Let Us Begin

About Me
German Vacations
My Pets
My Online Journal/Blog
Flash videos
Capture The Flag auf Deutsch
Capture The Flag in English

March 7th, 2006

Added the Capture the Flag rules in German and English...nothing else ^^

March 1st, 2006

Well, It's been awhile because I still don't have my laptop. So I have discontinued the My Music site, because I have no time to record, and here In germany I have no way to record quality stuff. Without interference and static und so. So count that out. Also I have stopped football sure to expenses, but since I enjoyed it I will be putting their link up soon. When I have permission. I also haven't been blogging, but jsut writting in Word, so I wil transfer from Microsoft Word to here when I have the time. Birthday is in 9 days, I'm not excited. Going home in two months, and I am excited. Besides that, just working slowly on the flash videos and chilling. Thanks

February 17, 2006

I added another site, Flash videos. I then added a Valentine's Day video into that. Hope You enjoy them.

February 6, 2006

I added in a new site, Band Help up above. Due to the fact that I don't have a working laptop at the moment, updates will be much less frequent. In the meantime I am writing more songs and gathering some more pet photos. Soon, hopefully, I will have an awesome pet pic page and "My Music" up and running. Due to the fact that my laptop isn't working I can't upload my songs, so "My Music" isn't up yet. I've also blogged today, check it out for what#s up with me ^_^

January 31, 2006

Well I made some freakin cool animation and decided to make a starting page and then the homepage. So that's why this has all been moved. I also recorded some more of a song but that section won't come til much later.

January 30, 2006

Well, not much added. I haven't really had much time or will to work o nthis site much. I took the music site off the net because it's being worked on.

January 21, 2006

Hello everybody, Kyle here. Recently I've been asked to add an Update list, so this is the first one. I just found a way to put my own recorded music onto a webpage. Using tripod.com I've put some of my songs, original and covers on there. Only one right now, and it ain't too good. Fair warning, it sucks.

January 23, 2006

I began work on a nifty flash thingy for this starting page. Started writing another song and just flat out not doing anything else. Sorry.

Jeder hört was ich sage, doch keiner weiß was ich denke.
Jeder sieht mein Lachen, doch keiner erkennt wie ich in mir kämpfe.
Jeder gibt mir seine Hand, doch keiner ahnt wie ich mich fühle.
Jeder weiß alles besser, doch keiner weiß was über mich.
Jeder sieht mich, doch keiner sieht mich so wie ich bin.
Jeder meint mich zu kennen, doch wenige kennen mich wirklich...

Email: mastertickle45@yahoo.com