBejitaf4: I've decided to become a Paladin Lawyer as my proffession
Kraft248: oh yea
Kraft248: whats the pay for that
SsjBejitaf4: so I can slay evil and win over the courts of justice with my mighty divine right!!
SsjBejitaf4: about 600 EXP an hour
SsjBejitaf4: not bad, for a paladin
Kraft248: not too shabby
Kraft248: do ya get overtime?
SsjBejitaf4: only when you have to deal with dark gods
SsjBejitaf4: maybe homocide cases, sometimes
Kraft248: hmm
Kraft248: benefits?
SsjBejitaf4: Immune from fear... Immune to all diseases... divine protection, paid vacations... yeah


Fry: Now he's trapped in a book I wrote. A crummy world of plot holes and spelling errors.
Brain: The Big Brain am winning again! I am the greetest! Ha ha ha ha ha! Now, I am leaving Earth, for no raisin.


leon leonheart: Whos faster? Shadow or Metal Sonic?
Mr Biz: I tehl yeh. It's mah wang.
Tails Ohki: That doesn't really say a lot for you.


Sure, that means less hours of gameplay, but who really enjoyed watching "Winged Slayer" over and over for billions of times in CoOT3 and BoE? I did that so much, I went to school thinking about "Winged Slayer"ing the 3X3 desks in front of me but couldn't because there was a desk in the spot in the back.
     --AceOfSpades7i4, about Disgaea


Aight, lay off the hentai you chicken polishers.


The average adult has one ovary and one testicle.




Gallionus: WTF IS 1337?
Shadowexe: it means cool
Shadowexe: 1=c 3=o
Shadowexe: 7=l